A few days later, Emperor capital.

It is the midsummer season. The weather is hot. At dusk, a red sun sets in the West. There are still no pedestrians in the street who dare to take the heat out to walk around.

In such a big imperial capital, only the Moyi Marquis was full of people in front of the gate. Beijing got the news early. Lord Shoufu found the missing Moyi Marquis during the disaster relief in Yujiang Prefecture and took him back to the imperial capital. He will arrive today.

After hearing about this, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty waited here early and planned to have a good greeting with the Mo Yi Hou who survived the disaster and returned safely. The people passing by also gathered here and gradually filled the street.

The crowd gathered together, raised their sleeves to wipe their sweat, and whispered, "the ink coat Hou is really blessed!"

"I didn't expect that in the end, Lord Shoufu found the Moyi Hou back. Didn't you say that the two were at odds?"

Qin Mo took a group of young ministers to the front, stretched his neck and looked at the intersection.

The young minister whispered, "you can't believe all the rumors, you know?"

Li Shilang on the side couldn't help asking, "Qin Shangshu knows something. Tell us quickly!"

"It's hard to say," Qin Mo said with a smile. "There's no need to say anything more. You'll know when someone comes later."

People said that he was coy.

Qin Mo smiled but did not speak.

Just then, the little boy standing dozens of steps away shouted, "here! Here! I see the carriage!"

"Well, well, hurry to put away your thoughts about the mess. The Marquis is back and come forward to meet him quickly." Qin Mo brushed his sleeves and took two steps forward.

The people hurried forward, straightened out the description, watched the carriage gallop, and stopped a few steps away with the coachman tightening the reins.

A moment later, a slender white hand stretched out in the carriage and slowly opened the curtain.

Qin Mo and a group of young ministers had not seen anyone, so they smiled on their faces. Qi Qi arched his hands and said in a high voice, "congratulations on your return to Beijing! Congratulations on your safety!"

Before the sound fell, the people saw Xie Yu in a blue wide sleeved cloud pattern long shirt get out of the carriage. He turned and raised his right hand to help the man out. His left hand was raised higher, covering the latter's eyes, with meticulous and gentle movements.

The crowd opened their eyes wide and saw that the woman who was helped down by Lord Shoufu himself was a tall and thin woman. She was wearing a light gauze skirt. When she got off the bus, she jumped down gently on Xie Xuan's hand. When she moved to the wind, her cloud sleeves fluttered with the wind. The ink hair as long as her waist was tied in a bun with a jade hairpin. She smiled on her lips, but it was difficult to hide the heroic spirit between her eyebrows and eyes.

Qin Mo and others were stunned when they saw it.

After a while, someone who came back to his senses said in a low voice, "how is this girl so similar to Mo Yi Hou Sheng?"

Someone answered, "maybe it's the sister of Mo Yihou?"

"But how come I never heard that there was a sister so similar to him in Moyi Hou's family?"

"The strangest thing is..." Li Shilang, who was beside Qin Mo, kept his voice very low, but he was still full of doubts. "Why is Lord Shoufu so close to this girl?"

When they heard this, they all shut their mouths and looked at the first auxiliary adult walking side by side with the girl who looked very similar to the Mo Yi Hou. They wanted to see a hole in them.

"Lord Shoufu." Qin Mo first recovered as usual, smiled and shouted, and then looked up behind him. He couldn't see anyone coming down from the carriage. He couldn't help feeling more strange.

Li Shilang on his side was almost consistent with his movements, but he couldn't sink a little Angry, he couldn't help asking, "where's the marquis in ink? Didn't chief Fu take him back to Beijing? You're all here, marquis..."

Xie Xuan looked sideways at Ye Zhiqiu.

I can't blame these people for their poor eyesight.

It's really because ye Zhiqiu took off his armor and wore neon clothes, and spent a lot of time in Yujiang, which is very different from the previous appearance.

"I'm here." Ye Zhiqiu coughed twice, hugged his fist, saluted the people, and said with a smile: "thank you for thinking about it these days. I'm fine. After I go to the palace to ask your majesty for a crime and greetings, I will choose a good day to invite you to drink!"

As soon as they heard her speak, they found their previous sense of familiarity.

However, I was not used to her current female dress. Dozens of people didn't know what to say for a moment, so they looked at her up and down several times.

Seeing this, Xie Xuan could not help frowning slightly. "Well, she has been on her way for several days. She has to rest. If you have nothing, go back early."

Before the people woke up from a big man in Moyi hou to a woman, they were surprised to see the considerate appearance of Lord Shoufu.

For a moment, no one spoke.

There was silence in front of the huge Moyi Hou's house.

After a while, the youngest one couldn't help muttering, "I only heard that Lord Hou was washed away by torrential rain and mountain torrents in Yujiang Prefecture in order to save people, but there are thousands of ancient books. No one has ever recorded that he will change from a man to a woman after narrowly escaping from the flood?"

"What nonsense! You!" Qin Mo bumped the man with his elbow and wanted to put his hand over his mouth.

The rest of the people dared not speak.

It is because Mo Yi hou can't suddenly change from a man to a woman that this matter is tricky.

If she had been a woman and had been fighting in disguise for several years, and had become the first person in charge of the military power of Dayan, there would be another uproar in the court tomorrow.

People thought about this, their faces became a little heavy, and the joy of welcoming Mo Yi Hou Enron back to Beijing also became a little complicated.

Xie Xuan took a panoramic view of everything. There was still no expression on his face. He only turned slightly and said to Ye Zhiqiu, "go in."

Ye Zhiqiu almost guessed what these people were thinking. Today, all the young ministers who came to pick her up are new generation. Even if they know that she is a woman, they won't feel any harm. Those old die hards are not necessarily.

She smiled and said to the crowd, "please go back and see you in the Hall tomorrow."

Qin Mo and other young adults responded one after another.

Ye Zhiqiu and Xie Xuan walked side by side and stepped up the steps Go into the house.

A crowd stood in front of the door and looked at their backs. They hadn't recovered for a long time.

Just at this time, Mr. Xie's carriage also followed up. The coachman pulled the reins. Xie Wanjin opened the curtain and looked out at the crowd. He smiled slowly and said, "what are you doing here? I'll talk to the court tomorrow. I've brought a gadget back here. You can go to my other yard and pick two things you like!"

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