"Lord Shoufu is very polite." Sun Wenhu quickly raised his hand to lead the way. "This way, please."

Xie Yu nodded slightly and walked ahead.

Ye Zhiqiu followed him and walked beside him.

Xu Shi had a thrilling life these days. It was clear that yongxue pass was in Dayan territory. These people around her were Dayan's generals and soldiers, but she couldn't help being vigilant.

Zhou Minghao was in a good mood. He chatted with sun Feihu all the way and asked about his father's recent health.

They asked and answered questions, and soon they arrived at the government house.

Qi Qi, the bodyguard guarding the gate, saluted the head and auxiliary people and asked them to go in.

Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu entered the house in parallel. Without taking a few steps, he saw a middle-aged man in his early forties with a white beard coming up with a group of deputy generals.

"Father." seeing this, Zhou Minghao immediately came forward and saluted the visitor.

The middle-aged man is the Duke of Zhou Ling.

He was stunned when he saw Zhou Minghao, Xie Yu and others, and then quickly reacted. He frowned and asked, "Why are you at yongxue pass?"

"It's a long story. I'll talk to my father later." Zhou Minghao took him and said, "Lord Shoufu and Lord Moyi came with me this time. They happened to pass by yongxue pass and come to see you."

"Well, we'll talk about it later." Zhou Ling answered and immediately came forward to meet Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu. "It's really a long way to welcome the presence of Lord Shoufu and Moyi Hou!"

Xie Yu was still not cold, but slowly said, "you're welcome."

"I'm just passing by to rub a meal. Where can I use a far welcome?" Ye Zhiqiu said with a smile: "I'm bothering the Duke of the country. I hope you can forgive me."

Zhou Ling also laughed, "where is this? They are distinguished guests. They can't come if they want to invite them on weekdays. I must give a banquet here today. Come on."

As he spoke, he ordered the left and right, "prepare a banquet quickly."

Ye Zhiqiu heard the speech and hurriedly said, "thank you, Duke."

When she was in the imperial capital, all the courtiers seemed to be able to spit lotus flowers. Unexpectedly, it was her turn to greet people outside.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Lord Shoufu secretly, and suddenly felt some emotion in his heart.

The latter looks very natural.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

"Where is this? Hou Ye is really very polite." Zhou Ling looked at them for a moment and suddenly said, "how about going to the wing room to change your clothes?"

Ye Zhiqiu shook the snow on his sleeve and said with a smile, "that's better."

Zhou Ling immediately said, "come on, take Lord Shoufu and Hou ye to the wing room to change clothes."

The maid in the corridor answered and walked quickly to the two men, "Lord Shoufu and Marquis, please follow your slaves."

Xie Yu looked at Zhou Ling without expression, said "thank you", and led the way to the wing room by the maid.

Ye Zhiqiu walked side by side, Still around him.

The snow is still falling.

It was falling endlessly.

The courtyard is a vast expanse of white.

Zhou Ling stood in place and looked at the back of the two people turning into the corridor. Their eyes suddenly darkened.

Zhou Minghao felt a little strange and couldn't help asking, "father? What are you looking at? Although Lord Shoufu's posture of heaven and man is unforgettable at first sight, it's also the business of the little girls. What are you... Staring at others?"

"Nonsense!" Zhou Ling regained consciousness and immediately raised his hand and patted his son on the shoulder. "I haven't asked you how he came to yongxue pass with Shoufu?"

Zhou Minghao opened his mouth and suddenly remembered something. He swallowed the words at his mouth and only said, "secret order, no comment."

When Zhou Ling heard the speech, he couldn't help patting Zhou Minghao twice. "What else can you tell me?"

"Anyway, I'm right here." Zhou Minghao laughed and laughed. Suddenly, the conversation changed: "father, they both changed their clothes. Do you have the heart to let me wear wet clothes all the time?"

Zhou Ling said with a smile, "change, you also change."

"OK, I'll change my clothes first," said Zhou Minghao, shouting at all the green guards behind him, "go, change your clothes and have a hot meal!"

The crowd followed him through the corridor.

Zhou Ling and sun Wenhu stood in place and looked at each other quietly.

Sun Wenhu lowered his voice and said, "Duke, Lord Shoufu and Mo Yi Hou suddenly came. How good is this?"

Zhou Ling was silent for a long time and whispered, "look first."

"Shizi is very tight lipped. I just asked him why he came to hugxue pass. He didn't say it. You asked... He also said there was no comment." Sun Wenhu said with some worry: "is it possible that the news has leaked?"

Zhou Ling brushed his long beard. "What are you afraid of? People are here. Can you turn over the sky?"

"What the duke said is." Sun Wenhu lowered his voice and said, "a banquet will be held later..."

Zhou Ling raised his hand and directly interrupted what he said behind him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "I've heard that the chief auxiliary adult's means are quite powerful. If he was in imperial capital, it would be a big trouble for us. Now he sent it to the door, and it should be so!"

"Yes!" Sun Wenhu echoed, "his life should be like this."

The voices of the two people were very light, and they dispersed completely when the wind blew.

The snowflakes were swept by the cold wind and passed through the corridor.

The corridor turns a few times, at the end.

Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu have been led to the wing room by the maid.

The maid said softly: "Two distinguished guests Please come in and have a rest. Your clothes will be delivered right away. "

Lord Shoufu entered one of the rooms. Ye Zhiqiu stopped in front of the door and immediately followed him in.

The maid leading the way was stunned. For a moment, she didn't know what was going on between them.

As soon as ye Zhiqiu entered the room, he took Xie Yu to the table and sat down. He leaned over to his ear and whispered, "I think there's a problem with ZhouLing this time. ”

Xie Yu looked up at her, "huh?"

"I heard that brother Zhou was sent to the imperial capital as a proton when he was young. Duke Zhou ignored him for many years, but I just saw him..." Ye Zhiqiu had a very strange feeling in her heart. She couldn't find a suitable description after tangled for a long time. "When Zhou Ling first saw brother Zhou, she didn't have joy in her eyes, but later she talked with a smile. It's very strange, don't you think?"

Xie Xuan's lip angle touched up a radian that seemed to have no, and his tone said faintly: "Zhou Ling and his eldest son haven't seen each other for several years. It's nothing wrong to be surprised first and then happy."

"It's right to say so, but Zhou Ling, who hasn't seen his son for several years and doesn't miss him... This reaction is very wrong." the more Ye Zhiqiu thinks about it, the more he feels that there are murders all around.

She asked Xie Yu in a low voice, "don't you panic at all?"

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