As soon as Lord Shoufu said this, old Li was blocked speechless.

At the Palace Banquet, everyone was silent and thought out a different understanding.

I don't know it at all. I think that Moyi Hou, like Shoufu, is very reluctant to marry and get married. I feel that there is something fishy here when I get closer to them. I have read a lot of gossip books, and I believe that Moyi Hou and Shoufu are really having an affair.

Those who wanted to ask for a golden wedding on this good holiday failed, but the banquet was even more lively.

Xie Heng said with a smile, "I think so."

Only their own brothers can understand this.

Xie Xuan didn't say a word and took his seat again.

Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng, who sat with him, bit their ears. "Look, third brother, half of this is hidden."

The latter thin lip light hook, "then you teach him."

Xie Wanjin stepped back and looked at the people in front of him. He couldn't help but "tut" and said in a low voice: "my eldest brother has just recruited him. He must be holding his breath at the moment. I won't find it unpleasant!"

The fourth childe is very clever. He just wants to have a good look at the excitement. Wen Wen on the side left for a few words at the same night, but he got up and sat next to Xie Xuan.

At this moment, all the people involuntarily cast admiring eyes at Uncle Guo.

Wen Wen was also dazzled by the little demon's femininity. He left at night to go to the Jianghu with Xie Qi. It's natural and unrestrained. It's rare to come back, and it will hurt him to raise more and more like a little white face in this rich village.

Wen Wen couldn't bear it at all. When he noticed the lingering cold around him, it was hard to wake up and leave, "that..."

He tried to ease his embarrassment and lied with his eyes closed. "They always look at you. I'll sit here and help you block."

Xie Xuan's face was very pale and said, "no need."

Wen Wen suddenly: "..."

If I hadn't known what the third childe of the Xie family was, he would have wanted to beat people now.

Not far away, Yeli obviously knew that he had eaten shriveled here, and smiled at him happily.

Wen Wen was half dead with anger. He sat here with the cold on his shoulder.

Xie Qi still couldn't see it. He looked up and touched Yeli's hair. He said in a warm voice, "Lili, don't always quarrel with Xiaowen."

The fifth childe got up and walked this way. He also sat next to Xie Yu and shouted gently with a smile, "third brother."

Xie Xuan, who was sitting alone before, was sandwiched in the middle by one left and one right. Suddenly, he was a little uncomfortable. He asked in a low voice, "do you think they are all looking at me and come to block me?"

Xie Qi was stunned when he heard the speech, and then smiled and said, "the third brother is not afraid of being seen. Why should I stop him?"

Xie Yu lost his temper and gave a faint "um" sound.

"Just......" Xie Qi raised her eyes and looked at her third brother with a smile on her lips. "I'm going to get married with Li Li this time. I want to ask when the third brother will get married? I'm a younger brother. It's always hard to get past you."

Xie Yu was surprised when he heard the words in his eyes, "you leave with the night..."

"You and Yeli are going to make a decision?" Wen Wen's reaction is even greater. Even if he holds Xie Qi's hand, "five childe, why are you so reluctant? What's good about Yeli's little witch? I......"

He spoke in a loud voice. Everyone on the side looked at him. Yeli stared at him with bad eyes, holding a wine cup in his hand and ready to smash it at any time.

After Wen Wen realized it, he quickly lowered his voice, "five childe, don't be impulsive. Think about it again. There are so many good girls in the world. Don't be cheated by that little witch."

Xie Qi smiled and said, "it's good to leave."

Wen Wen disagreed with it very much.

Xie Qi gently took back his hand and said to Xie: "the third brother hasn't answered me yet."

I don't know how many times the third childe has been urged to get married in recent years, but he has never been so embarrassed. The gentlest and genial brother has a girl he wants to marry. Considering the etiquette, he can't go over his brother and ask him when he will get married.

It's not like the eldest brother joking and adding fuel to the fire, nor is it like the fourth childe always watching the excitement from the shore.

Xie Qi asked him seriously.

So Xie Yu didn't want to answer any more. He could only say in a muffled voice, "just be your marriage."

"OK." Xie Qi smiled and got up to return to his original seat.

Wen Wen quickly got up and followed him. As he walked, he whispered, "is that what you just said true, or do you just want to push your third brother?"

Xie Xuan couldn't hear the words behind him.

The Palace Banquet was bustling, and the position beside him was empty again.

In a trance, the waiter from outside reported that the front line had sent the folding of Moyi Hou urgently.

Xie Heng immediately waved back the dancer and the musician, "show it up."

Xie Xuan was afraid that it was a border war. Since the waiter handed the fold to Xie Heng, his face unconsciously became dignified.

Seeing that Lord Shoufu was like this, all the ministers around raised their hearts.

As a result, his majesty put the fold on the case after reading it, smiled and scolded: "the word Xiaoye is getting uglier and uglier. It's rare to know to add a few good words to please me after winning the war, but this word of kneeling and climbing is a headache."

All the ministers were relieved when they heard this and laughed together.

Wen Jiu couldn't help but give Xie Dongfeng a look and said with a smile: "well, after tonight, I'm afraid the whole world should know that the characters of Mo Yi Hou are ugly."

All the courtiers laughed. The more familiar ones knew that Moyi Hou was a rough man. She couldn't do the writing and ink work in the court. It's not strange, but once your Majesty's "ugly" word came out, there was another laugh.

Qin Mo said, "this word is ugly. It must have been written by Mo Yi Hou himself. It can be seen that he is far away and cares about his majesty!"

The crowd followed and praised the Moyi Hou who was far away from the border.

Xie Heng said with a smile: "reward!"

He ordered the waiter to reward Ye Zhiqiu with a lot of things, and allocated a lot of money and food to the border to reward the three armies.

Xie Xuan waited for his elder brother to give himself the fold after reading it, but his eyes passed it several times. The latter was stunned as if he couldn't understand it.

Xie Heng even shook the fold in front of everyone and said to his third childe, "this is the one that came up. There is nothing else."

In the past, when ye Zhiqiu was fighting outside, she always brought something to Xie Xuan every time she sent a folding to Dijing. Sometimes it was a letter, sometimes it was sugar, and sometimes it was something she thought was very interesting.

But not this time.

Xie Yu was silent for a moment.

Piansheng Xie Heng added with a smile, "I really didn't give it to you."

Xie Yu was speechless immediately: "...."

Because of this, Lord Shoufu sat in the palace and the banquet ended without saying a word.

After the Palace Banquet, everyone rushed home to get together, while the Xie family stayed in the palace.

Xie Zhen didn't want to go to his eldest brother and was teased by him. He slowed down and walked slowly. He just saw some drunk Qin Mo holding Zhang Shangshu's shoulder in his left hand and Li Shilang's sleeve robe in his right hand. He asked, "you two haven't married yet? Who can let me stay for a few days?"

Someone asked, "Lord Qin, you can't live in such a big mansion?"

Qin Mo shook his head and sighed helplessly.

People on the side laughed and asked, "what's the matter? Do you have goblins or beasts in your family?"

Qin Mo said, "goblins have their own gods, and beasts can be tamed by people. This......" my sister looks at me. I'm really uncertain!

After getting drunk, he swallowed the words behind him. His family affairs could not be publicized, but said, "don't say! Don't say!"

People can get some words out while he is drunk.

On the contrary, Xie Xuan couldn't see it anymore. He waved to several internal servants on one side to come forward, "send Lord Qin back to the house."

The internal attendants answered "yes" in unison and immediately came forward to help the people out of the palace.

As soon as the ministers looked back, they saw Shoufu standing there, saying goodbye and returning home one after another.

Xie Xuan looked at the people's backs and gradually looked away. He saw that the lights on both sides of the palace road were like day, and countless Kongming lights rose in the night.

I wonder what the scenery of the border is like at this time?

Do ye Zhiqiu have any wine tonight?

Thousands of miles of cold wind, bright moon, separation and reunion for another year.

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