Wuzhou City.

After Rongsheng entered the city, he lived in the Changnian Township restaurant. A group of maids in purple often went in and out here, and completely regarded the restaurant as their own territory.

Although Wei Song thought the atmosphere was a little strange, he didn't say anything. After all, he was a fourth childe... It's OK for him to live here.

It is because the great man is staring at their restaurant's eyes very much now. The ordinary guests dare not come back. The business suddenly becomes depressed. He is afraid that he will not earn money. He can't sleep well at the end of the year when he gives the account to the emperor.

Wei Song sighed in his heart and looked up at the elegant room on the second floor.

When the wind blew the curtain, several maids bowed their heads and retreated, and some people came in quietly.

Rongsheng sat by the window and looked at the vast snow outside, with no expression on his face.

No one knows what he is thinking.

The maid in purple whispered, "I tell you, master, Mr. Xie has arrived in Beijing safely. Now he has served his mother at home."

Rongsheng didn't speak, just raised his hand and motioned her to step down.

The maid in purple wanted to say anything more, but she had to bow down and retreat.

As a result, as soon as the maid came to the door, she saw a white hand as jade. She lifted the curtain first.

Rong Sheng, who had been enjoying the snow, suddenly turned around and looked. All the maids in the house were nervous and hurriedly looked over along the line of sight of the national master.

I saw someone stirring up the curtain of the door and slowly stepping in. He was dressed in white and spotless, with a white fox fur behind him. His face was expressionless, as if the whole person was like frost and snow, and his whole body was sending out a bone chilling cold.

The astonishment of the ladies in purple had not dispersed, and they were shivering with cold.

It seems that as soon as he came in, the room became much colder.

"Xie Yu?" Rong Sheng was a little surprised, slightly hooked his lips and showed a little smile. "Did you come alone?"

Xie Yu had almost no expression on his face. He returned very quickly. "He came alone."

Rong Sheng raised his eyebrows, "what are you doing here?"

Xie Yu said faintly, "entrusted by others, let's have a look at you."

When he said this, he looked too serious.

Rong Sheng was stunned.

Xie Zhen went straight to him, looked at him condescending, and asked expressionless, "is your appetite good recently? Is your injury getting better? Mood..."

Rong Sheng couldn't help interrupting: "if the chief assistant doesn't say such words, this seat can be better."

The chief assistant seems to have taken the wrong medicine.

Even if they think it's good for them to stay in Uzhou City, don't you have to do this?

The master couldn't help thinking: don't you think my life is too long and want to break some more longevity?

Thank you.

If the fourth childe hadn't sent someone to take care of Rong Sheng from time to time, he would have prepared what to say in advance.

According to Xie Yu's nature, I can't say such words with people in my life.

What are you talking about?

However, no matter how cold you are, chief Fu can't stand the competition like the fourth childe. No, he's still here.

The words are also hard to say.

It was his brother Rong who interrupted because he couldn't stand it. No wonder he did.

Xie Xuan felt that he had finished what he should do. Although he was a little embarrassed now, he was used to his expressionless face. At this moment, he was stunned. He only said faintly: "those words just now are what Xie Wanjin wanted to ask."

Rong Sheng was speechless for a moment: "...."

That's not surprising at all.

Rongsheng soon calmed down and raised his hand and said, "chief assistant, please sit down."

Xie Xuan was not polite to him, so he slowly sat down on one side.

The maid in purple hurried forward to make tea and serve lamps.

Snow was flying outside the window, and a thick layer of eaves was accumulated on the ground.

It was getting darker and darker.

Even in the daytime, lamps are lit in the house. Only with this light can you not hurt your eyes.

Rong Sheng and Xie Yu have also dealt with each other before, but one has a strange temper, the other is reluctant to write words like gold, and the following people are fighting each other. It is difficult for the two masters to say a word.

Now the Western Chu has returned to Dayan, and his Highness has become the queen of Xie Heng. Naturally, there is nothing to contend with.

Now they sit opposite each other, and there is another Xie Wanjin between them. The atmosphere is even more different.

Rong Sheng took the lead in saying, "Lord Shoufu ventured to find this seat, but what else is important?"

Even if Xie Heng really wants to come, he should come quietly in the dead of night.

Are you afraid that the LORD would not know that he came to this seat?

Xie Xuan looked at him and guessed what the people of National Normal University wanted. In his usual tone, he said, "it's nothing important, but it's more convenient in the day than after night."

Rong Sheng was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask. He just picked his eyebrow.

Lord Shoufu said nothing important, but if it's really all right, why is he still sitting here?

Peking University King's hospital is not big enough?

Not enough for him to breathe?

So you came to him for tea?

Rongsheng didn't ask him, so he sat quietly and drank tea slowly.

After a while.

Xie Yu suddenly put down the tea lamp in his hand and said to Rong Sheng, "can you hold back around?"

Rong Sheng thought: Here we are.

The chief assistant of Dayan, the third childe of the Xie family, is finally coming to ask questions.

Rong Sheng greeted Xie Wanjin dozens of times, but his face was still silent, and his tone was as usual: "you all step back."


All the ladies in purple wondered what the chief assistant came for, but the national teachers asked them to step down, so they had to bow their heads and step out.

For a time, there were only Rong Sheng and Xie Yu left in the whole room.

In fact, there was no one in the whole restaurant. It was quiet and more urgent outside.

Both of them were very calm in the room.

Rong Sheng smiled. "What does chief Fu want to say with us? Go ahead."

Xie Xuan looked up at him. His eyes were as black as ink, and his face was serious.

He asked, "what do you want from my fourth brother?"

When Rong Sheng heard the speech, the radian of the rising lips became more and more obvious. "Why don't you ask Xie Si what he wants to do so well for this seat?"

These words were sent back to Xie Yu intact by him.

Lord Shoufu has been involved in many cases over the years. He is busy every day, but he never touches anything else.

Let him figure out what the relationship between the fourth childe and Rong Sheng is. It's better to ask directly.

But Xie Wanjin's mouth, a deceitful ghost.

I can't ask anything.

So he simply asked Rong Sheng.

But Xie Yu suddenly found that the national master was more cunning than the fourth childe.

It's not a way to play charades all the time. You still have to be more direct.

So he pondered for a moment, frowned slightly, and said again, "where are you...?"

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