Xie Wanjin didn't have time to hide. He could only lie with his eyes open. "A bottle of heart protecting pill and a pot of wine told me to bring it to my third brother. I don't know what my eldest brother wants to do?"

Rongsheng took the wine gourd with a suspicious hand, opened it and smelled it. His expression suddenly became a little subtle, "how much do you want Xie Yu to be infected with the world of mortals?"

"Well..." Xie Wanjin held up to make himself look very calm and calm, and slowly replied, "maybe I want to."

Rong Sheng always felt something wrong when he saw him like this.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and took the wine gourd back, tied it around his waist and said, "no matter what he thinks, I'll do it anyway."

Rongsheng looked at him for a long time and couldn't help laughing: "you're not afraid that Xie Yu will kill you now."

Xie Wanjin naturally answered, "what am I afraid he will do with you?"

Rongsheng looked at him, slightly raised his eyebrows, but didn't speak.

Xie Wanjin felt faint for fear that he might see something. He quickly turned around and urged the boys and waitresses, "are you ready to pack?"

He didn't wait for everyone to answer, and then said, "I'm in a hurry to go out and do something that is vital to human life. Don't linger. Just pick up some and take them with you. If you're not ready, you can just buy them along the way."

People dare not say anything more.

In the past, the fourth childe was the most fastidious when he went out and wanted the best of everything. He was not used to buying things outside. This time, he was particularly anxious. It was like staying in another courtyard for a while, just like the fire burned his eyebrows.

Rongsheng glanced at him and suddenly seemed to know something.

And Xie Wanjin has ghosts in his heart and looks at them frequently Steal a look at Rong Sheng. When the other party's eyes fell on him, he quickly moved away as if nothing had happened, and angrily urged the people, "clean up quickly!"

The warm wind makes the people in the yard in a hurry. The rain makes the flowers fall and leaves fly.

And Xie Xuan, who came out of the imperial capital in the rain, rushed to yujiangzhou without stopping.

Originally, the quickest way to go there was to take the waterway, but now there are continuous rainstorms everywhere, the water surface is high, the river is fast, and no one dares to sail. Even the official roads are muddy by the rainstorm. Xie Yu rode his horse in a hurry. The whole person can't bump, and his sight is blurred by the rain.

The left and right entourage advised: "Lord Shoufu! The rain is too heavy. You'd better take a carriage!"

"Your body is golden. It's different from our martial arts men. If you get caught in the rain, you won't be able to hold on until you reach yujiangzhou..."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him bah him. What unlucky thing! Dare to curse Lord Shoufu like this!

The one who was booed immediately shut up and went to the last part of the team silently to let out the place closest to Xie Yu for the convenience of the others to persuade.

Xie Xuan turned a deaf ear to their words and only wanted to get to yujiangzhou as soon as possible.

When he was young, he didn't have a good time. In those years, he was exposed to rain and snow. Although he felt bad all over, he really couldn't support it.

Now the horse galloped, and the internal organs seemed to move. The heavy rain made the whole person numb, and I didn't feel any good or bad.

Only that heart is like a knife It hurts like wringing.

Xie Xuan clenched his teeth, held the reins tightly, and told himself very firmly:

Ye Zhiqiu won't die

She will never die like this!

With such a breath, Xie Xuan rode his horse over five hundred miles one day and one night, and finally arrived at yujiangzhou. Along the way, he ordered everyone to search for ye Zhiqiu's whereabouts.

All the local officials got the news from the imperial capital at dawn. When they learned that the chief auxiliary was coming in person, they were like a great enemy. They put on their clothes and braved the heavy rain to pick them up in front of the city gate in fear.

But I didn't see Lord Shoufu appear until dawn. A group of officials felt guilty and gathered together to discuss one after another, "didn't you say that Lord Shoufu and Lord Moyi haven't dealt with each other all the time? Why is this man gone, and it was him who was most eager to come?"

Another younger official lowered his voice and said, "you can't believe those inconsistent rumors!"

"I can't believe it." someone answered, "I heard that there are many unclear things between Lord Moyi and Lord Shoufu. When people are good, we can't see them. If there is a slight disagreement, they will be taken out as a major event, but who knows whether they are arguing outside and closing the door..."

He said half of it and stopped talking with great discretion, leaving half of it for them to guess.

All of them understood with their own skills. Half of them showed a look of "I see. The other half became more and more frightened. One of them said in a trembling voice:" if this is true, the Lord Moyi is gone here, and the chief assistant is not allowed to bury us with the Lord Moyi... "

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned white.

The rain kept falling, and the green mountains in the distance were covered in the fog. They couldn't see anything. They only felt that their future and small life were soon lost by the rain.

The oldest official whispered, "I'd rather that Lord Shoufu and Lord Moyi are really incompatible. This time, we just come to confirm whether he is dead, or... Our good days will come to an end."

They nodded again and again, and all at once began to pray for the blessing of the gods: Lord Shoufu and Lord Moyi must not have anything.

While he was talking here, the yamen runner rushed to report, "the chief assistant has arrived, but he didn't go to the city and went directly to the place where the Yujiang embankment was washed away..."


Several officials exclaimed in unison, and regardless of the sedan chair and carriage, they hurried to the place of the Yujiang embankment with their official robes.

A group of people hurried in the heavy rain, followed by a large group of young yamen servants, stepping through the mud and going there.

At the moment, Xie Xuan watched all the good fields on both sides of the river being washed away by the washed away dykes. Looking at the horizon, the rolling flood was almost connected to the sky.

The soldiers who searched again for several days without results are reporting to him.

Xie Xuan listened to them numbly, "I've been looking for it for many days, and I haven't seen the whereabouts of the Marquis yet!"

"The people who were washed away by the flood nearby were either rescued or picked up the bones at worst. Only the Marquis..."

"Xie Xuan!" one of the Deputy generals who had been following Ye Zhiqiu was still busy fishing. When Xie Xuan came here, he threw down the fishing net and ran over.

He was covered with water, his face was covered with mud, but his eyes were full of undisguised hatred. He said angrily, "what are you doing here? You're not in Dijing. Do you well Lord Shoufu, what are you doing here? Specially to see how miserable she died? Didn't even have a skeleton left? "

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