Wuzhou boundary.

When Xie Wanjin woke up again, he found himself lying in a warm tent, covered with a thick animal skin blanket. His surroundings were very strange, but full of earthly smoke and fire.

Fourth childe's only thought is: Fortunately, it's still in the world.

As soon as he lifted the blanket and sat up, a 14-year-old girl came in, "you wake up! God bless you!"

The girl's beautiful hair was braided, with distinct facial features and beautiful face. She said it in Chinese mixed with female truth. After watching him for a moment, she ran quickly to call her elder brother.

Just as the fourth childe was about to get up, there was a sudden sharp pain in his feet. He lifted the animal skin blanket and sat up. He found that his feet were worn out, and his wounds were festering and swollen. He couldn't help but take a breath.

If it were someone else's foot, he would say cut it off.

But it was his own.

Xie Wanjin held Rongsheng in the snow. I don't know how long he walked. Before he lost consciousness, Rongsheng lying on his shoulder seemed to have nothing to do.

No matter how the fourth childe shouted, Rong Sheng didn't respond. In the wind and snow, only a few feeding vultures hovered over their heads. No matter how bluff and hard he drove them away, they refused to leave.

It seems that they have identified them as fish on the chopping board.

Xie Wanjin didn't want to experience the feeling when he fell down in his life.

The words fear of death or despair were too simple to describe his state of mind at that time.

Xie Wanjin used to sit in the splendid warm pavilion with a group of rich CHILDES and listen to music. He always heard them talk about yearning for the ends of the earth. It's hard to see the wonders of the world. He also talked about it several times in the snowy place in September. He wanted to see the wonders that few people have seen at that time, but the fourth childe really walked in the snow sea, I wandered in front of the gate of hell. Now I just want to slap myself at that time and kick those well fed bad friends to make them sober.

Is it uncomfortable to stay in the warm jade pavilion?

Or is it not good to lie in the rich country on earth?

Why do you want to be fresh when you are tired of living?

It's too cold in the snow. The wilderness is full of frost. The road ahead is endless. If you continue to walk or stop, you can only see a dead word.

The fourth childe was afraid and happy at the moment. His mind was full of chaos. After sitting for a moment, he suddenly remembered Rong Sheng.

Rongsheng won't be eaten by those vultures, will he?

His heart was in turmoil. He immediately went barefoot to the ground and went outside the tent.

The ground was covered with snow, cold to the bone.

But Xie Wanjin suddenly didn't feel it. He pulled the shepherd man coming up and asked, "what about the man who was with me?"

"Yes, that tent." the big man looked at his early thirties and looked simple and honest. Seeing that his face was so ugly, he quickly pointed to the tent next door and said in some blunt words: "he was badly hurt and hasn't woke up yet..."

Xie Wanjin couldn't say anything. His mind could hardly turn. He turned and drilled into the tent.

The big man said behind him, "shoes! You don't have shoes!"

Xie Wanjin had completely ignored it and rushed directly into the tent.

He saw Rong Sheng lying there quietly, motionless.

The oil lamp was lit in the tent. When the wind blew, the fire flickered slightly, so that Xie Wanjin's vision became blurred for no reason.

The young man lying quietly has white hair like snow, cold jade face, no blood on his lips and no vitality.

The fourth childe sucked his nose, slowed down, walked gently, carefully raised his hand and explored Rongsheng's breath.

And gas.

Xie Wanjin waited for a long time before he noticed Rong Sheng's breath. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He whispered to himself, "brother Rong, brother Rong, since I met you, my childe will have a short life of at least 20 years."

After the fourth childe murmured for a moment, the big man who had just spoken to him and the 14-year-old girl followed into the tent.

They could not help looking at each other when they saw him standing barefoot on the blanket talking to himself.

The girl couldn't help asking, "who is he? Why are you running out to find him without even wearing shoes?"

Xie Wanjin paused and did not answer this. He just opened his mouth to thank them for their help. At the moment, he could not say anything grateful. He could only bow again and again, and said in a voice, "thank you for your help."

They waved their hands and said, "it's just a matter of convenience. You're welcome..."

After talking, the girl said something to him. It was originally a pair of brothers and sisters. Her brother's name was aful and her sister's name was Pearl Jia. She was an ordinary shepherd in Wuzhou. When she went shopping with the horse team a few days ago, she happened to see several vultures circling to the same place. She felt a little strange, so she came up and looked.

On seeing this, I found Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng, who were about to freeze, and saved them.

The girl was very curious about the two outsiders and asked many questions. She was also curious about why they fainted in the snow. If she and brother happened to pass by, they would die.

Xie Wanjin has always been a talkative man, but when he learned that he had been in a coma for three or four days, and Rong Sheng woke up slowly, he was speechless.

The fourth childe couldn't help lowering his head, lifted the blanket on Rong Sheng's body, looked at the wound on his leg and found that it had been simply bandaged.

"The brother's leg was broken. There is no doctor here, and the injury medicine is very rare, so I helped him deal with it and bandage it. He was badly hurt, but he should still be able to recover as long as he gets medical treatment in time."

"Thank you very much. I will repay you if I have a chance in the future." Xie Wanjin's voice was hoarse. He raised his hand to help Rongsheng cover the blanket, then got up, folded his hands and solemnly saluted their brothers and sisters.

Seeing this, aful quickly gave him a hand and stumbling in stiff Chinese made him feel at ease to live here without worrying about anything else.

Pearl Jia said, "I'll get you something to eat."

When the brother and sister went out and Xie Wanjin was alone, he gradually recovered. His feet hurt so much that he couldn't stand. He simply sat beside Rong Sheng.

There is no familiar breath of Xie Wanjin in this foreign land.

This quietly lying Rongsheng has become his most familiar.

He raised his hand and peeled off Rong Sheng's scattered hair. He said in a dumb voice, "brother Rong, wake up quickly, or I'll leave by myself and leave you here alone to be a door-to-door son-in-law for other people's sisters. They must be happy to see you so beautiful."

When Pearl Jia came back with milk tea and pastry, she happened to hear him say this, but her Chinese was not good and could only understand half of it. She asked him blankly, "can he hear you talking to him like this?"

"Yes." Xie Wanjin looked up and smiled slowly. "He is very small-minded. He may not hear good words, but he will hear bad words."

Pearl Jia could not understand what he was talking about, but she really felt that this man smiled very well.

She was only looked at by Xie Wanjin, and her face turned slightly red. The girl put her food next to him and ran out quickly, leaving only one sentence, "drink a bowl of milk tea to get cold!"

Sitting there, Xie Wanjin was puzzled: I didn't do anything. What did the girl run?

But he was in a coma for so long and didn't eat. Now he was really hungry. He took the milk tea sent by the girl and ate the Shortcake. When he was full, the whole person warmed up.

When the fourth childe was full, he didn't forget to look back and say to Rong Sheng, "if you don't wake up, I'll eat all by myself?"

After he finished, he stared at Rong Sheng for a long time, but he didn't see any reaction from the man.

I'm going to perform another face rubbing method on the national master.

As a result, Xie Wangang stretched out his hand and put his palm on Rongsheng's cheek. Suddenly he saw him open his eyes. He was startled. He suddenly stepped back and sat down on the ground.

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