When ye Zhiqiu heard the cool voice, he immediately stopped in place and dared not move again.

Her heart beat so fast that she took two deep breaths. Then she calmed down, turned and looked at Shoufu. She smiled awkwardly and said, "isn't this... Don't you want to disturb your rest?"

Xie Yu laughed angrily, "don't you want to disturb my rest?"

He said, immediately got up and stayed in front of Ye Zhiqiu. He asked coldly, "what did you do last night?"

"I......" Ye Zhiqiu raised her hand and touched her head, but found that her hair crown had long been unknown. Her hair was messy, her skirt was wide open, and her clothes were untidy. It looked inexplicably like she had done that.

When she thought of this, she was startled. She quickly looked up and looked at Xie Yu again. She saw that he looked neat, but he didn't seem to sleep all night. At present, he was a little green and his face was ugly.

Seeing this, Xie Yu became more and more angry: "what are you looking at?"

"How can I know what happened last night?" Ye Zhiqiu was a little confused and said without thinking: "aren't you a lot of guards? What about the patrolling guards? Secretly protecting the green guards? How did I get in?"

Previously, she had to take a lot of trouble to see Sanxian. How could she get in so easily when she was drunk?

Is it so exciting to drink more?

Xie Xuan was so angry that he couldn't breathe properly. He clenched his teeth and said, "you asked me?"

"No, no!" Ye Zhiqiu saw that he was going to be angry again, and quickly changed his voice: "I was a little shocked... By the way, what did I do to you before?"

Xie Yu's eyes looked at her like frost and stopped talking.

Ye Zhiqiu is not very clever.

At every critical moment, it can block others to death.

Ye Zhiqiu waited for a long time and didn't wait for Shoufu to speak. He couldn't help feeling more and more nervous:


Looking at Sanxian like this, I'm afraid I went too far last night.

She raised her hand, touched her chin, touched her lips, and said tentatively, "if you don't want to say, I'll go first..."

I don't know when the snow stopped outside. It was bright and there were people walking around outside.

According to Sanxian's character, she certainly doesn't want to be known that she is in this room.

Ye Zhiqiu wants to go first and go back to remedy it, so that it won't be known by others. Xie Zhen's anger is only afraid to live longer. How good is it if she ignores her after she gets angry?

"Go?" Xie Xuan frowned more deeply. "In the blue sky, there are many people outside. How do you go?"

When ye Zhiqiu heard him say this, he thought he was afraid that he would be seen when he went out. He quickly said, "it's all right. I'll be careful not to let others see."

"Drinking is a waste of time!" Xie Xuan smelled the speech, brushed his sleeves and sat at the table. "Are you drinking with the soldiers and those colleagues?"

I'm afraid he has long forgotten that he is a girl.

Once upon a time, when she was in Feiyun stronghold, she was in charge. No matter what she did, no one would say anything about her, and no one dared to say she was wrong.

Now in the court, although there is the protection of the eldest brother, it is difficult to predict the bottom of the courtiers. If someone wants to calculate her, it is too easy to hurt her. However, this person doesn't know how to be on guard.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know why he suddenly changed the subject and talked about it.

But Lord Shoufu has a problem. When you talk to him, he may not answer you for three sentences, but when he talks to you, you must answer whatever he asks.

She knew this truth well, put her hand around her hair, pulled it all to her left ear, and carefully explained: "no, it's never like this at ordinary times..."

Ye Zhiqiu was afraid that he wouldn't believe it. After saying that, he immediately added, "they can't drink me. Last night, they met brother Zhou and the fourth childe. They were drunk."

Xie Zhen thought of his fourth childe, who was out of tune. He suddenly had a headache and couldn't help reaching out to help his forehead.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a while, ye Zhiqiu turned his head and looked out of the window for a moment, and then whispered, "there are few outsiders at the moment, I..."

Xie Yu interrupted coldly, "what's your hurry?"

"I'm not in a hurry." Ye Zhiqiu quickly turned back and said, "I'm afraid you're in a hurry. If I can, I'll stay until after midnight, which would be better."

Xie Yu didn't speak for a moment.

Ye Zhiqiu said again, "if you stay so late, you will be hungry..."

As she spoke, her stomach suddenly screamed.

The room was quiet, and the stomach was so hungry that it looked very clear.

Xie Xuan couldn't help looking at her.

Ye Zhiqiu was embarrassed and smiled at him. "I'm hungry now... Do you want me to go or stay?"

Xie Yu didn't want to talk at once.

Ye Zhiqiu waited for a while. Without waiting for his answer, he thought to himself and said, "if you stay, let someone send some food in. You have to eat too. Don't be depressed when you are angry. If you don't eat or drink, it's you who suffer..."

"Ye Zhiqiu!" Xie Xuan could not help but interrupt her in a cold voice, "you go."

"Let me go again?"

Ye Zhiqiu really doesn't understand what Sanxian is thinking all day.

However, she was obedient, even nodded and said, "then I'll go. Don't be angry. I'll come to see you if I'm angry."


Xie Yu only said such a word and didn't look at her.

"OK, OK, I'll go." Ye Zhiqiu walked out of the window and looked outside. He saw that they were all in front of the door, and there were people like mammy talking to them. He immediately turned out of the other window and quickly left.

Xie Xuan sat in the room. When the man left, he raised his hand and poured himself a cup of cold tea. He looked up and drank it.

It's like this can quench your anger.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Ye Zhiqiu seems to know more and more how to make him half dead.

He closed his eyes and sat for a while before he got up and walked behind the screen, picked up the water in the basin, washed his face, dried the drops on his face with a handkerchief, and began to wash and change clothes.

Not long.

The rich people outside said in unison, "Sir, are you up? Father-in-law Wang in the palace is coming."

"Lord Shoufu!" then Wang Liang's voice came in, "are you unwell? Your majesty and empress specially asked the old slave to say hello. Do you want to call the imperial doctor?"

Xie Xuan put on a robe and went over to open the door. He looked at the people without expression and said, "I'm fine. Let's go."

"Lord Shoufu, where are you going?" Wang Liang hurried forward and said, "your majesty and your mother told you to have a good rest at home. It's a matter in the court..."

"No need." Xie Xuan said and went out directly. As soon as he left the gate, he saw more than a dozen young ministers coming here with ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum

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