Xie Heng looked at Qin Mo's expression with "I'm telling the truth", and wanted to hit him with something.

With his heart in his hand, Xie Heng immediately picked up the Paperweight on the case.

Seeing this, Qin Mo quickly retreated a few steps. "Your Majesty is incomparably handsome. It's right not to look at Zhao Xi. If Weichen just said, Weichen's view is that of him. You, you think twice... It's late at night, and Weichen left first."

Xie Heng didn't really hit him. He was angry and funny and said, "go away."

Qin Mo saluted him and bowed back quickly.

Xie Heng was the only one left in such a large imperial study.

He raised his hand to read the mountain of memorials on the case. Wang Liang, who had been guarding outside the hall, came in and whispered, "Your Majesty, it's late at night. You just woke up and shouldn't bother. You'd better have a rest. These memorials were approved by the empress herself. There won't be any trouble. It's not too late for you to see them tomorrow."

"It was she who approved it, so I want to see it." Xie Heng's anger dissipated most of the moment when he thought of ah Jiu, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly involuntarily.

While looking at the traces of Zhu pen approval on the fold, he recalled that when ah Jiu first arrived at Xie's house, others said that she didn't know a few big words and pretended to be stupid in case of trouble.

As if those days were still near, in fact, several years have passed.

Seeing this, Wang Liang did not dare to say more. He just stood quietly and waited for orders at any time.

Xie Heng read every word written by ah Jiu carefully and thought that she must have wanted to wake up earlier. She shouldn't have supported her.

He thought about it and his heart was full of remorse.

Xie Heng couldn't help thinking, if he hadn't been the emperor, would ah Jiu be able to live a peaceful and free life?

Previously, he became emperor as soon as he was angry with the crown, because ah Jiu was gone, none of the old emperor's sons were reliable, and the old resentment between his mother and him also accounted for some reasons.

But now, a Zhao Xi appeared.

Young, resourceful and thoughtful, he is no worse than the third childe.

In addition to the annoyance that he wants to marry Xiao Liu, he is indeed a rare material in the world.

Xie Heng thought about Zhao Xi while looking at the memorial. The sky soon turned white.

He looked out of the window, his mind was a little fixed, and opened his mouth and told Wang Liang, "go and take miss six into the palace."

"This time?" Wang Liang said in a low voice, "miss six just entered the palace yesterday and met her mother."

Xie Heng closed the memorial at hand and put it aside. "She's smart. She can only pick a good temper and sell pity. She goes to ah Jiu all day and hides a full stomach of little secrets. She doesn't tell me this elder brother."

After hearing this, Wang Liang couldn't help crying for Miss Liu in his heart.

You've been sleeping before. Miss Liu just wants to talk to you. There's nowhere to talk!

But he dared not say this to his majesty. His majesty, who looked at his sister to be robbed, was obviously unreasonable!

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at him. He said in a deep voice, "when ah sobers up later, Xiao Liu has slipped through again. You should bring her right away. If she hasn't got up yet, let the servant woman bring her into the palace."

Wang Liang immediately: "

Hearing this, the imperial concubine, who had served in front of the imperial court for most of his life, was stunned. After a long time, he said "yes", hurried out of the imperial study and shouted several small concubines out of the palace together.

Xie Heng looked up at the window, the morning light was faint, and the sea of clouds surged, as if the gorgeous scene of clouds breaking the sun could be seen in the next moment.

This is the real existence of this world.

Unlike that dream, it always rains and the sky is gloomy.

It seems that there is no warm place in such a big world.

Xie Heng suddenly thought of something. He opened one of the memorials and gently rubbed ah Jiu's handwriting with his fingertips.

ad locum.

His wine, only him.

There is no place left for Meng Chengyun.

Xie Heng looked at the folding for about half an hour in the imperial study. The sky was already bright, and Wang Liang also took Xie Zishu into the palace.

The little Chamberlain outside the imperial study sent a message on behalf of him, "tell your majesty, miss six is coming."

Xie Heng said faintly, "let her come in by herself."

After a moment, the door of the imperial study was pushed open.

Xie Heng raised his eyes and saw Xie Zishu in a light blue silk skirt and a white fox fur.

Mingming just disappeared for a while. It seems that her sister has grown up a lot at once. She is no longer the little girl who always pestered him to hold high when she was a child.

Xie Heng was slightly stunned and soon recovered. Just before she could speak, the little girl ran over quickly and rushed into his arms. She was full of surprises and said, "elder brother, you're awake! I miss you so much... Especially you. If you don't wake up again, I'll cry, wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu ~"

Xie Heng was speechless for a moment, and he couldn't say anything about the lecture. He had to raise his hand and touch the little girl's head helplessly. "How old are they? They always say they want to cry... Hey, don't hold them so tight."

He said this to the little girl, but the little girl didn't care at all. Instead, she held her tighter and tighter.

Xie Heng could only say reluctantly, "the fragrance on your body has touched brother Wei. Later, ah Jiu came to smell it. It was misunderstood that brother touched another woman."

"My sister-in-law won't!" Xie Zishu said very quickly. After a while, she felt that it was really a little bad, so she silently released Xie Heng a little, "can't I talk to my sister-in-law later? Hold it for a while, just for a while!"

"Come on." Xie Heng touched the little girl's head and couldn't help thinking that where is this like a big girl?

Obviously, it's still very small.

How can we talk about marriage?

If this fell into Zhao Xi's hands, would he have to be bullied and wash his face in tears every day?

Xie Zishu hugged her eldest brother for a long time, then slowly let him go and stood up. She didn't know that just for such a moment, her eldest brother had thought so much, red eyes and asked softly, "how's your eldest brother this time?"

"OK." Xie Heng answered this sentence casually without thinking about it, and then said, "don't talk about it for my brother. I ask you, what's the matter with Zhao Xi?"

As soon as Xie Zishu heard this, his liver trembled carefully, and hurriedly said, "no, nothing."

"OK." Xie Heng stared at her with an expression of "I'll believe what you say", nodded and said, "nothing's the best. I'll kill him for my brother."

Xie Zishu's small face turned white in an instant. She hurriedly pulled Xie Heng's sleeve and shouted, "elder brother!"

Xie Hengdan's Phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "how?"

Xiao Liu said anxiously, "elder brother, listen to me for a while."

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