Xie Wanjin's hands trembled uncontrollably. He wasted a lot of effort to push away the snow and frost, and then he saw Rong Sheng's face which was blue and white with cold.

The young man sat cross legged in the ice and snow. He didn't know how long he had been frozen. The whole man turned into an ice sculpture. He was generally cold and didn't have any vitality.

"Rong Sheng!" the fourth childe shouted to him. He quickly took off his cloak and covered Rong Sheng. Then he even hugged the cloak and tried to warm him with his own body temperature.

"Rong Sheng! Wake up!" Xie Wanjin lost his countenance in a moment, as if the calm town he had trained in business over the years must have turned into fly ash.

He held Rongsheng's hands together and rubbed them hard. He drank hot air heavily on the boy's face and said in a dumb voice, "how long have you been sitting here?"

The master who always choked him on weekdays was silent at the moment, and there was no sign of waking up.

There is a vast expanse of white around, the glacier is endless, and the world is quiet.

Xie Wanjin was very confused. He was afraid that Rongsheng would keep his eyes closed and could no longer give him any response.

After rubbing Rongsheng's hand, the fourth childe rubbed his face again, trying to make this ice sculpture like teenager get a little popularity.

He said to him in a hoarse voice, "you've come here... Hanchuan is on the ice steps! Wake up! As long as you open your eyes and look at me... I'll climb up with you on my back!"

But Rongsheng didn't seem to hear him at all.

The boy is very quiet.

Quietly let Xie Wanjin start to be afraid.

"You..." the fourth childe choked. "Are you sure you don't open your eyes... I will carry you up? So you deliberately ignore me? How can you be so calculating?"

As he spoke, his eyes were sour and could not open. He raised his hand and wiped his eyes.

Just then, a snow like bead suddenly fell out of his sleeve, rolled to the ground and broke in an instant.

Xie Wanjin was a little strange. He didn't know what the beads were made of. He didn't remember what the little girl gave them. He took them out and studied them several times along the way. He couldn't see whether they were made of material, broken or hot.

Now I fell into the snow, but there was a crack in an instant.

The fourth childe suddenly recalled that when he left home, he didn't remember to give him the beads. At that time, he said vaguely, "why do you ask so much? Take it for you. It's useful anyway."


The little girl was very strange. She fell from the sky and smashed into their carriage for no reason. She was not smart at all like a little girl of five or six years old.

Maybe... She came out of Hanchuan!

Thinking like this, he suddenly had some hope in his heart. He quickly looked down and saw that the bead shook gently in the snow, and then made a slight crack.

In an instant, the bead was completely broken. A snow-white butterfly came out of it, waved its wings and flew towards Xie Wanjin.

Seeing this, the fourth childe quickly stretched out his hand to pick it up. The snow-white butterfly slowly stopped in the palm of his hand. It felt colder than ice and snow.

Xie Wanjin's hand trembled slightly. The butterfly only stayed in his hand for a moment, then spread its wings and flew towards the ice stone forest.

The fourth childe held Rong Sheng and watched him hover in front of the ice stone.

Soon, countless snow-white butterflies flew from the height of the ice steps. The ice stone in front suddenly moved to both sides. Those butterflies came together and landed on Rong Sheng.

Xie Wanjin's arms were full of butterflies because he was holding the boy.

He didn't know if it was an illusion. It didn't seem so cold since these little guys fell on him.

He remembered that Rong Sheng was always surrounded by butterflies. He once talked and laughed with his two brothers and said what hobbies the state teacher of Western Chu had. The woman in the boudoir had nothing to do to embroider and flutter butterflies. What did he mean by keeping so many butterflies with him?

It's just that those Rongsheng are purple, blue and seem to be poisonous, and these white

Before the fourth childe figured out why, he suddenly saw Rong Sheng surrounded by white butterflies and opened his eyes.

"Rong Sheng!" Xie Wanjin wanted to shout excitedly, but his voice was hoarse and only made a very slight sound.

The ice and snow on the boy's body were melted by the butterflies. His long eyelashes were covered with a layer of frost. There was no expression on his face, and his pupils were empty.

"Rong Sheng, Rong Sheng!" the fourth childe, no matter how ugly his voice was at the moment, hugged Rong Sheng and began to shout, "when you wake up, say a word! If you can't say it, just say it! It's really impossible. You can blink your eyes! You scared me to death! I......"

Rongsheng looked at Xie Wanjin, and the empty pupil gradually had vitality.

He blinked slowly, then squeezed a low voice out of his throat, "ah."

"Ah ah!" Xie Wanjin almost cried and immediately shouted several times with Rongsheng in his arms.

Because his voice was too hoarse and ugly, most of the butterflies were scared away by him.

The fourth childe himself suddenly didn't realize it. He was immersed in ecstasy. After a while, he calmed down a little and said to Rong Sheng, "one more time."

Rongsheng didn't do it again. He just stared at him and said in a dumb voice, "you, I'm listening."

"I'm your uncle!" Xie Wanjin patted Rongsheng's face. "Do you know how I came all the way? I... Almost died in this damn place! Let you say what's the matter? I'm going to listen. Give it to me right away!"

The fourth childe was flustered by the endless silence all the way.

If you want to hear a voice, you can't find anyone to say a word.

Now it's not easy to see Rong Sheng wake up. This guy doesn't bother to make a noise.

He's going to die.

"Ah..." Rongsheng looked at him, slowly lengthened his tone and shouted, "four brothers."

He has been frozen in this ice and snow for so many days, his voice has long been broken, and his voice is no better than that of the fourth childe. But Xie Wanjin is very happy to hear it.

Rongsheng is still alive.

It's nice to make a noise!

"I'm here." Xie Wanjin rubbed the tip of his nose. For fear that Rongsheng couldn't hear it, he added, "your four brothers are here!"

Rong Sheng's frozen hand moved hard, hugged the fourth childe, and said in a low voice, "it's so cold here."

Xie Wanjin was stunned for a moment, and then held him in his arms and held him tighter.

Rong Sheng leaned on his shoulder and whispered to him, "I'm here to survive... I don't want to die, I don't want to die long ago..."

"I know!" Xie Wanjin squeezed out a little voice from his throat. "There are many interesting places in the world. You haven't gone. You haven't tasted so delicious... How bad it is to die so early? My brother Rong is not the kind of person who is willing to suffer!"

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