Someone on the side exclaimed, "what fell down?"

Xie Wanjin said, "what kind of life-threatening move is this?" before he could say it, the half person tall shadow knocked open the curtain of the car and saw that it was about to hit him on the head.

Rong Sheng, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly reached out and grabbed the dark shadow and threw it on the pile of sundries.

The National Teacher's sleeves flew. The next moment, the ball crashed into a pile of messy baskets and didn't move for a while. Suddenly, the thing falling from the sky was wrapped in several layers of black cloth, and I couldn't see what it was.

For a moment, there was a great movement. The carriages and horsemen in front of and behind were surprised by the sudden change, and stopped to look at it one after another.

The cold sweat on Xie Wanjin's temples came down. He didn't care about him at all. He just hugged Rong Sheng's legs and said, "fortunately, you're here, brother Rong."

If Rong Sheng hadn't stretched out his hand quickly just now, he would have been a fool if he hadn't been smashed to death.

Rong Sheng was held too tightly by him and was in pain. He could not help frowning and asked helplessly, "do you think my leg is not completely broken?"

"Ah... I'm sorry." Xie Wanjin quickly loosened his grip and apologized, "I was scared to death just now."

Mr. Rao has seen many assassinations over the years. He didn't expect that he would be killed by an unidentified object falling from the sky when he lifted a car curtain one day.

If it gets out, it will be more humiliating than being killed in an ambush.

He was afraid that those evil friends in Dijing would laugh on the spot when they mourned him.

Rongsheng didn't know that Xie Wanjin had thought so much in his heart. He glanced at the black ball in the corner of the carriage, "go and see what it is."

Xie Wanjin sat where he was, shaking his head like a rattle, "what if he bites?"

Rong Sheng was angry and funny. "If it can bite people, won't it come to bite you if you sit here and don't move?"

"How can this be the same?"

Xie Wanjin wanted to say a few more words. As a result, the master glanced at him and swallowed all the words behind him.

The fourth childe suspected that Rong Sheng wanted to beat him every day.

That is, he was smart and didn't give Rongsheng a reason to do it.

While they were talking, the leader of the horse team came over with four or five tall brothers, opened the curtain and asked, "brother ah Jin, what just fell down? Are you okay?"

"People are all right." when Xie Wanjin saw the people coming, he quickly let go of Rongsheng, helped the carriage to stand up, and motioned them to look at the black ball in the corner of the carriage, "I just don't know what it is."

He just finished.

The crowd heard a rustling sound and looked up one after another.

The round black ball stretched out and stretched out a small foot. A moment later, she shook and gave birth to another foot.

Then he kicked his feet and turned a somersault from the pile of sundries. As a result, he failed in half and rolled to Xie Wan Phnom Penh in a funny way.

Standing up for a moment, he simply sat down and looked up at Xie Wanjin, who was nearest to her.

The fourth childe was so frightened that he almost jumped up, but the space in the carriage was so small that he could only hide. He could only stand still and stare at her.

"Who are you, your children? How could they fall from the sky?"

Xie Wanjin didn't expect that the dark shadow Tuanzi falling from the sky was a little girl of five or six years old.

She was wrapped in rags, dressed in black, her hair was as messy as a chicken nest, her face was dirty, she couldn't see her original appearance, her eyes were big and bright, and she was obviously a beauty.

But this place is remote and desolate. There are no villages in front of them and no shops behind them. They haven't seen two ghosts all the way. The little girl suddenly fell from the sky. It's really strange.

But now it's getting dark.

Five or six people crowded in front of the carriage to discuss the strange arrival of the little girl, and talked about the strange event of no one in the wind and snow in the legend of the horse team.

Xie Wanjin listened to what they said and looked at the little girl closest to him. He couldn't help thinking carefully and was afraid.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Rongsheng's arm, lowered his voice and shouted "brother Rong."

But the fourth childe didn't have time to say something wrong with Rong Sheng. The leader of the horse team and a group of young people asked the little girl, "where did you come from?"

"Why did you suddenly fall down?"

"Where are your parents?"

The little girl who suddenly appeared didn't speak. Her dark eyes turned around and looked at the people one by one. Finally, she looked up at Xie Wanjin, stretched out her hand and hugged his leg. She opened her mouth and shouted, "Dad!"

The father's cry made the fourth childe feel like being struck by thunder.

I haven't calmed down for a while.

The wind and snow sneaked into the window and fell on Xie Wanjin's head and face. He was so cold that he woke up that he found that it was not only the little girl who had been looking up at him.

Even Rongsheng's eyes fell on his face and never moved away.

The fourth childe hurriedly said, "I, I haven't married yet. How can I have such a big daughter?"

"Dad!" hearing the speech, the little girl quickly hugged his thigh and cried loudly, "you left my mother, do you want to leave me now? You can't, can't do this..."

Xie Wanjin quickly bent over and covered the little girl's mouth. "Don't take you so wrong! You just suddenly fell down and almost hit me. I don't care about you. If you want to corrupt silver, it's really unfortunate. I don't have any money now."

"I don't want silver!" the little girl sniffed. "I want my father."

The fourth childe was speechless and said helplessly, "there are so many people here. Why do you have to call my father?"

The little girl answered, "you look good."

"I can't refute that..."

Xie Wanjin loosened his hand and couldn't help touching his chin.

Rongsheng glanced at him, looked at the little girl in front of him, and suddenly stretched out his hand to press her pulse.

The little girl shrank, but she didn't struggle. She let him feel her pulse.

It's quiet all around.

Just a moment.

Rong Sheng put his hand back to his sleeve and asked faintly, "where are you going? If you're on the way, you can take a ride. If there's another plot, I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"What are you talking about?" the little girl blinked and said innocently, "I don't understand."

Xie Wanjin leaned close to Rong Sheng, lowered his voice and asked in his ear, "what's up? Brother Rong, is this little girl human? Does she have a pulse? Is her pulse normal?"

Rongsheng nodded slowly.

The fourth childe quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be human.

This deserted place is really too much like those places where ghosts and monsters appear in strange legends.

Fourth childe Xie did not argue about everything, but he was afraid of death and took the first place.

He calmed down secretly, reached out his hand to pick up the little girl and asked the people crowded in front of the carriage, "it's a human, not a ghost or monster, and I don't know how to fall from the top. Is there any place to plug her? It's going to be dark right now, and it's not appropriate to throw her a little girl in the snow..."

People look at me and I look at you. I'm a little tangled for a moment.

The leader of the team was silent for a moment and looked up and said, "other places are full. You're still a little empty."

His meaning was obvious: if you want to take the little girl with you, put it in your carriage.

The fourth childe also knows that the girl's appearance is too sudden. It's really risky to leave her.

What's more, the horses have heard so many shocking and strange legends, and it's easy to have accidents on their way.

Xie Wanjin thought so and looked down at the little girl holding his thigh.

"Dad!" the little girl seemed to notice his hesitation and shouted, "you can't leave me, Dad..."

The fourth childe was a little hurt by her cry. He looked back at Rong Sheng. Seeing that he didn't look unhappy, he nodded to the crowd: "OK, let her keep me here."

He also knew it was not very good. A moment later, he said again, "please."

The leader waved his hand, "it's not a big deal."

Everyone in the horse team didn't say anything. They were all warm-hearted people. If they changed their daily life, they would not hesitate. However, the current environment and the horse team transported many things. For fear of any accident, they inevitably considered more.

The leader led the crowd to the front, blew a whistle and said in a loud voice, "hurry up!"

The people continued to whip their horses, and the carriage continued to bump.

Xie Wanjin looked down at the little girl who still kept holding her legs. She couldn't help laughing and said, "OK, let go."

"OK, Dad."

The little girl said she would let go as soon as she let go. She sat on the side and tried not to occupy space. She was too clever to speak.

When the fourth childe heard her cry for Dad, his mood inevitably became very subtle, "don't call my dad anytime..."

He said with Rong Sheng that he wanted to be a father. He served this man every day and wanted to take advantage of his mouth. He didn't really want to be a father!

The little girl looked at him for a long time, nodded seriously and said, "I see, Dad."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Didn't the little girl mean to annoy him?

As soon as I knew, I immediately shouted dad again.

He doesn't want to pick up a cheap daughter and go back. I don't know, he thought he had provoked romantic debt outside.

The fourth childe was thinking in a mess. He suddenly caught a glimpse of the little girl and wanted to speak again.

Look at the mouth, it's obviously a father again.

He hurriedly asked, "are you hungry?"

The little girl looked at him and nodded honestly.

Xie Wanjin took out a packet of beef jerky from the side and handed it to her. He took the kettle and handed it to her, "eat."

The little girl hurriedly took it over, showed him a big smiling face and added, "it's good to have a father!"

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

He sat down speechless and turned to look at Rong Sheng. Before he could speak, he heard Rong Sheng say, "Congratulations, brother Wanjin."

Xie Wanjin was confused, "where does joy come from?"

"Everything you want is done." Rongsheng's lips are slightly raised, "I like to be a father."

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