imperial garden.

Wen Jiu was talking to Xie Wanjin. He smiled with curved eyebrows, and the waitresses on his side also snickered.

The fourth childe was very helpless and said slowly, "I really can't tell. I want to find my eldest brother..."

As soon as he mentioned his eldest brother, several internal attendants hurried over not far away, "madam! Tell her... Your majesty suddenly fainted in the political hall."

"What are you talking about?"

The smile in Wenjiu's eyes faded away in an instant.

She'd rather just listen.

So he asked again in a slightly hoarse voice, "you say it again."

Several servants were sweating, "Your Majesty, your majesty, he suddenly fainted. Please move and drive quickly and have a look."

Warm wine heard clearly, and his face turned white.

She didn't say anything. Qiang turned calmly and walked to the political hall, but she was in a panic. She walked too fast and stumbled forward.


The maids in the rear exclaimed one after another.

Xie Wanjin's eyes were fast, and he hurried forward to help him. He whispered, "ah Jiu, don't panic first..."

In fact, the fourth childe was very flustered himself.

In the past, the eldest brother was responsible for all the major events in the family. Even if he was not at home, thanks to the reputation of the little Yama and the blessing of the third brother, nothing could give the fourth childe a headache.

But now there is something wrong with Xie Heng's pillar, but the third brother is also far away in Wuzhou.

Xie Wanjin took a deep breath, warmed the wine with a voice that only two people could hear and said, "maybe it's not a big deal, maybe it's just that the old ministers in the political hall are too annoying. The elder brother didn't want to talk to them, so he pretended to faint. Let's, let's be steady, go over and have a look before talking."

In fact, the fourth childe knows very well.

This can't be a joke.

Although Xie Heng acted out of line and never followed the rules when he became an emperor, he could never do such a thing as pretending to faint in the political discussion hall. If the news leaked out, he was afraid that the world would be in chaos immediately, and he was reluctant to let ah Jiu worry about him.

The fourth childe couldn't help telling such a lie to appease the warm wine for a while.

Wen Jiuqiang calmed himself down and followed the words of the fourth childe: "go and have a look first."

She can't panic.

Whatever happens.

Can't panic.

If Xie Heng is really ill, she has to support the big Yan Jiangshan for him.

The hands under Wenjiu's sleeves folded into fists and tried to make her voice sound the same as usual, but she couldn't make any sound. She just said one word, "go."

Not long.

Wen Jiu and Xie Wanjin rushed to the political hall with a crowd.

The man Dynasty's civil and military were scared to turn blue and white. They were in panic. When they saw the empress coming, they asked, "empress, what's the matter with your majesty? You've been fine before. How could you suddenly faint?"

A senior minister said, "Your Majesty's safety is a major event of the country. If you have an old injury or hidden disease, please tell her truthfully. It's not the minister who wants to spy on your Majesty's private affairs. Since ancient times, there has been no private affairs in the heavenly family..."

Wenjiu had no expression on his face and brushed away the crowd.

She was tied to Xie Heng. She didn't have time to tangle with these individuals. She only threw down two words, "retreat!"

Seeing this, Wang Liang, standing on the white jade step, quickly brushed the dust and said in a high voice, "retreat!"

Most of the ministers bowed their heads and retreated. Even if they were worried about your majesty, it was best not to make trouble at this time.

It happened that those ministers kept asking and shouting.

I can't even bear the warm wine that has become more and more good tempered since I became a national Mother.

As she walked quickly to the Dragon seat, she didn't look back and said in a cold voice: "those who refuse to go, go directly to the dark prison!"

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

Xie Wanjin and Wang Liang led the palace attendants to "bang people" politely.

Wen Jiu ran up the white jade step with his skirt. When he came to Xie Heng, he suddenly slowed down again, walked to the Dragon seat and squatted down.

Dressed in a black dragon robe and wearing a crown, Xie Heng sat quietly on the Dragon chair. His eyes were closed and there was no expression on his face.

Wen Jiu reached out to pull his sleeve and gently shouted "Xie Heng."

Xie Heng had no response.

Seeing this, the waiter hurried forward and whispered, "madam, your majesty just fainted. The imperial doctor will come right away. Don't worry too much. Take good care of the Phoenix body..."

Warm wine seemed not to hear at all. He raised his trembling hand and explored his breath.


I really passed out.

But warm wine can't relax.

Xu Shi had a good time after returning to Dayan. Xie Heng was there no matter what big or small things. She just had to be happy every day.

The most distressing thing is that I haven't been able to have a child even though I keep taking messy tonics.

Wen Jiu never thought that Xie Heng would suddenly have an accident.

This is like a bolt from the blue.

Wen Jiu slowly stood up and put one hand on the Dragon chair. He barely stood firm. He said in a dumb voice, "go and see where the imperial doctor is."

Just as the waiters were about to answer, they heard her say, "it's still too slow, Directly ask the green guards to bring the imperial doctor. Hurry up. "


The chamberlains answered one after another, turned around and rushed outside the hall.

For a time, only Wen Jiu and Xie Heng were left in such a large political hall.

The wind swept in and roared in the hall.

It looks more and more empty here.

Wen Jiu looked at Xie Heng in a coma. Tears swirled in his eyes, but he insisted that he could not fall.

She stretched out her hand to take off the imperial crown on Xie Heng's head, put it on the imperial table, leaned over and said to him in his ear, whispered: "the imperial crown is too heavy, isn't it? I'll take it off for you. You can sleep well, and wake up to accompany me when you have a good rest, okay?"

She knew it was tiring to be an emperor.

Also know his smile, his rare leisure, his tenderness and patience, all gave her.

She got the best thanks in the world.

But Wenjiu always felt that he was not good enough for him.

She lifted her sleeves and wiped away the sweat from Xie Heng's forehead, then bowed her head and gently kissed his eyebrows.

After a long time, I slowly stepped back and looked at him from a distance.

Xie Wanjin and Wang Liang, who had just dismissed all the old ministers, came into the hall. They couldn't bear to see this again and bowed their heads one after another.

Warm the wine as if you didn't notice someone coming in.

"Ah Jiu, it's all right." Xie Wanjin couldn't help it. He quickly jumped onto the white jade step, walked to the edge of the Dragon chair, looked at the quiet Xie Heng, seemed to be comforting Wen Jiu, would be like comforting himself, and then said, "it's all right, ah Jiu."

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