Xie Yu looked up at him and his eyes became complicated.

Qin Mo was trying to relax the atmosphere. Suddenly, he came up with such a sentence. Seeing the chief auxiliary's response, he didn't know how to end for a moment.

At the moment, there were only two of them in the hall. They even stood outside the door with plenty of clothes and food, and dared not come in and disturb them.

The stone that Lord Qin picked up by himself was about to hit his feet. He had to keep holding it up and keep talking nonsense with his eyes open: "look, Lord Shoufu, it's said that Moyi Hou robbed your daughter-in-law outside..."

As soon as he said this, he saw Xie Yujun's face dark and quickly explained: "it's all rumors. I know it's all rumors! But outsiders feel that you have suffered a loss. You probably have a little trouble for this, but you think, the reason why rumors are called rumors is that they are false."

Qin Mo thought he was quite reasonable, "We don't really want to be together, but you should be nice to me. I'll take a look at you more if I have nothing to do. Hey... It's always been said that you and me must be more involved than my sister and Mo Yi Hou! Won't no one say that the girl you like has been robbed by Mo Yi Hou? Maybe you can kill those golden girls' love for you, and no one will force you to marry again in the future ……”

Xie Xuan became more and more angry. He tried to resist the impulse of copying the register and smashing it on Qin Mo's face. He said in a deep voice, "get out."

"Ah?" Qin Mo was a little confused.

Xie Xuan frowned at him and reached for the book on the table.

Qin Mo reacted and quickly turned away. "You don't think it's a good solution, do you? Then go back and think about other ways. Don't be angry and take care of yourself!"

Before his words fell, he went out and slipped away in the wind.

Xie Xuan threw the roster back on the desk. He was very angry and looked at everything.

Suddenly, I wanted to ask my elder brother how Qin Mo became the Minister of rites.

Compared with the fourth childe at home, it's no less!

Outside, Qin Mo, who was rolling away in the wind, didn't care about the palace attendants who saluted him. He hurried out of the palace in the dark. When he got on his carriage, he told the coachman, "go to the Moyi Marquis house."

He can see that if this matter is not completely solved, the bitter days like today will not come to an end.

If you have to tie the bell to untie the bell, you have to find Moyi Hou.

When Qin Mo hurried to Moyi Hou's house, he was told by the servants of the house: "Hou Ye is not in the house."

Qin Mo asked, "where has he gone?"

The boy replied, "Hou Ye has been wandering outside recently, enjoying music, listening to the opera or drinking with others. Where is tonight? Where does the villain know?"


Qin Mo raised his hand and helped his forehead. These days, the ministers of the whole political hall lived in the cold lake ice cave and were tortured. Ye Zhiqiu was fine. He had a particularly carefree and happy life.

no way out.

He can only send people to find it in major restaurants and theatres.

I was not idle. I went one by one and finally found someone in Furong hall an hour later.

This is a century old theater. It is well-known in the imperial capital. Many princes and dignitaries drink tea and listen to music here. It is night. The stage is singing the story of the west chamber. The talkative matchmaker quietly meets Miss Yingying with amorous scholars.

Qin Mo hurried in, turned his eyes around the building, and soon saw the Mo Yi Hou sitting in the front.

Ye Zhiqiu, dressed in a black wide sleeve, sat between the lights and shadows. The heat of fragrant tea lingered on her side. She looked up at the stage with a slight frown. It was clear that she was singing a rotten old play, but she listened very carefully, as if she were understanding something terrible truth.

Qin Mo, like seeing the Savior, strode forward and patted Ye Zhiqiu on the shoulder, "Hou Ye!"

"Lord Qin?" Ye Zhiqiu obviously didn't expect to meet him here. He was quite surprised and said, "it's such a coincidence that you come here to listen to the play?"

Qin Mo cried, "I'm not in the mood to listen to the play now. I came to find the Lord."

"Oh?" Ye Zhiqiu wondered more and more, "what do you want from me?"

The Chinese courtiers and generals of the dynasty have always performed their respective duties. Qin Mo has few official contacts with her. Moreover, everyone knows that she has taken leave these days. She won't be disturbed if there is no urgent matter.

But the man looked at it and was really in a hurry.

Qin Mo searched almost half of the imperial capital this night, but when he really came to his eyes, he suddenly didn't know where to start.

Many people on the side recognized him and said, "Lord Qin is coming tonight?"

He casually exchanged greetings with others, and then continued to say to Ye Zhiqiu, "it's about you and my sister..."

As soon as ye Zhiqiu heard this, his face could not help being a little embarrassed. He quickly opened the chair beside him a little, "you sit down and say."

When Tong Qin asked Xia about it, she felt a little bad now.

But the more it spread, the more outrageous it became. As a result, the two of them were about to get married and become husband and wife.

Besides, he is a girl who is raised in her boudoir. Ye Zhiqiu wants to make it clear, so it's hard to find her.

I had a hard time in the street before. I can say a few words. There are people all around. They are noisy and have no chance to say.

My brother came here.

Ye Zhiqiu felt a little guilty and wanted to be polite to Qin mo. after pulling a chair, he reached out to pour him tea.

Qin Mo was flattered. "Well... Lord Hou, don't you really want to die for Lord Shoufu and take a fancy to my sister?"

In addition to your majesty and Shoufu, who else should be so polite as Mo Yi Hou.

When ye Zhiqiu heard the speech, she was so shocked that she almost poured hot water on Qin mo. fortunately, she responded quickly and immediately picked up the water with a pot. Her skill was as sharp as acrobatics.

Qin Mo was amazed, and his eyes at Ye Zhiqiu became amazing.

"I'm sorry." Ye Zhiqiu put down the teapot, pushed the cup in front of Qin Mo, lowered his voice and said, "in fact, I'm with Miss Qin..."

She stopped in the middle of her speech, with some tangles that she didn't know how to say.

Qin Mo hurriedly said, "Lord, but it doesn't hurt to say."

Ye Zhiqiu looked up and was about to speak. Suddenly, he saw Xie Yu in regular clothes coming here through a bustle.

She raised her hand on the edge of the table and deliberately raised the volume, "in fact, I have nothing to do with the chief assistant."

Qin Mo was stunned. "What?"

The first few scenes that liked to join in the fun didn't listen, so they came together and asked, "why didn't there be anything? It wasn't before..."

Ye Zhiqiu interrupted: "previously, I was ordered by your majesty to protect the chief auxiliary. I often looked at him and gathered around. It was just eating your salary and worrying about you."

She pretended to be casual, swept the Xie Yu not far away, smiled with the people: "if you have a brother like your majesty, I am ordered to protect you, I can do more with my heart!"

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