juvenile Standing in the dark, I didn't speak for a long time, so I looked at her condescending.

Xie Xiaoliu raised his head and his eyes were full of fine stars.

After a long time.

Zhao Xi slightly hooked her lips and asked indifferently, "if I can't say well, what do you want?"

"That's me!" when Xie Xiaoliu just said these two words, he was quite powerful, but somehow he gradually weakened, "that's me..."

In fact, she doesn't know what she can do.

So I can only hold the boy, look at him eagerly, and say softly, "then I'll build a very large cage to lock you up for a lifetime, so that you can never escape and never hurt my brother."

Zhao Xi smiled and suddenly leaned down, lowered her voice and asked her, "Xie Zishu, what kind of cage do you want to close me in?"

The girl looked at Zhao Xi's face and enlarged it in front of her eyes. The light sandalwood on the boy came to her face.

She forgot her words for a moment.

The next moment, Zhao Xi took back her clothes from her hand and turned to the other end of the dark road.

Xie Xiaoliu stood there for a moment and wanted to shout at him. Suddenly he didn't know what to say.

She couldn't help thinking: What can we do to make the little monk be the simple little monk and make him different from his brothers all his life.

Do you really want to build a gold and jade cage to keep this man in prison forever?

Xie Xiaoliu suddenly has a headache. Maybe she hasn't done anything that needs her attention for too long. It's hard to avoid being upset at the moment.

But Grandma and they were still waiting for her to return to the house. If they found out she was not here at this time, they would be worried.

Xie Xiaoliu couldn't think much about Zhao Xi. He quickly turned and walked up the steps and climbed out of the dark way.

As soon as she poked her head out, she saw Xie Xiaoliu's face. She was so frightened that she almost fell down again.

Fortunately, Xie Xiaoqi was quick in eyes and hands. He reached out and fished her up.

"Where have you been? Grandma and aunt are dying of anxiety. ” Xie Xiaoqi frowned and said, "I can't find you anywhere in the city. My grandmother has sent someone into the palace to report to my eldest brother. At present, I'm afraid the city has been closed and I'll dig three feet to find you."

The boy had a round face with some meat, but as he grew up, the outline became more and more clear It's a dragon and Phoenix fetus from a mother's fetus. It looks like it was carved in the same mold. Now there are only seven or eight points left.

Xie Xiaoliu was more and more worried about what he said. He ran to his grandmother with his skirt and said to Xie Xiaoqi, "I'll go to my grandmother and admit my mistake. Go and tell my elder brother that I'm fine. Please don't stir up the crowd!"

"OK." Xie Xiaoqi answered. Just about to go out, he saw that she ran too fast and almost fell. He couldn't help turning back and said, "slow down!"

"I see! Go quickly!"

Xie Xiaoliu ran to the brightly lit place in front without looking back.

Old lady Xie, Xie Yucheng and a group of young ladies and waitresses were all in the garden.

Mrs. Xie couldn't stay in bed because she was ill. From time to time, she sent the maid around her to ask, "is the third lady back?"

Xie Xiaoliu saw this scene not far away. Suddenly his eyes were red and he shouted in a dumb voice, "Grandma!"

Old lady Xie and the others looked back at the sound and immediately looked happy.

"Xiao Liu is back!"

"Miss six!"

"Where have you been, Miss Liu?"

The voices of the people came and went, full of worry.

Xie Xiaoliu ran over, stood in front of old lady Xie, lowered his head and gently called "grandma..."

Mrs. Xie was ecstatic at first, then angry, "Xiao Liu! What are you doing alone? The more you grow up, the less sensible you are!"

The old lady who always dotes on her grandchildren has red eyes and will slap Xie Xiaoliu when she raises her hand.

Seeing that her slap was about to fall, the girl stood still and said in a low voice, "it's Xiao Liu's bad, which worries grandma. As long as you can calm down, you can beat me and punish me. Xiao Liu will never dodge."

"You..." old lady Xie was so soft hearted when she heard such words from a lovely little girl. She couldn't fight with her raised hand, so she put it down.

"Grandma!" seeing this, Xie Xiaoliu plunged into old man Xie's arms, hugged her and whispered with a slight cry, "I'm wrong. Grandma... I'm wrong. I'll never do this again. Don't be angry. Punish me..."

Old lady Xie can't say anything about punishment when she hears the speech.

Holding the petite and thin girl, she seemed to see her little daughter, The old man burst into tears and said, "my little six! If something happens to you, how can grandma live?"

Xie Xiaoliu felt more and more guilty when he heard the speech“ Grandma... "

She secretly decided not to do such a thing that worried her grandmother in the future.

But just then, Mrs. Xie shook slightly, and it was obvious that she couldn't stand.

Seeing this, Xie Xiaoliu quickly hugged her and burst into tears: "Grandma! Grandma, what's the matter with you?"

"Mother!" Xie Yucheng on the side also quickly stretched out his hand to help, "mother, you are calm and calm. Isn't Xiao Liu coming back well?"

A group of boys and waitresses were in a hurry.

Mrs. Xie patted Xie Xiaoliu on the back and said softly, "it's all right. Grandma's all right. It's all old problems. Don't be afraid."

The girl raised her sleeve, wiped her eyes and whispered, "as long as grandma is all right, Xiao Liu is not afraid. Grandma, stop talking. I'll help you back to the house and have a rest."

Old man Xie looked at her for a long time and answered slowly, "OK."

Xie Xiaoliu and Xie Yucheng hurriedly helped old lady Xie to the Songhe hall and asked the maid to invite the doctor.

Halfway through, old lady Xie suddenly thought of Xie Heng and couldn't help but stop, "Yucheng, send someone to tell Dongfeng that Xiao Liu is back and let him stop bothering those people outside."

Xie Yucheng said in a warm voice, "yes, mother."

"Grandmother, third uncle." Xie Xiaoliu whispered, "Xiao Qi has gone just now."

Old lady Xie patted her hand and went on to Songhe hall without saying anything.

This night, Xie's family was very frightened.

Xie Xiaoliu helped the old grandmother lie down and asked someone to make ginseng tea and serve her to drink some. After a long time, he didn't want to leave.

Old lady Xie also kept holding her hand.

She simply asked her third uncle and a group of maids to go back and sit in front of her grandmother's bed.

The fire in the room flickered slightly and was warm.

The grandparents and grandchildren said a lot.

Mr. Xie said, "you are a girl of my Xie family. With the protection of your brother and the love of your elders, you don't need to be so talented and virtuous. You can live a safe and rich life. But Xiao Liu, how smart and clever you were when you were a child. Now you don't know the greatness of heaven and earth because of the protection of others. Have you forgotten the danger of people in the world?"

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