When Xie Xuan saw her coming, a different color flashed in her eyes.

However, it was only a moment and returned to normal.

Ye Zhiqiu turned over and dismounted, strode to Xie Yu, and said in a hurry: "Lord Shoufu, do you have one in your family..."

Halfway through her words, she felt it was really difficult to ask, and she couldn't help pausing.

Xie Yu's eyes looked at her like ink and asked in his usual tone, "what do you want?"

Ye Zhiqiu looked at his posture as if he was going out soon. There were plenty of clothes and food and his followers. It's really hard to delay too long.

She looked inside and saw that the people in the house looked as usual, not like what had happened.

I'm really worried that the unlucky brother sent by Hou Haiping to do stupid things has lost his life. After all, Lord Shoufu was famous for his ruthlessness when he worked in the Ministry of punishment, and none of the people under his hand was light.

I'm afraid these people have long been accustomed to the ruthlessness of Shoufu in dealing with outlaws, so they can't see anything different.

Ye Zhiqiu bit his teeth, "a man who sneaked into your house to steal."

As soon as she said this, she felt that half of her face had been torn off. Even if she let it go, she continued: "he didn't come last night. He was just confused for a moment. Please help him and spare his life!" I hope he still has his life.

Seeing her heavy face, Xie Xuan asked faintly, "how do you know he was confused for a while?"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't want to say more, but when people asked, she could only reply, "he came because of me, so... I know."

It's really complicated to make it clear. What's more, she doesn't want to explain with Xie Yu what she didn't know. It's the people at the bottom who want to make trouble.

In this way, it seems that she is deliberately looking for a reason. Anyway, Xie Yu can't have any good-looking methods for her. Just black it out.

Ye Zhiqiu thought to himself.

However, Mr. Xie, who always talked little, asked again, "what is he here to steal?"

"He, he came to steal..." Ye Zhiqiu really replied with his teeth, "your jade pendant."

Xie Xuan smelled the speech and didn't speak for a moment. She just looked at her eyes, which became more and more complex.

"I know I'm wrong." Ye Zhiqiu was afraid that he would say something to teach himself. He took the lead in admitting his mistake, and saluted with his fist. He lowered his identity and was polite. "Please forgive me, chief Fu! Can you let me see how he is now?"

Xie Yu pursed his lips and turned to his entourage, "go and bring the man last night."

Ye Zhiqiu wanted to ask, "are you still alive?" but under this situation, she was really too embarrassed, so she had to say "thank you".

Then there was a long silence.

Xie Xuan didn't know why today. Originally, she was in a hurry to go out. At this moment, she stood with her and didn't go.

Behind him, a crowd stood upright, like a row of pines and cypresses.

The attendants who went to get people didn't come back for a long time.

Ye Zhiqiu was so anxious that he wanted to rush in and carry the master and leave.

She has lived for more than 20 years and has always had a big heart. Nothing can make her feel so ashamed.

But for the first time in life, it came to Xie Yu.

It can be seen that this person has no fate and can't be forced.

If you have to force, you will inevitably make the scene so embarrassing. Even if you are far away from mountains and seas in the future, it is not very comfortable to recall.

Ye Zhiqiu admonished himself again in his heart. Since there is no face, he simply doesn't want it.

But even if I think so, I still seem very sad.

So I can only be silent.

The morning light shrouded the streets, and the dawn rose suddenly. It was originally the most vigorous hour of the day, but there was silence in front of the house.

Only the wind howled in my ears.

Xie Xuan pondered for a long time and couldn't help whispering to her, "do you really... Want it?"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't expect him to ask this.

At the moment, it's fake to say she doesn't want to. She nodded stiffly, "well, I want to."

Xie Yu was silent.

His hand under his sleeve secretly rubbed the peace talisman he wanted to give to Ye Zhiqiu. He looked at her for a moment with dark eyes and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "wait for me here for a moment."

Ye Zhiqiu wanted to ask him what to do. He opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

Just at this time, Hou Haiping ran after him with his horse. He was so anxious that he climbed up the steps and asked in a hurry, "Lord Hou, where are people? How are people?"

Ye Zhiqiu was full of anger. At the sight of him, he couldn't hold it down. He couldn't make it in front of these people under Xie Yu. He gritted his teeth and whispered, "haven't come out yet."

"Why hasn't this come out yet?" Hou Haiping stretched his neck and looked into the door. "Isn't it dead? Or was he beaten half dead and only out of breath?"

He was so worried that he said to himself, "blessed by the Buddha, we must let him live! It would be better if we could not lack arms and legs!"

The people in the mansion, led by abundant food and clothing, looked at Hou Haiping's eyes with some doubt of "does this man think too much?".

In this moment, the attendants who had gone to the custody came with the fake boy. When they came forward, they asked Ye Zhiqiu politely: "look, Lord Hou, but this man?"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know whether he was this man or not, but he was dressed as a servant, and there were no scars or blood on his body. That is, his hair was messy and his clothes were stained with some ash. He couldn't see that he had walked under the chief assistant.

She doesn't believe her eyes very much.

So is Hou Haiping.

"It's him, it's him!" but when the latter saw that his brother was safe and sound, he excitedly forgot the one next to him, came forward and pulled the man out of the door and said a lot of words.

The fake boy shouted "brother Hou" and looked guilty. He bowed his head to Ye Zhiqiu and said "Lord Hou."

Ye Zhiqiu didn't want to teach his people at the gate of Xie Xuan's house. He endured his anger and said "thank you", but he really felt ashamed to see Xie Xuan again. He immediately said, "I still have important things to do. I can't wait for chief Fu. Please tell me."

Fengyi quickly opened his mouth and advised: "since your excellency said to ask the Marquis to wait, he must come out soon. The Marquis should wait a little longer."

"Yes, marquis." the foot food also said, "you're all here, and it's not bad to wait for this moment."

Hou Haiping on the side also knew that he had done something wrong. He quickly whispered, "yes, in case there is anything important, wait."

Ye Zhiqiu could have held back. As soon as he spoke, his anger rubbed to his head. He was afraid that if he stayed, he would have to beat people in front of Xie Fu.

She immediately said, "family and state affairs are ahead, and we can't delay any longer. Please tell me and leave!"

With that, ye Zhiqiu turned down the steps, took the reins in one hand, jumped on the horse and galloped away.

Seeing this, Hou Haiping knew that he had really annoyed the leader this time. He quickly led the little brother on the side to mount a horse and ran after him, "Lord Hou! Slow down!"

Xie Xuan hurried through the corridor. When he crossed the threshold, ye Zhiqiu was already out of place.

The horse in front of the steps is gone.

The morning light in the sky came down and penetrated the fog full of the long street. As far as you can see, there was only a burst of flying dust and smoke.

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