Xie Qi understood and immediately put down the white porcelain bowl in her hand.

The night wind sneaked into the small porch window and blew the candle inching.

In this moment of light and shadow.

Two people broke into the eaves, and the blade cut straight to the head of Yeli. They said in a hate voice, "demon girl, take your life!"

Yeli suddenly got up, grabbed Xie Qi's shoulder in one hand, carried the person behind him, and overturned the table to resist the blade of the two people above.

In the blink of an eye, the table cracked and the bowl fell to the ground. The two big men who came from the surprise attack of breaking the eaves were also knocked to the ground by the table. They rolled on the ground twice before they reluctantly got up. Their face was very ugly for the moment.

Yeli took Xie Qi to stand in the middle of Yajian, glanced at them, and said angrily, "aunt hasn't had enough!"

Xie Qi said reluctantly, "don't worry. I'll take you to eat something else later."

Night left looked back at him, "what else is it?"

Xie Qi didn't think about cableway: "as long as it's what you want to eat, anything can be."

They talked as if there were no one else and choked the two middle-aged men who sold knives.

One of them said angrily, "when Uncle kills you and avenges my dozens of brothers, I'll chop you up and drink!"

"Chop me up and drink?" the night is so big that I haven't heard such arrogant words.

She smiled gently and said to Xie Qi, "can you hear that he wanted to die himself."

Xie Qiwen said in a voice, "I heard it."

"That's good." Yeli pushed Xie Qi to the outside, then turned back slowly, stretched out his hand and took out the soft sword around his waist. At once, a sword stabbed the big man who had just said cruel words to him.

First she cut off the man's arm with a sword, and then cut off the man's tongue when he opened his mouth.

Among the lights, the sword shadow is mottled, and the splashing blood falls on the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls of Yajian. There are more red plum spots between the black-and-white landscape.

The man with a broken arm and a tongue fell to the ground and rolled in pain. The broken arm and knife fell not far from him and bled to the ground.

"Come on, come on!" another man with a knife stuttered with fear by her fierce appearance. He stepped back in panic and shouted, "brothers, come on!"

The windows on both sides of Yajian were caught by iron hooks thrown up. More than ten people jumped up with chains. People with swords and axes jumped in through the windows and rushed to the night with red eyes.

The sword in the girl's hand was not dry. She gently closed her eyes and waited until the crowd besieged her within three steps before she began to do it. As soon as she made a move, she broke people's arms or legs.

The long sword was waved fast and ruthlessly, and there was no expression on his face.

It was as if she was not killing at all, just cutting cabbage and radish.

Xie Qi stood not far from the outside looking at her, just across a bead curtain, but it seemed to be separated from heaven and earth.

He knew that those people were not enough to practice their hands for Yeli. He would only make her tied up in the past.

But my heart... Suddenly hurts.

However, a moment later, she was still threatening to kill the people of Yeli. Now she had no way to escape. She was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Yeli stepped on the chest of the person closest to her and asked, "who do you want revenge for?"

"My eldest brother! The dozens of brothers you tied into the city and put in prison today!" the man hurt his hands and feet and was trampled Purple by her. It's a rare hardness, "I can't kill today. I'm not as skilled as a man. Kill if you want! Don't humiliate my brothers!"

The night leaves to smell speech complexion as usual, a foot kicks a person to leave, tiny smile way: "I don't kill you, you Nai me what?"

The big man was angry and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood. He said angrily, "if you don't kill me today, if I find a chance in the future, you will be cut by the knife!"

"Wait until you live that day."

Yeli has always despised the cruel words put by others. She took the sword and took her hand. She walked out with light steps. The bell on her ankle rang clearly, which became the only sound in the elegant room.

Xie Qi stood behind the bead curtain and looked at her with her eyes as black as ink.

"Did you see that?" Yeli asked Xie Qi as she opened the bead curtain. "I can't be a soft and kind girl. I can never give up the blood on my hands and the hatred I have made. In fact, I don't even know who they are and why they want to kill me, but the sword in my hand moves faster than anyone else. Look..."

She raised her hand to show Xie Qi the blood on the sword, suddenly looked up, smiled at him and said, "no wonder you don't like me. Who dares to like a witch like me? Who will like it?"

"Li Li..."

Xie Qi had a lot to say to her. At the moment, they were all stuck in her throat, and thousands of emotions turned into this soft call.

Night away cut a crowd seven upside down and eight crooked, but now he is particularly sober.

She said to Xie Qi, "go back to Dijing, go back to your Xie family, and don't stay with me anymore. We... Are not passers-by. We barely get together to do what? We will be separated after all."

Night away for so many years, has never been so clearly aware that Xie Qi is a pure land in the world and an unreachable dream.

She guarded him and stubbornly tied him around because Xie Qi's good heart, compassion and love for thousands of things in the world are things she can't do in her life.

Until now, Yeli found that Xie Qi was more like a mirror to her.

The more kind and beautiful he is, the more cruel and vicious she is reflected on the other side.

What a terrible contrast.

Let her, the frightening little witch of the Western Chu, also begin to fear and fear that she will entangle Xie Qi again, which will make this beautiful and unreasonable person stained with dust and mud.

Yeli thought he was ridiculous now and said, "if you really want to repay me, give me silver. How much do you think your life is worth? How much silver do you give me..."

Before she finished, Xie Qi suddenly reached out and grabbed the long sword in her hand and protected her behind her.

The man whose arm was broken and his tongue was separated by night rushed out and cut it with a knife.

The blade was originally directed at Yeli's head, but now it fell on Xie Qi's shoulder, and the blood immediately dyed his blue clothes.

The long sword in Xie Qi's hand also pierced the chest of the man holding the knife, and the blood flowed down the sword and stained him with blood.

Ye Li was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he reacted. He slapped the big man and held Xie Qi in his arms. "Fool! How do you..."

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