Three days later.

The horse team is about to arrive at Wuzhou City. They don't remember to lie on the window and lift the driving curtain with their short hands to look outside, "Dad! Dad! There are people there! There are many people..."

Xie Wanjin also sat in the carriage and whipped Rong Sheng. Looking in the direction pointed by the little girl, he saw that there were only thousands of people in and out of the city gate. For him, who had lived in the prosperous place of the imperial capital for many years, it was really not much.

He couldn't help laughing and said, "how many people are there? Don't remember, haven't you seen many people before?"

The little girl paused and whispered, "I haven't seen it."

After a while, she added, "we haven't seen anyone all the way..."

"HMM." Xie Wanjin was busy tying his hair to the national master and casually replied, "isn't it easy to see many people? Later, my father will take you to Dijing. In spring, you can see that there are all people in the dark. I'm sure you can see enough."

"Really?" the little girl's eyes lit up. "Then I must go to Dijing with my father."

While they were talking, Rong Sheng suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"I hurt you?" Xie Wanjin quickly lightened the action on his hand and said helplessly: "it can't be all my fault. Who makes your hair so long? I've braided you for several days, but it hasn't been done yet."

Rongsheng glanced at him, "who let you pierce it?"


Xie Wanjin deserves it very naturally.

It's not the first time that the national master pretended to be a girl. Originally, he was born with a handsome face and could not distinguish between male and female. It doesn't have to be too troublesome to dress for women. Just do it casually.

But the fourth childe said he couldn't be too casual. He had to say that the hair of those girls in Wuzhou City was braided. Since they want to go to the city safely, they should spend more time. The more gregarious they are, the better.

Rong Sheng couldn't argue with him, so he had to close his eyes and let him do it.

The fourth childe grew up so big that he didn't comb others too much. Previously, when he was at arfur's house, he just tied Rongsheng's hair with a hair band every day. It's really difficult for him to tie a flower.

But he said it himself, and he wanted to see Rongsheng's hair braided.

It's tiring, and he's looking forward to it.

So Xie Wanjin stopped and stopped these two days. He didn't give up. He was about to finish the last one.

"This is the first time I've braided for someone, so don't give me a look." he said with a smile. "I made clothes for the first time, braided for the first time, and walked in the snow with someone on my back for so long. Brother Rong, think about it for yourself. I gave it to you for the first time. You still want to beat me. Can you do it?"

Rongsheng's eyes looked at him faintly, "I really want to beat you now."

Xie Wanjin tied up the last braid, raised his hand and touched Rong Sheng's head. He said with great sincerity: "son, you don't think so well, good... Let's forget it."

Rong Sheng laughed angrily at him.

But I didn't remember. I listened very carefully and counted with my fingers, "the first time, the first time, the first time..."

The master turned and looked at the little girl.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin quickly reached out and carried the little girl aside for fear that she would be beaten.

Rongsheng looked at him with a smile.

Xie Wanjin took the courage to look at his eyes. When he saw the appearance of the national master's braids, he couldn't help laughing. "The braids are well tied, but there are some hair accessories missing. Let me see what to plug in."

As he spoke, he felt the hair band from his baggage. Before touching it, he heard the little girl nearby wrongly say:“ Dad, is your eccentricity a little obvious? "

The fourth childe didn't like to hear this. He immediately turned around and asked, "why am I eccentric?"

"See for yourself." I don't remember to lift my finger and point to my hair. "But if you help me get my hair with a whip, is it like this?"

"What's wrong with this?" Xie Wanjin raised his hand and grabbed the little tug on his head. He said with a smile: "I think it's very good. It's tens of thousands of times better than the chicken nest head when I just saw you. Why can't you distinguish beauty and ugliness?"

When the fourth childe first combed Rong Sheng's hair, the little girl looked at him eagerly and asked him to comb it.

Xie Wanjin looked at her chicken nest head. It was really a headache. She tore a pile off for her with three or two combs.

I don't remember howling in pain.

The howling one screamed miserably. Everyone in the horse team who was going all out on the road became alert and thought that the snow wolf was coming.

Xie Wanjin can't help it. It's not good to comb and pull at random. After taking two thin hair, he pricked two small branches for the little girl, and casually broke two twigs from the tree and inserted them into her head. Even if it's done.

Simple and lovely, and... People want to laugh at it..

But he didn't wash his face. He didn't remember that although his hair was no longer so messy, his ragged clothes were mended by the fourth childe. He barely changed from being inferior to a beggar to being slightly better than a beggar.

First, the little girl never thought of washing her face.

Second, the fourth childe also knew that the little girl of unknown origin was very strange. If her identity was more troublesome than that of him and the national master, she would have to be arrested as soon as she entered the city. So it's better to let her continue to be a little flower face, so that no one can recognize her 。

Don't remember, I don't know that Xie Wanjin has thought so much in her heart. Now she feels that this "father" is very eccentric.

The little girl turned her head and asked Rong Sheng, "Daddy, am I beautiful?"

Rong Sheng nodded and said, "beauty."

Don't remember to open your eyes and don't know what to say for a moment.

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "look, dad is not biased? You look good now."

Rongsheng looked at him and didn't speak.

The little girl raised her hand and touched the little tug on her head. She whispered, "will your eyes become blind after being with two fools for a long time?"

Her voice was too soft. Xie Wanjin didn't hear it clearly. He raised his hand and grabbed the little one he didn't remember. He asked, "what did you say just now?"

"No, I didn't say anything." the little girl almost jumped up. "Let go, Dad, don't pull my hair. If you pull it again, you'll be bald!"

Xie Wanjin smiled and loosened his hand. "You're so small. You're afraid of baldness. You'll grow back in a few days."

As he was talking, the leader of the horse team had arrived at the gate of the city. Everyone stopped and accepted them one by one Patrol. You can't go in until you're released.

Xie Wanjin pressed the little girl's head and asked her to sit down. He lifted the driving curtain and looked out, "Gee, the investigation in Wuzhou City is so strict 。”

He put down the curtain and looked back at Rong Sheng, "do you think I have foresight?"

The national master didn't answer him.

The fourth childe was not embarrassed. He opened his mouth again and said, "if I hadn't disguised you as a child's mother early, we wouldn't be able to get in at the city gate later."

Rong Sheng paused, gritted his teeth and said, "son, his mother..."

Xie Wanjin seriously suspected that the national master would start scolding him soon. He quickly said, "come here, the officers and soldiers come here. Shut up and don't talk!"

Rong Sheng swallowed back half of what he said.

The fourth childe said that there were officers and soldiers coming, but it was not completely deceptive. The guards of Wuzhou City were particularly strict with the passing pedestrians and carriages. After checking them one by one, they saw their carriage.

The head guard raised the curtain of the car with a knife and looked inside.

Xie Wanjin quickly looked at the past with a three-point smile and shouted like a poor people who had not seen the world: "officer."

The "son of a bitch" on his left and right followed with a fake smile.

At this moment, it looks like a family of three.

The guard opened his mouth and asked them who they were from, what goods they carried, and which house in the city they carried.

Xie Wanjin said hello in advance, so he didn't panic at all. He had to pretend that he hadn't seen the world and couldn't talk. It's hard to break his three inch smart tongue.

Just then, the leader of the horse team came over, stuffed some silver for the guard and explained one by one , The city keeper waved his hand and let them into the city.

Xie Wanjin watched as the guards left, and the curtain fell down. He was gently relieved.

Rongsheng's eyes looked at him faintly, "shouldn't you have learned to sing?"

After getting along these days, the national master doubted that Xie Wanjin could do anything except have children.

"Do you need to learn this? If you watch more, you will learn it naturally."

Xie Wanjin sat down and went into the city with the horse team. While looking at the streets in the city, he began to pack up the burden and other things.

The horse team crossed the street to the employer's house, but the car in which the fourth childe took stopped by the side of the road.

The leader of the carriage and the young man who took them to the carriage turned the horse's head and beat the horse towards them, "brother ah Jin, we have entered the city. We're going to the employer's house. It's inconvenient to take you again..."

"We'll save it here." Xie Wanjin quickly smiled and said, "I have relatives and friends here. Just go to them. Thanks to you all the way."

As he said this, he took the burden on his back, bent down to pick up Rong Sheng, got off the carriage, and jumped down without remembering.

They didn't bring anything, but it took no effort.

The leader of the horse team was afraid that they would not be able to join their relatives. He gave them a few instructions and told them that if there was nowhere to go, he could go to the rich family surnamed Xiao in the north of the city to find them later.

Xie Wanjin thanked them again and again, and confirmed that the horse team would spend the night in the house of a rich family surnamed Xiao in the north of the city. He wrote it down secretly and said some words to them before he said, "then I'll see you later."

After finishing their words, the horses drove away one after another.

The fourth childe stood where he was, put Rongsheng down, stretched out his hand to hold him, turned his back, and naturally bent down, "brother Rong, come up."

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