For a moment, Ji Ling thought it was her auditory hallucination.

I've been to Shoufu's house for so many meetings. It's not easy to see people today. After talking, Xie Xuan even asked to keep him.

It's like a dream.

Ji Ling didn't dare believe it, so she just stopped and didn't look back.

Seeing this, Xie Xuan could not help frowning slightly and said again, "Lord Ji, wait a minute."

In fact, not only Ji Ling, but also miss Jiang, who has been serving Lord Shoufu, and plenty of food and clothing, are shocked at the moment.

After all these years, have they ever seen Lord Shoufu give an eviction order and ask to keep people?

Ji Ling turned around slowly, looked at Xie Yu's face secretly, and asked in a low voice, "what else does chief Fu have to say?"

Xie Yujun frowned and asked in a deep voice, "you just said... Where are you going to send these brochures?"

Ji Ling said, "send it to the Moyi Hou's house."

After he said that, for fear that what he said was not clear enough, he quickly added: "Your Majesty told you earlier that you should first deal with the life-long affairs of several important ministers. You, chief assistant, are naturally the first, followed by the Mo Yi hou..."

Ji Ling smiled and struggled with his words before continuing: "like you, he is very busy and often leads troops outside. He doesn't spend much time in the imperial capital all year round. Maybe after the new year, he doesn't know where to lead troops to fight the rebels and bandits. The lower officer has to go to his house quickly."

Xie Xuan pursed her lips and said in a very light tone, "she doesn't need it either."

"This......" Ji Ling couldn't help making a mistake when she heard this.

He couldn't help thinking: I can't see that the chief assistant is quite overbearing!

Even if I don't want to get a wife, I also drag the marriage of Moyi Hou.

What exactly does that mean?

However, many people in the imperial capital said that the relationship between Mo Yi Hou and Shoufu adult was very bad, especially Shoufu adult, who was expressionless all day and didn't want to talk to Mo Yi Hou.

It is said that ye Zhiqiu, the Marquis of Mo Yi, is very beautiful. Men and women don't avoid it. He once had unspeakable thoughts and hands on Shoufu adult

Ji Ling came to the imperial capital late. He didn't see many things with his own eyes. He can only listen to others.

He didn't believe these rumors, but looking at the appearance of chief Fu, he couldn't help feeling that maybe one or two points were true.

But whether it is true or not, he must do what his majesty has told him.

Ji Ling thought about it a lot and said with a straight face to Xie Yu: "chief Fu, you don't want to see the right-age beauty, and the lower officials can't escort you. But it's the matter of Mo Yi Hou whether he can go there or not. You arbitrarily say he doesn't need it, isn't it... Not very good?"

Xie Leng was choked by him.

Xu is the emperor's capital. For too long, no one dared to talk to Lord Shoufu like this. The rich clothes and food on the side couldn't help but draw a little from the corners of his mouth.

Piansheng Ji Ling couldn't help but want to be more reasonable in this matter.

After a while, he said again, "as the saying goes, men should marry women, and the first assistant is an important Minister of the country. This life-long event is the most important thing. But your majesty is not willing to embarrass you for what you don't want. You dare not be an official."

Ji Ling's expression of "I'm an honest man" is full of the big truth that others dare not write and say, "but you really shouldn't be like this... Even if you really have a personal feud with him and don't want to see him hold a beauty..."

When Xie Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but interrupt with a cold voice: "what are you talking about?"

Seeing this, the foot food hurried forward and whispered to Ji Ling, "Mr. Ji, speak carefully!"

Ji Ling realized that he was talking too much and couldn't help taking a breath. He tried to remedy it. He said with a smile: "in fact, the lower official doesn't mean that, that... If Mo Yi Hou gets married, he won't bother you in the future. You'd better be quiet, wouldn't you?"

Xie Xuan raised his hand and motioned Ji Ling to stop. Don't talk again.

The latter shut up very consciously.

Ji Ling said:

I don't think it's a mistake. When it comes to the heart of Shoufu?

Xie Xuan raised her hand to her forehead and leaned back on the back of the chair for a moment. Then she opened her mouth and asked, "which daughter is the virtuous beauty you just said?"

Ji Ling was stunned for a moment, then showed a happy face, and quickly replied: "it's Qin Moqin's sister, Qin Wenxia. She is eighteen years old. She has excellent appearance, gentle and virtuous. She is a rare elegant person. Aoxue garden, one of the most elegant gardens in the imperial capital, is from her hand..."

He memorized the beauty books that Shoufu adults might like to see from beginning to end early, so that if he had the opportunity to speak, he could report to Shoufu adults immediately.

Qin asked Xia that she was a rare "old girl" in the imperial capital when she was 18 years old. Seeing that she was 19 years old, the old lady was worried, so she asked Ji Ling to provide more snacks and find a good family for her.

He thought that Lord Shoufu probably didn't like those little girls in the 14th five year plan. Qin asked Xia about her outstanding conditions in all aspects, so he put her first.

Ji Ling listened carefully to Shoufu. She said there was a play, so she put a lot of beauty books on the table. She took out Qin Wenxia's book and presented it to her. She said, "I heard that Miss Qin is good at cooking and making cakes. Looking at the piles, it's almost the same as Shoufu you made..."

"I see." Xie Xuan took Qin Wenxia's book, but didn't read it. He put it aside and said faintly, "go back first."

Ji Ling was at a loss when he saw this, "is that song for adults to see each other or not?"

Xie Yu didn't speak.

Ji Ling hardened his head and continued, "you have to give me a word, or I'll send it to Moyi Hou's house today."

Xie Xuan couldn't help glancing at him.

Heart way: elder brother, where did you attract such a fool?

Ji Ling, the second lengzi, looked down at the ground for a long time before he looked up at the sight of the chief assistant, and said with a stiff smile, "Your Majesty said that if you don't speak when you meet the chief assistant, it's as if you agreed. Then the lower officer will think you're willing to see each other. When will you be free?"

Without opening his mouth, Xie Xuan couldn't help saying:

The eldest brother used to pit him when he was a child.

Now it's unreasonable to say such a thing with an official media!

But no matter how angry Shoufu is, there is still no expression on his face.

Ji Ling is not Xie's family, and he can't see whether Shoufu is angry or happy. He thought for a moment and said, "my lower officer, it's rare for you to return to the house early today. I think it's free. Then... It's better to hit the sun on another day. How about going to see each other today?"

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