Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help picking his eyebrows. He quickly pulled Qingqi aside and turned around. He was embarrassed to take a more look.

Piansheng Qingqi also had an expression of "it can still be like this" and muttered to himself: "this method is good. It can be used when giving medicine in the future..."

The fourth childe couldn't help but put his hand over his mouth, lowered his voice and said, "shut up and don't quarrel with my eldest brother."

Qingqi was forced to shut up.

The two secretly looked back at each other. They saw warm wine with another mouthful, bent over and hurriedly turned around as if they didn't see anything.

The fourth childe is also a person who has seen many big scenes. He is calm.

But Qingqi blushed a little obviously.

Xie Wanjin shifted his attention and asked in a low voice, "why hasn't lord Ji found you after so long?"

"Lord Ji is busy. ” Qingqi whispered, "there are many celibates older than me ahead. They can't turn me so quickly."

Listen to this tone, I hate to marry.

The two whispered.

Before long, warm wine finished feeding a bowl of soup and medicine.

She separated the empty bowl on the small table beside her bed and made a slight sound.

Qingqi hurriedly walked over to get it, and whispered a few words of don't be too worried.

Originally, he wanted to stay in the bedroom and guard in front of his Majesty's couch. Seeing the appearance of warm wine, he took the initiative to say: "the princes are outside the hall, the empress is summoned at any time, and the princes are there."

Wen Jiu said in a hoarse voice, "go out first."

Xie Wanjin, who was a few steps away, looked at Xie Heng on the couch and immediately said, "then I'll go home and talk to my grandmother and parents so that they won't be worried."

Wen Jiu nodded and said, "OK."

Xie Wanjin stood for another moment, then went out with Qing Qi Yi, and took the door of the temple with him.

For a time, only Wen Jiu and Xie Heng were left in the whole bedroom.

Warm wine, take a handkerchief, slowly wipe the drug stains on his lips, bend over and whisper in his ear: "if you want to sleep, sleep well. I won't disturb you. When you wake up, I'll..."

She said, suddenly stopped and smiled helplessly, "forget it."

Wen Jiu folded the veil and put it aside. He reached out and gently smoothed his slightly wrinkled eyebrows with a very gentle tone. "When you wake up and shout ah Jiu, I won't care about anything with you. You... Have a good sleep."

Qing Qi refused to tell her.

She had already guessed seven or eight in her heart.

Previously, when he was in the Western Chu Dynasty, the wedding date had been booked, but Xie Heng suddenly said something He was poisoned and had to go round the house with her to have a happy event to solve it. At that time, Wen Jiu had been poisoned by bone hatred for a long time. He was often confused and confused in memory. He was really blinded by him.

Now that she had recovered as usual, she naturally understood that what Xie Heng said that day was just a lie that he confused black and white.

At that time, the poisoned people were warm wine. If they did not use that method as soon as possible, the people whose lives could not be guaranteed would also be warm wine.

But Xie Heng cheated her by relying on her unclear mind at that time, and has been hiding it until now.

But Wen Jiu knew even if he couldn't remember clearly that after he was brought to the Western Chu by Rong Sheng, the national master tried his best to treat her, and it took him three years to achieve his wish.

Can such a dangerous poison be solved by having fun with your sweetheart.

I'm afraid Xie Heng had already noticed that he was ill, so he would often entrust those political affairs to the third childe.

But she never noticed it. She always said that he was slippery and idle, which tired the chief auxiliary and the ministers under him.

Warm wine didn't say anything, For fear of quarreling with Xie Heng, he bent over Xie Heng's pillow and only pondered these things in his heart.

Tears quietly ran across the cheeks and penetrated into the pillow, leaving traces of different depths.

She tried not to make any noise, but rubbed Xie Heng's jaw with her forehead, gentle, intimate and careful.

Wen Jiu closed his eyes and said to Xie Heng in a very light voice, "I'm here with you. Don't sleep too long... OK?"

Xie Heng on the couch can't hear.

He had a dream.

Strange and true.

In the dream, there was a towering palace, covered with dark clouds, which made people breathless.

He became a wandering soul and stood on the eaves of the palace overlooking all living beings.

He saw a man as like as two peas in his own life. Wang Paogang, dressed in a dark red dragon, came out of the hall of government, and saw him everywhere. When he said "Regent Wang Wan'an", he actually wanted to step back three hundred miles.

He was in a very bad mood. Everyone seemed to owe him three million Liang, so he ignored everyone and went down the steps alone and walked on the long palace road.

After walking a few steps, it suddenly rained cats and dogs.

Someone shouted behind him, "Lord! Lord, please stay."

The Regent in the Dragon King's robe walked alone in the rain,

He called his Chamberlain and hurried forward to deliver the umbrella. He whispered, "it's raining hard. Please take an umbrella."

The man didn't take the umbrella. He just glanced at the waiter. "I don't like to take an umbrella. Take it back."

The little waitress immediately knelt down trembling.

He just didn't like holding umbrellas, but the ministers walking behind had whispered, "Xie Heng is really more and more arrogant. The emperor kindly asked the Chamberlain to let him send umbrellas, but he disobeyed the holy will!"

"Yes, if someone else had changed, he would have been beheaded."

"Xie Heng dared to be so presumptuous to the emperor by relying on his military power!"

Xie Heng, the wandering soul standing on the eaves, listened to these personal words clearly. He didn't know whether the Regent at the bottom heard it or not.

Anyway, the man didn't say anything. He was caught in the rain and went straight out.

"Xie Heng?"

The wandering Xie Heng shouted to the Regent.

This dream is as like as two peas, but the same name is the same as his family name. It is worse than the time when he entered the capital city.

Miss this time, I'm afraid I'll never meet again, but I have to have a good talk.

The man didn't answer and didn't look back.

But he was suddenly blown off the eaves by a gust of wind and went out of the palace with the Regent.

This man may not be happy. There was no carriage to pick him up in such a heavy rain. He just rode away by himself.

Behind them were carriages and sedan chairs from various families.

This contrast made him more lonely.

The ghost Xie Heng just floated with the wind and looked at the Regent riding on the long street in the rain.

Fortunately, the rain was heavy and there were few people in the street.

Otherwise, he'll kill several people.

Wandering soul Xie Heng thought and felt that the Regent was really poor. If it were him, he would be known by ah Jiu on a rainy day, and he might be distressed.

Let's see the wayward appearance of this man. He must be a man who doesn't hurt.

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