Emperor capital, Xie mansion.

When Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng returned home, it was already early in the morning. The snow was getting heavier and heavier. There was a plain white in the courtyard, covering everything. Only a little white light was reflected under a slight candle.

The fourth childe drank a lot of wine, but he took the medicine to understand wine in advance. He blew the wind when he came back all the way. Now he was completely awake.

The maid boys in the house came forward with lamps. He was afraid that the noise was too loud. He quickly raised his hand and put his right index finger to his lips, gently "Shh" and motioned for everyone to be lighter.

Little Si's maid surrounded the fourth childe and Rong Sheng and went inside, more and more light handed and light footed.

Xie Wanjin stepped into the corridor and took a few steps. He suddenly asked, "is the third brother back?"

"I've come back. It's in the Songhe hall." the rich man replied softly, "the third childe went to the old lady after he came back. It's been an hour or two, and no one came out."

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and touched his chin. He turned to Rong Sheng and said with a smile, "look, my third brother can't talk to his grandmother on weekdays. This man slept. Instead, he stayed with his grandmother for so long. I don't know what he was doing there."

Rong Sheng smiled and said, "Xu has been away from home for a long time. Even if he can't say a word, he also wants to explain to the people below, so that they can serve his grandmother."

When Xie Wanjin heard this, he couldn't help taking a deep look at Rong Sheng. He couldn't help but "tut", and said with emotion: "I didn't expect brother Rong to know my third brother very well? ”

Let students laugh without speaking.

Most people who know how to be lonely know what it looks like when they care.

The fourth childe was born with both parents and brothers. Naturally, it is difficult to understand such a state of mind.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and hooked Rongsheng's shoulder. He walked through the corridor with him. Facing the wind and snow, he asked with a smile: "what do you think?"

He didn't need Rong Sheng to answer, so he took it personally and said, "I don't mean anything else. Even if you know more about my third brother, it's nothing, but you know, don't let the third brother know you know..."

Before the fourth childe finished, he smiled first, raised his hand, patted Rongsheng on the shoulder twice, raised his eyebrows and asked, "do you understand?"

Fortunately, Rong Sheng could understand, nodded and said, "well, I see."

The fourth childe felt it was not easy to meet brother Rong who could understand no matter what he said or how he said. He couldn't help being more happy.

While they were talking, they walked to the Songhe hall. In front of them were maid lanterns. They walked gently without disturbing the master.

Before long, Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng went to the Songhe hall. Before they had time to enter the door, they saw Xie Yu coming out of it, with plenty of food and clothing and lamps on the side. As soon as people on both sides met, they saluted and said hello.

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Xie Wanjin. There was still no expression on his face.

The fourth childe somehow felt guilty. He silently took back his hand on Rong Sheng's shoulder and carried it behind him.

"Cough..." he cleared his throat, went to Xie Xuan and asked in a low voice, "grandma is sleeping?"

The third childe looked at Xie Wanjin without expression. "Grandma always goes to bed early. What time is it now?"

Xie Wanjin knew that there was another sentence behind him, "what nonsense are you talking about?" he didn't say it. He left a face for him in front of brother Rong.

The fourth childe knew very well, but he was not annoyed. He still said with a smile: "I know my grandmother has rested for a long time. I wonder why my grandmother is asleep. What are you doing in there for so long? It's hard for you to travel these days. Why don't you hurry to have a rest when you go home..."

"I've been away from home for a long time. After I come back, I always have to meet my elders first. ” Xie Xuan looked very patient tonight and explained to the fourth childe.

But he was delayed in the palace today. He went to the prison again and drank a bowl of wine with Zhou Minghao. It was midnight when he came home. The old grandmother had already gone to bed. Naturally, he couldn't wake people up.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning and said, "grandma slept, and the nanny maid didn't sleep. It's always OK to ask them a few instructions."

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows when he heard the speech. He didn't know which words he said made the third brother unhappy, so he even said, "what the third brother said is, the third brother is right!"

As he said this, he couldn't help looking at Rongsheng.

Unexpectedly, brother Rong really knows what the third brother is thinking.

What a man of God.

Rongsheng slightly hooked his lips, but he didn't speak.

Xie Xuan looked at the two men and said, "it's late at night. Don't run around. Go back and have a rest."

"OK." Xie Wanjin answered with a smile, "the third brother has orders. How dare the younger brother not comply!"

Xie Yu I couldn't help glancing at him.

They are so big that they haven't been in shape all day.

The fourth childe was used to his horizontal and vertical glances. At present, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he came forward with a smile and whispered to him: "third brother, did you see Zhou Minghao holding Xiaoye to worship heaven and earth today?"

Xie Xuan's face was slightly cold, and his posture was like jade. He stood in place and said in a cold voice, "what are you going to say?"

"Don't be so fierce." Xie Wanjin looked at his third brother and said with a slight eyebrow: "I'm a brother. I just want to remind my third brother that Xiaoye is a very good person. If you don't like her, you might as well say it more clearly and more directly, so as not to delay her for too long, and even friends won't have to do it in the future."

Xie Yu said expressionless, "I know."

Xie Wanjin nodded and waited for the third brother to go on.

But he waited a long time and didn't wait for the following. He couldn't help asking, "no?"

Xie Yu frowned and said, "what else do you want to hear from me?"

"At least... Give some reaction!" Xie Wanjin laughed angrily at his third brother's wooden appearance in emotional matters.

He said such words to make the third brother angry, angry, not to see him say "I know" without waves and waves.

The fourth childe stretched out his hand and put it on Xie Xuan's shoulder. He was very distressed and said, "third brother, do you really don't like Xiaoye at all?"

Xie Yu didn't speak.

Xie Wanjin took it down again. "Xiaoye is so good. Except that she can fight very well and really move her hand, you can't get the upper hand. She has no shortcomings at all. What's more, she's not willing to do it to you..."

Before he finished, Xie Xuan turned and left, completely different from what he said.

"Third brother! Don't go, third brother! I haven't finished talking!" Xie Wanjin caught up with the first few steps. "Zhou Minghao thinks she's fine today. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be Zhang Sanwang and Li San think she's fine tomorrow. Don't carry it! Do you hear me?"

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