Ye Zhiqiu couldn't see what kind of expression Xie Xuan used to say such words. He just felt that the man in front of him was particularly untrue and everything was like a fake.

She dared not even dream that she would see such a Xie one day.

She especially wanted to catch someone and ask: who is this person in front of me?

Did someone deliberately pretend to be Xie Yu to tease me?

But all around quietly, there was not even a passing boy or maid.

Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts were messy, and he began to feel dizzy. He clenched his teeth and broke Xie Xuan's hand, trying to calm himself down, "Sometimes people are very strange. You don't like what she does when the person you don't like is in front of you. It's also very eye-catching. Once the person dies, it will give birth to the illusion of pain through the heart, but the illusion usually exists for a few days. After that time, it'll be all right."

Xie Yu didn't speak and looked at her sadly.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly rejoiced that she was blind. When she was with Xie Yu in the past, she always couldn't help observing his expression. Once he frowned slightly or showed a little unhappy expression, she had to rack her brains to think about how to make him happy, swallow what she said and turn it back for several times before she could say it.

Now she can't see. Naturally, she doesn't know how Xie Xuan reacts after hearing what she said.

It's a good thing.

When ye Zhiqiu thought like this, he was inevitably sad and self mocking, but his mood was much calmer. Generally, he changed the topic and said again: "yesterday I thought the childe was mute, but it wasn't. why didn't your little fellow remind me? It made me talk so much nonsense..."

Xie Xuan saw that her look changed very naturally, as if she didn't see who he was at all. Hearing those words, she regarded them as something completely unrelated to herself, and even mentioned yesterday.

Rao is the third childe, who is used to looking at people's hearts. At the moment, he is not sure whether ye Zhiqiu knows that she is standing in front of her.

He didn't speak for a moment.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't go on.

Both of them were speechless, and the surroundings suddenly quieted down.

The rain on the flower branches was blown down by the wind, and some drops fell on Ye Zhiqiu's forehead, It's cool and refreshing.

She raised her sleeve to wipe it, but Xie Xuan took a quick step, raised her hand and gently wiped the water stains on her forehead, and gently rubbed her finger abdomen across her eyebrows from the temples.

Xie Xuan's movements are very light.

But ye Zhiqiu was like being struck by thunder. The whole person became a little stiff. It took a long time to squeeze out a sentence, "childe has read books. You should know what it means that men and women don't give and receive. You're like this..."

In her life, she never thought that she could say such words from her mouth one day. In the end, she couldn't open her mouth and say what righteous words like Xie Xun before. After holding it for a long time, she only said, "it's bad to be seen."

Who knows, Xie asked solemnly, "what's wrong?"

Whether men and women give or receive, it is said that those who have no name and no point should start from emotion and stop from ceremony.

Ye Zhiqiu completely didn't expect that he could ask such a question, and suddenly choked, "it's not good anywhere... Childe, you'd better go back to your room and have a rest. You and I have been together for too long, and I'm afraid of being seen and criticized. It's not good for anyone at that time."

She said, taking the lead in leaving, but this invisible road is always troublesome and can't walk fast.

"Ye Zhiqiu."

Xie Xuan followed her and called out in a low voice.

Ye Zhiqiu immediately stood in place as if he had been fixed.

Originally, she thought that Xie Yu probably just came here to seek medical treatment and happened to meet her. Since she met someone, she must be a little sad and happy.

After all, Xie is also a person. He will be angry and happy, but he doesn't write it all on his face like others.

Maybe I care about her a little bit. I know she's still alive and accidentally hurt her eyes. It can't always be regarded as invisible.

Ye Zhiqiu thought that Xie Xuan would go back safely when he saw that he was not dead and had a good life. At most, he pretended to be a stranger and said a few words. He lived next to each other for a few days and would never meet again in the future.

Even if we really meet again, she, who is blind, never knows that Xie Xuan has appeared here. Xie Xuan, who can't say a word with three sticks, won't say that she has seen her.

They don't talk much. They forget when they turn around. How good.

That's what they'll go 、 The way to go.

Today's Xie Yu took the wrong medicine and called her name.

Rao is Ye Zhiqiu. He wants to pretend to be stupid and be a good blind man who can't find anything. For a moment, he doesn't know how to install it.

Xie Xuan stood behind her, his warm breath slowly rustling on the back of her neck, "in fact, you knew it was me."

That's for sure.

Instead of asking.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't look back or speak.

She suddenly regretted that she had just sent away those little maidservants.

But whenever there was an outsider at this time, Xie would not say such strange words.

Everyone thinks Ye Zhiqiu has a thick skin and a big heart. In fact, sometimes, for example, at this moment, she is also afraid of embarrassment.

"Why pretend not to know me?"

Xie Yu always speaks coldly. Today's low and dumb voice makes people sound aggrieved.

Ye Zhiqiu was hit by him one sentence after another. He was so confused that he opened his mouth to deny it. He also knew that no one could tell lies in Shoufu without being seen through.

She used to like this man too much and know his skills too well.

So you can't lie in front of him even after you're blind.

Finally, I can only ask half true and half false: "who is pretending?"

Ye Zhiqiu smiled at himself, "I can't see it again. The maid told me that the best peony in the garden is peony. I said that the peony must be very good. The maid said that the peony on the side is more beautiful. I nodded, that is, the peony is more beautiful. In fact, I can't see any flowers. What's the difference for me? It's just irrelevant gossip, only When they said it, I thought it was all very good. "

Xie Xuan looked at her and said calmly. It seemed that she couldn't see it. It was just an insignificant thing for her.

Ye Zhiqiu turned around slowly. Obviously, he couldn't see Xie Xuan's face. When talking, he was still used to speaking to him, "you know me, but don't tell me who you are. Instead, you blame me for being a blind man who knows your identity but pretends not to know... Don't you think it's funny?"

She was really angry and smiled, "if you are really dumb and can't speak, you can only listen to me. But you don't have to hide if you don't speak. What's the use of your mouth?"

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