The marriage was so lively and joyful that the people of the whole imperial capital were stained with the light of Mr. Xie. The word "Qing" was hung on the major industries under Mr. Wen and Mr. Xie. They would give it away whenever they bought it, and set up a shed to give porridge to relieve the poor. Such a thing is to spend enough money on silver.

Besides, this time it was just a happy event for the Xie family. Xie Qi didn't like extravagance. Yeli was a child who hadn't been bound by secular rules. The family here was thinking about how to do big things, but the two went to visit the world hand in hand.

Yeli left a book for Rong Sheng and said that she was still very angry. Senior brother was bad to her with Xie Si.

Xie Qi left a letter very implicitly saying that the third brother has not married yet. He has decided that the day of serious marriage can wait.

Several elders of the Xie family looked at each other and set their eyes on Xie Yu again.

Old lady Xie asked, "ah Yu doesn't have a favorite girl yet?"

Xie Yu didn't speak.

Mrs. Xie said, "I really don't like girls. Even if I don't like girls, I'll find a living one that is more pleasing to the eye. It's OK to know the cold and the heat. Our family can't see it..."

Lord Shoufu was so surprised that he grabbed the door and fled. For several days, he dared not enter the gate of Xie's house except going to the court and returning to his residence.

On the other side of the border, no matter who wrote it, Xie was always the first to consult it, but after reading countless messages, he was stunned that none of them was given to him by Ye Zhiqiu.

Since he left the imperial capital, it seems that he is really like what she and Xie said. He has only his family, country and people, and has no intention to give the so-called love.

It really does what it says.

Xie Xuan often sits alone in the cabinet and repeatedly reads the border war reports. Occasionally, he can see the appearance of Ye Zhiqiu fighting on the battlefield.

The snow shrouded corpses on the border and the strong wind sobbed blood. With these achievements, they returned to the imperial capital. Various pictures emerged in front of Xie Yu. Winter went to spring, and the warm wind blew open the imperial capital, but the flowers all over the city could not reach Ye Zhiqiu.

The accompanying Qingyi guards will also send back some news from time to time. Most of them are because when ye Zhiqiu reports good news but not bad news, they help to tell the empress Moyi what injury he has suffered, and whose girl is deeply attracted to the Lord. There are also young boys who have just entered the military camp who always peek at the empress Moyi practicing guns and listen to his majesty.

Xie Heng always couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, and every time he came back with such news, he had to let Xie Heng listen to it together.

This time, too.

When the green guards finished reporting the border, they began to say ye Zhiqiu, "many young soldiers love to gather up with the Lord Moyi. Obviously, they are not satisfied with pulling a red line for their sister and sister with the Lord. Their subordinates look at them. The Lord's eyes look more and more like they want to devote themselves!"

"No wonder." Xie Heng said with a smile, "which boy doesn't love heroes? Besides, Xiao Ye is born well. I haven't seen a girl in the barracks for many years..."

"Elder brother." Xie Xuan couldn't help interrupting him.

Xie Heng smiled on his lips, but pretended to be puzzled and looked at him and asked, "what's the matter?"

Xie Yu said in a dull voice, "those people are just admiring. What do they have to do with that?"

"That's not necessarily true." Xie Heng said with a smile: "Xiaoye is also a girl no matter how long she has been in the military camp. Maybe she has the insight to know red makeup. If the red Luan star moves, it's fate and meets a good person who can know and stay with each other. On the day she returns to Korea, I'll marry her and return her daughter. It's also free Xiaoye. She's always afraid that someone will find out about pretending to be a man. If there is such a hidden danger, she can't sleep well."

Xie Xuan was still expressionless, but there was an unspeakable complexity in his eyes.

In a flash.

But Xie Heng caught it.

The eldest brother got up, brushed his sleeves, and said casually: "it doesn't matter if she doesn't meet in the military camp. When she returns to the imperial capital, I will choose a husband for her and call people with talent, appearance and martial arts all over the world. I won't believe it. The countries are so big that I can't find someone who can please Xiaoye!"

He said, walked to Xie Xuan, put his hand on the latter's shoulder, and said seriously: "ah Xuan, don't worry. Brother Wei will soon let Ye Zhiqiu forget you completely and never entangle again."

Xie Xuan heard this, his face was not good-looking, and even couldn't help but want to grind his teeth.

The Tsing Yi guard on the side especially wants to remind his majesty: don't say it!

Besides, I have to piss off the third childe.

If Xie Heng didn't see anything about Tsing Yi satellite TV, he didn't even notice that the three CHILDES in front of him were not good at looking at each other. He kept on saying, "you and Xiaoye are my right and left arms. When this old relationship is clean, you can be simple and good colleagues in the future, and you don't have to worry about the two of you anymore."

The sound fell.

Xie Xuan's face became more and more ugly. He couldn't say what he wanted to say. In the end, he ignored the rules of honor and inferiority that he valued most in his daily life and walked away directly.

Several green guards on the side were stunned.

Xie Heng was smiling and didn't forget to tell the green guards, "go follow the third childe. If you see the unlucky man hit by him, you can save him in time."

Just like Lord Shoufu now, anyone who meets him has to die.

The crowd quickly answered "yes" in unison and hurried out.

While Xie Xuan in front passed through many palace gates and was expressionless all the way. The palace attendants who had a little eyesight saw the chief assistant, who were very clever and avoided to one side. They didn't even steal a look at him.

When he returned to the cabinet, he began to write a letter. The green guards who followed the order did not dare to come near. They had to lie on the eaves and secretly look at it and guess in a low voice what the third childe was writing:

"Your Majesty is so angry that you can't talk back, and you can't write some swearing words on the paper?"

"What does it say? It's so far away that I can't see it!"

"I guess... It's for Moyi Hou?"

As soon as these words came out, all the green guards were silent.

Xie Xuan at the bottom only wrote a few words and kneaded the rice paper into a ball. He changed a piece of paper and continued for several times. Finally, many pieces of rice paper were discarded and nothing was written.

He put his pen down and looked out of the window.

Now it's April day. The peaches, plums and fawns outside the window are falling down a lot by the wind, and the ground is red.

There are frequent reports of border wars. Ye Zhiqiu doesn't say that he is invincible, but he basically wins. According to this view, he will return to Beijing in two or three months at most.

According to what my eldest brother said today, she must find a good son-in-law for her. Calculate the day, she can return to Beijing in June and July. The son of heaven ordered to choose a husband for her, and a candidate can be determined in a few days. The Mid Autumn Festival in August is a great festival for happy events.

Returning to the dynasty, restoring her daughter, choosing a husband and getting married seem to be in sight.

My eldest brother thinks it's a good thing.

Maybe everyone would think so.

Xie Yu was a little confused. For a moment, he just wanted to know: what does Ye Zhiqiu think?

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