On the 19th day of the twelfth lunar month, an urgent report came from the northern desert border, and the war broke out again.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't stay in Dijing until the new year.

The urgent news from the border was sent to the palace in the afternoon. She got the letter and hurried into the palace in plain clothes.

Xie Heng, dressed in a Black Dragon Robe, sat in the imperial study. Xie Xuan also came here temporarily. He was dressed in blue clothes and wide sleeved civilian clothes. Half of his ink hair was tied with a white jade hairpin and half hung to his waist. It was a little more elegant and handsome than when he wore official clothes and hats. He just stood on the side of the king without expression, and he was still cold and resistant to people.

More than a dozen young ministers also hurried to the scene in their regular clothes. They lived a long period of peace. The winter war came suddenly, but it was still expected.

Qin Mo Dao: "Many people in the northern desert freeze to death every winter. There is a shortage of food, and it is difficult for cattle and sheep to survive. In the past, they had to come to Dayan to burn, kill, loot and rob every year, or they fought several hard battles with them after your majesty ascended the throne, and they were scared before they stopped. But there was a news that your Majesty's dragon body was ill this year. It is estimated that the northern desert wanted to test it. There will be no big problems for the time being Action. "

Another official then said, "it is precisely because the north desert is tempting that we have to beat them back and dare not commit it again!"

The crowd echoed: "in terms of war, we Dayan haven't been afraid of anyone!"

"The most indispensable thing in the court is military generals!"

Having said that, these ministers also knew in their hearts that the reason why Dayan could change from a weak country to today's prosperous place depended on his Majesty's invincibility. However, he is now the ninth five year old. He has been unconscious for several times before for no reason. His majesty can't be put at risk when leading troops to the war.

There are many generals in the court, but it's hard to find one who can compare with Xie Xiaoyan.

Moreover, before Xie Heng ascended the throne, the combat power of the northern desert had always been the strongest among other countries. Previously, Xie Heng personally led troops to fight with him. He had won several tough battles, and both sides were injured several times. Killing Xiao Lingtian by ten thousand people was not a random cry, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Xie Heng was too lazy to listen to their nonsense and asked Xie Yu, "ah Yu, what do you think?"

The cold chief assistant finally opened his mouth, "fight."

Yes, I must.

This is the person who leads the troops. It's a headache.

The ministers shut their mouths one after another, and the whole imperial study was quiet. The sun moved west outside the window, and the sun faded a little.

Just when everyone has a headache about who to let go.

Ye Zhiqiu hurried in and said in a loud voice, "my minister, ye Zhiqiu, please order to lead the army to set out. It must be called that the northern desert dare not invade my border again!"

They all turned around and looked at each other, showing a sigh of relief. "The master of ink clothes is coming!"

"Mo Yi Hou came just in time!"

Who's the candidate? Isn't this man coming?

Xie Xuan looked at the visitor and couldn't help frowning slightly, but he didn't speak at once.

Xie Heng's thin lip slightly hooked, "here comes the lobule."

Ye Zhiqiu went to the imperial court and knelt on one knee, hugged his fist and said, "please be invited by your Majesty's prospective minister."

"What's the hurry?" Xie Heng said, "get up and talk."

Ye Zhiqiu answered "yes" and immediately got up and stood on the right side of the imperial case. Xie Yu, who was standing on the left side of the imperial case, was four or five steps away. He couldn't help looking at him secretly as soon as he met again as before.

She was very serious today. Before her majesty spoke, she said, "except your majesty, only the minister fought with the northern desert the most times and knew Xiao Lingtian's way of using troops best. The whole Dayan couldn't find a second person who was more suitable for the expedition than me. Your majesty agreed to the minister."

A group of young ministers echoed one after another, "this war is really the Mo Yi Hou!"

"There is no more suitable candidate than Mo Yihou!"

When they were talking, several generals came out and said one by one, "the last general is willing to be the leader of the Marquis!"

"The lower officer is willing to go with the Marquis!"

"The last general is willing to go!"

Xie Heng also wanted Ye Zhiqiu to go. Seeing that the people were like this, he immediately ordered the handsome general, ordered the Ministry of war and the Ministry of household to prepare food and grass, and then ordered Ye Zhiqiu, "recruit 100000 troops and go out tomorrow!"

"The minister leads the order!" Ye Zhiqiu hugs his fist to thank his kindness, but the whole person is more and more heroic. It seems that the sick spirit infected these days dissipates in an instant, leaving only a fresh and bright appearance.

"OK." Xie Heng smiled, "let's go."

Everyone answered "yes" and was very excited when they went out.

Only Xie Yu didn't speak from beginning to end.

Xie Heng guessed something about his brother. He was afraid that he was already uncomfortable. He was about to beat him again and shouted "ah Yu".

Unexpectedly, before he could say the words later, Xie Yu suddenly opened his mouth first and said, "elder brother, I also quit."

He turned and left.

"Wait a minute." but Xie Heng shouted, "what are you doing so fast? They can all take charge of themselves now. They don't need the chief assistant to stare at me every day the day after tomorrow. Come back and sit with me."

Xie Xuan turned slowly, frowned and shouted, "elder brother."

"This time it's just for Xiaoye to frighten one or two. Xiao Lingtian was seriously injured earlier, and the foundation is much worse than before. He may have a chance to win against others, but he has no chance to win against shangxiaoye." Xie Heng knew it well, so he was very calm.

He also knew that the third childe was afraid that it was because ye Zhiqiu was going to fight today. He was guilty and disorderly. He had to deliberately pull aside the topic, "you are very wrong these days. If you are tired, you can take a leave and rest. Don't worry about this and that all day. You are tired at a young age."

"I'm not tired." Xie Xuan is anxious to go. "I have something urgent. I really have to go right away."

Xie Heng played with the white jade Paperweight on the case and asked calmly, "what's so urgent?"


Xie Xuan almost blurted out. Seeing his eldest brother like this, he stifled back.

He doesn't speak.

Xie Heng kept looking at him.

The brothers have been together for so long.

After all, Xie Heng, the eldest brother, was reluctant to really worry about the third childe. He waved helplessly with a smile, "go, go. If you really can't catch up with others later, you're just afraid to be sulky for many days."

Xie Xuan only thought he didn't hear anything and said "elder brother Xie" in a stuffy way

This time, he turned and hurried out.

Xie Heng sat behind the imperial case, put down the Paperweight he was playing with, and smiled low, "my three CHILDES are more difficult to understand than those made of stone."

At the moment, Xie Yu hurried through the palace gate. Even the palace attendants who saluted him had no psychological knowledge. After walking through most of the palace, he could see the back of Ye Zhiqiu and his ministers.

"Ye Zhiqiu!" Xie Xuan shouted, but it was still a little far away. The man was stunned and didn't hear it.

His steps were faster and faster. His robes were blown by the wind, and his ink clothes were messy and flying. He shouted again, "Lord ink clothes!"

This time, the man in front heard it and stopped to look back at him.

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