Xie Wanjin didn't hear him call himself "this seat" for a long time. He was in a trance for a while.

Just a self proclaimed, but it seems that a gap has been drawn between them in an instant.

The fourth childe was sitting on the side of the national master, but he felt that he was far away from himself.

For a long time.

He found his voice and said, "of course not, it's just me..."

Four childe All the way, I said that I was brother Rong's father, holding the heart of my old father, but at the moment, I suddenly couldn't say it.

"Just what?" Rong Sheng said in a cool tone: "to tell you the truth, there is no cold river in the world. The so-called method of looking for life extension is just that I have nothing to do and amuse you Just playing with you. "

The young man with beautiful face looked at him, his eyes narrowed slightly and smiled slowly. "Who knows that Mr. Xie is still serious. He served us all the way and traveled thousands of miles. He tried his best to make us feel unbearable."

"Rong Sheng!" Xie Wanjin frowned slightly and said, "what are you talking about? What do you mean there is no place in the world? What do you mean it's all teasing me?"

"It means literally, don't you understand? Just don't take yourself too seriously, Xie Yu." Rong Sheng seems to have changed back to the high national teacher with a mask. "You go back to your imperial capital and go where you should go. The two are irrelevant. Do you understand?"

Xie Wanjin understood every word Rong Sheng said.

But when they were all put together, he didn't quite understand.

The fourth childe stood up and looked down at Rong Sheng with a rare solemnity. "Rong Sheng, tell me the truth! Did you take the wrong medicine? Did you, ah?"

The national master who finally showed his ridicule was slightly stiff when he heard the speech. He almost couldn't hold it. After a moment, he said, "I lied to you before. What I said tonight is true."

"I... go to your uncle's Rongsheng!" Xie Wanjin wanted to pull him up and beat him, but when he was about to touch Rongsheng, he suddenly remembered the injury on his leg and had to force the fire down.

The fourth childe turned around, breathed out and accepted his breath. After several rounds of adjustment, he turned back and said to Rong Sheng, "I don't care what medicine you took wrong. In short, you have to honestly heal me. If you have anything to say when I come back from imperial capital, I'll let someone tie you to the bed to heal you, or you consciously lie on the bed to heal yourself. You can choose for yourself."

Rongsheng looked at him and suddenly smiled. He stood up in front of him and asked faintly with a smile, "what injury in the world can't be cured?"

Xie Wanjin looked at him and didn't speak.

"Xie Yu, you always boast that you are extremely smart. How can you be stupid when you get here?" the national master has a long body. It seems that the days when you can only lie in bed and can't move after those leg injuries have never passed. "Originally, I wanted you to play with me for another two months. Now I suddenly find that more interesting people have stayed together for a long time, but that's all."

His tone of voice was extremely indifferent, and his smile on his lips was very cold. Looking at Xie Wanjin, he asked, "you don't think there is really no one around this seat?"

Rong Sheng said, took a small cylinder from under the table, put the thread next to the candle, lit it, and threw it out of the window.

In an instant, purple fireworks burst into the sky and burst into gorgeous fireworks in the air.

A moment later.

Everywhere in the city, purple fireworks rushed into the air and burst out. They covered the snowy city of Wuzhou with a mysterious halo.

The fourth childe looked up at the fireworks in the snow, and the light and shadow floated in the peach blossom's eyes.

As the fireworks continued to bloom, dozens or even hundreds of maids in purple flew to the Changnian Township restaurant. They looked up and saw Rong Sheng by the window of the elegant room. They stopped in front of the building and knelt down piously: "see your master!"

There was no expression on Rong Sheng's face, but fireworks were reflected in his eyes.

Xie Wanjin suddenly smiled, "master, I've had enough of going down to earth and going back to heaven? That's really my thoughtlessness."

In fact, there's nothing strange.

How could the national master really be down to no one to rely on? It's just that he has been high for too long. He wants to come down to the world.

I've been walking long enough. Maybe I'm tired and want to go back to the top.

It's normal.

Xie Wanjin slightly hooked his lips, smiled a third, folded his hands, and saluted Rong Sheng. "As a layman, Xie Yu won't climb up to an immortal like the national master. With this ceremony, I thank the national master for helping my elder brother and sister-in-law in the capital of Western Chu."

In this way, he played down the wind and rain along the way and returned to the original.

Be polite and polite.

It's just that the sincerity in my eyes is scattered.

"Fourth childe, why are you so polite." Rong Sheng also smiled. "You've already repaid what you should have paid for accompanying us all the way. ”


Xie Wanjin said only one word and got up and went out.

When he walked behind the bead curtain, he suddenly remembered something. Looking back at Rong Sheng, "the national master's excellent acting skills are admired by Xie Yu."

Rong Sheng said with a faint smile, "accept."

"How dare." Xie Wanjin brushed away and bumped into Bu Ji when he came to the door.

The little girl just woke up and saw the fireworks all over the sky. She wanted to run over and call them to see it together. She saw that both of them were smiling, but there was no smile in their eyes. She couldn't help asking, "Dad, Dad... What are you?"

"Dad wants to go back to the imperial capital." Xie Wanjin grabbed it and asked the little girl, "are you with him or me?"

Don't remember to look at Rong Sheng standing not far away and Xie Wanjin. He couldn't help shrinking his neck and whispered, "I'm going to go to Dijing with my father."

Dad said that there are countless delicious food in the imperial capital.

And dad won't let her go. Is that still the choice?

"Let's go." Xie Wanjin led the little girl downstairs and walked out.

The cold wind swept in and blew the sleeves of the fourth childe, It also blew the cloud sleeves of the national master standing by the window.

Qing Er prepared the carriage early and took people to wait at the door of the restaurant.

Not far away are the purple maidens who came to visit the national master.

The two groups of people are not far away, but they are on each side of Qingyi and Zishan. There is a clear boundary between Chu River and Han Dynasty.

The fourth childe got on the carriage without looking back, but he didn't remember to look at Rong Sheng frequently.

He reached out and carried the little girl in. He raised his hand and motioned the green guards to put down the curtain.

As soon as the curtain was put down, the scene outside was completely invisible.

Don't remember to poke Xie Wanjin's arm with a small short hand, "Dad, why did I sleep, and you're going to separate from dad?"

Xie Wanjin didn't answer her, but Chao Qing said, "let's go."

"Yes, fourth childe."

Acting as a cart and horse, Qing Er immediately answered and rode his horse.

More than ten green guards rode along the side and galloped towards the city gate.

Don't remember in the carriage lifted the curtain and looked back. When he saw that Rong Sheng was still by the window, he couldn't help but curled his lips. "Dad, what are you doing so fast? Dad is still looking at us?"

The fourth childe stretched out his hand and dragged the little girl down. He looked at the man who didn't want to be rude through the gap of the car curtain. He was very helpless and lowered his voice and said, "if you don't go fast, your father can't stand."

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