When the accompanying subordinates said this, they cried in their voices and burst into tears at the bottom of their eyes.

Everyone around looked at Xie Yu one after another when they heard the speech, and their faces were full of shock:

The childe looked as cold as ice. He didn't think he was still an infatuated man.

Xie Xuan looked slightly stiff. He heard Luo Huichun sigh: "I see. The childe's disease is really hard to cure."

Ye Zhiqiu involuntarily stretched out his hand to touch the object around his waist. He felt empty, but he touched the bell and attracted everyone to look at it.

She was suddenly embarrassed and hurriedly said, "don't stand here because it's raining so hard. Quickly help the childe to the wing room. I'll go back to the house and change my clothes first."

Ye Zhiqiu turned and left. Seeing this, the handmaid on her side hurriedly came forward and helped her back to the room.

Xie Xuan quickly loosened the flower branches and caught up with them, but Luo Huichun stopped him.

"Coming to the door is a guest. Since you are a guest, you should know the discretion of being a guest, shouldn't you?" the latter has a gentle tone, but he has nothing to say.

Xie Xuan looked at him, his eyes were heavy, but his face was much more gentle. He nodded slightly and said with his mouth: "nature."

Luo Huichun smiled, raised his hand and held Xie Xuan's arm. Wen said, "I'll take you to the wing room."

The accompanying subordinates on one side looked at this scene and were stunned for a moment. As soon as they began to speak, they saw Xie Yu nodding slightly.

As a subordinate, I don't know what Mr. Shoufu thinks. The childe surnamed Luo doesn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp. He can only follow them silently with his mouth open before he can close it.

The boys and maidservants on one side also hurried forward to open the door of the wing room and were busy making tea and burning incense.

Luo Huichun helped Xie Xuan sit down, took his pulse, and immediately ordered the boy: "go and get three heart protecting pills. ”

Xie Yu smelled the speech and had no expression on his face.

On the contrary, the accompanying subordinates were startled, "do you really want to use heart protecting pills? You can eat three as soon as you eat them?"

If he remembers correctly, this pill seems to be the treasure of Taiyuan hospital. Only the Taiyuan doctor named Qing Qi can make it. Because it is extremely rare, it is rare and precious, even the royal family It's not easy to take it out.

I never thought that the land of the rain river was still so crouching tiger, hidden dragon and generous.

Luo Huichun closed his hands and turned back his sleeves. His face was as usual and said, "childe, this disease is threatening. If you are depressed and difficult to solve, I'm afraid no amount of heart protecting pills can protect your life."

Xie Xuan lowered her eyes and motioned to understand each other's meaning.

He just lost his manners in the garden. Now he sits in the house and hears others say that his condition has calmed down.

Just now I saw Ye Zhiqiu and knew that she was still alive, but I hurt my eyes. These days, the tense heartstrings suddenly broke. Xie Xuan was dazzled by the high heat. He couldn't sit still. The whole person was dizzy and had some unclear consciousness.

"How can it be cured? ” The accompanying subordinates were frightened. They looked at their chief assistant and Luo Huichun. They said in a hurry: "my childe's family is powerful and rich! You can spend as much money as you want. Please help me!"

Luo Huichun heard this and suddenly smiled, "it's not necessary."

Xie Xuan was dizzy and couldn't open his eyes. He tried to look up at the person in front of him, but his sight was blurred.

Even the voice in my ear became less clear.

In a trance, he heard Luo Huichun's voice, smiled and said, "what I want, your master is ready."

Xie Yu fainted.

The accompanying subordinates hurried forward to help him, "childe! Childe... How are you?"

No one could think about what Luo Huichun meant.

Luo Huichun saw that Xie Yu fainted. He turned around and ordered the boy outside to prepare a hot water medicine bath, and asked someone to take silver needles and various drugs. Wen Sheng asked the subordinate to step back outside the door and immediately began to apply needles for Xie Yu's treatment.

People in this house are used to seeing patients. They are all agile. They are not surprised at such things. They will get everything ready soon.

When ye Zhiqiu changed into clean clothes and was supported by the maids to the door of the wing room, the two boys just sat down in a bath bucket filled with medicine with Xie Xuan in Chinese clothes.

She stood outside the door and asked, "ah Hui, how is he?"

Luo Huichun raised his head and asked everyone to quit and close the door. He replied in a warm voice: "I just fed three heart pills, and the man is still unconscious. I'll needle him first to protect his heart pulse. He won't wake up for a moment. Go back to the house and have a rest."

When he finished, he thought of something and added, "when he wakes up, I'll have someone talk to you."

"It's stuffy in the house. I'll stand here for a while." although Ye Zhiqiu can't see it, he still turns his back to the door and faces the rain outside the eaves.

Luo Huichun also let her, but Wensheng told the maidservants, "add another coat to Miss Qiu."

"Yes, childe." the maidservants answered with a smile, and the more they found that their childe and Miss Qiu were a pair of good men.

Ye Zhiqiu brushed the fallen leaves and flying flowers on his sleeves and whispered, "I've worn enough."

The first and second subordinates on one side felt more and more complicated. The Mo Yi Hou suddenly became a woman. How can he still be like a family with the son of the Luo family?

When Lord Shoufu came, he didn't seem to be so sick. After seeing these two people just now

He thought like this, and suddenly understood the general meaning of Guan Qiao: should chief Fu not be dizzy?

The closed door separates the people inside from those outside.

Luo Huichun didn't even leave a medicine boy. He personally removed the white lining for Xie Yu. In the curling heat, he took out the silver needle and plunged it into the acupoint on his back. There was almost no sound from beginning to end.

The accompanying subordinates were nervous and sweating behind their backs. They were afraid that Lord Shoufu would have something to do here. In the future, his majesty will be held accountable and it will be difficult to bear the wrath of the emperor.

Ye Zhiqiu is silently listening to the movement inside. There are bursts of thunder and torrential rain in front of the court. It is strange that she can clearly hear the stuffy voice of the man in the room at the moment.

Luohui spring is endowed with unique talents. Although he doesn't want to be a world-famous doctor, he has excellent medical skills. It should be handy to apply a needle.

But somehow, she felt that today was more painful than when the needle pierced her body.

In the dark sky overhead, from time to time, lightning rumbled to break the haze and roared down to the world.

Ye Zhiqiu was a little flustered. Suddenly, at this time, he heard a dull hum in the room.

"What's the matter with him?" she turned and pushed the door in without thinking.

Almost at the same time, Xie Xuan in a coma suddenly ejected a mouthful of blood stasis

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