After Xie Pei returned to Beijing, the ministers at the bottom became busy. Shoufu went out early and returned late every day, and they often went in the wind and rain.

When Xie Heng was free, he often enjoyed the moon and the snow with ah Jiu. This new year's festival is coming, and the palace began to prepare palace banquets and awards from all families.

The most leisurely is Xie Wanjin. He asked the people under him to check the account books sent from all over the country. Mrs. Xie is busy and will check the accounts with an abacus.

The fourth childe took Rong Sheng to stroll around the imperial capital every day. Where the excitement was, he went to drill. In order to get in and out conveniently without disturbing his elders, he simply lived in a warm wind other courtyard.

Xie Zian is still taking care of him. He is his seventh uncle when he sleeps in the morning and evening.

After seeing it several times, Xie Zishu couldn't help sighing: "Xiao Qi, I don't know. I thought it was your daughter."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xie Zian asked people to spread paper and ink, ready to practice calligraphy without remembering. Hearing Xiao Liu say so, he couldn't help but get a handsome face blushing, "I haven't been married. Where's my daughter?"

Not remembering Wen Yan, he couldn't help asking, "if Uncle Qi gets married, will he have his own daughter?"

Xie Zian was stunned by the question.

The little girl's eyes fell on him all the time, with a very serious look.

Xie Zishu saw this and said with a smile: "of course, he likes you so much. When he gets married in the future, he must want more daughters, doesn't he, Xiao Qi?"

"I'm not old enough to get married." Xie Zian stretched out his hand and took Bu Ji to the table. Holding the little girl's hand with a pen and ink, he said without raising his head: "unlike the six young ladies of our family, they were missed early, so that his brothers were worried every day."

Xie Zishu's smile suddenly couldn't hang, "you... What are you talking about?"

Xie Zian hands to teach not to remember to practice calligraphy, smiled gently and said, "you know best whether I'm talking nonsense."

Don't remember to look down and laugh.

Xie Zishu was so angry that she pinched the handkerchief in her hand, "now even you bully me!"

"How dare I?" Xie Zian said well, but his face was insincere. At the next moment, he said to him in a warm voice: "don't shake your hand, hold the pen, and write steadily."

Xie Zishu saw that he could not see others except without remembering. She became more and more angry and turned around and left immediately.

When Xie Zian looked up, he only saw that the corner of his skirt brushed the threshold and left in the twinkling of an eye.

The young man asked aloud, "where are you going?"

"Go where I can't see you!" Xie Zishu hurried away and muttered, "it's better for brother five... When will brother five come back?"

It's been months since I left.

The little maid who followed her quickly comforted in a low voice: "it looks like the new year is coming. I think the fifth childe is already on the way back. The maid heard the fourth childe mention it in front of the old lady two days ago."

Xie Zishu was overjoyed when she heard the speech. She couldn't help stopping and asked in a low voice, "really?"

The little maid said with a smile, "what the fourth childe said to the old lady is not true?"

"That's great."

When Xie Zishu heard this, she was full of unhappiness and immediately dispersed most of it.

The eldest brother has his own sister-in-law, and everything is sufficient. The third brother is devoted to political affairs. The fourth brother is looking for fun all day, but he looks at her like something.

The fifth brother is the best.

If he comes back, he will certainly help me.

The little girl felt better when she thought so.

She went into the corridor and called a maid. She said in a warm voice, "I'm going out of the house to buy some gadgets. Tell the old lady and the third lady."

"Yes." the maid answered immediately.

Xie Zishu raised her hand and straightened her slightly wrinkled sleeves. When she stepped out of the house, her steps became brisk.

The little maid on one side asked strangely, "Miss hasn't been out of the house for many days. Why are you interested now?"

"Pick some good cloth for my fifth brother, and when he comes back, he will be able to make new clothes." Xie Zishu said with a smile: "he has been traveling outside for several months. He always needs to change new clothes when he comes back for the new year."

The maid smiled and said, "there are so many people in charge of the house. There are also three ladies and four CHILDES. Is the young lady afraid that the fifth childe doesn't have new clothes?"

"How can it be the same?" Xie Zishu took out the veil from her sleeve and put it on her face. She tied a knot behind the ribbon with both hands. Then she stopped her hands and returned to her sleeve. Her eyebrows and eyes said seriously: "what they have prepared is theirs. What I have prepared for the fifth brother is my intention."

The little maid seemed to understand like this. She quickly whispered, "what the lady said is right."

Everyone said that Miss Xie jialiu had a good life. She wanted wind and rain. Gold, silver, pearls, jade and silk treasures were all readily available.

in truth.

But these trivial things on weekdays can be done in person, which is particularly valuable.

Today, the weather is beautiful. There is no snow and the wind is not strong.

The light sunlight passed through the clouds and fell on the earth. The master and servant went out of the gate of Xie's house and watched the people coming and going in the long street. They were all busy buying new year's goods. They looked very lively.

"Miss Liu, are you going out?" seeing this, the guard in front of the door hurriedly came forward and said, "the fourth childe ordered you to take some guards if you want to go out of the house."

Xie Zishu also knew what had happened before and frightened the brothers. Even when she nodded her head, she agreed.

The next moment, the guard turned back and shouted. Dozens of people ran out of the house in an instant, gathered in front of the door, hugged and saluted, "Hello, miss six!"

Xie Zishu was shocked by the battle and couldn't help but feel sick: the fourth brother wouldn't let me take these people to the street?

As soon as she thought like this, the leading guard said, "the fourth childe said, let the young lady take these first, and wait for her subordinates to send a signal. Someone will protect the young lady in every street and shop under the name of the Xie family..."

"Wait!" Xie Zishu couldn't help interrupting, "I'm just shopping on the street, not robbing people in the street. What's the matter with so many people?"

The fourth childe is so unreliable!

With so many guards, it's like those dandies who rob civilian women in the street.

She is on the street, not out of the house to rob her son-in-law!

What else did the guard want to say? Xie Zishu said directly, "just take four guards. Do what you should do when you go back."

They could not disobey her, so they left four people to follow her into the street, and the rest went back.

Xie Zishu breathed a sigh of relief, turned and stepped down the steps, walked through the crowd and went straight to the nearest clothes village.

Fortunately, she didn't want to hang out. Just buy some cloth and go back.

But I didn't think there were too many people in the street. Just after a hundred steps, pedestrians crowded around and pushed away the little maid and guard following Xie Zishu.


The little maid wanted to reach out and hold her sleeve, but she didn't hold it. She watched her disappear into the crowd.

Xie Zishu didn't expect so many people. She just wanted to go to the side. When they came, she was suddenly hit by a running urchin, and the whole person fell on the rouge stand.

Just then someone reached out and grabbed her waist, took her away from the crowded crowd, jumped onto the eaves, crossed the busy long street, walked to a place where plum blossoms were in full bloom, sat on the plum tree in the corner, raised his hand and sat her in his arms.

Xie Zishu looked up at him and suddenly opened a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Why?" the young man slightly hooked his lips and leaned down to be very close to her. His voice was gentle, with a sense of danger. "Do you really don't remember what I look like?"

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