Xie Heng gave Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu the will to marry, and the whole imperial capital was shocked.

People have been listening to how Lord Shoufu and Lord Moyi want to deal with each other these years. The Lord suddenly becomes a woman. The two people hate each other and become lovers. Everyone feels that this day is becoming more and more attractive.

Strange things happen every year, especially this year.

The imperial eunuch watched the celestial phenomena at night and combined eight characters for two important officials during the day. Under the holy intention of his majesty, "the sooner the better", he picked out a good day in late summer and early autumn. There are still two months to go. It is just enough for the people in Xie family to prepare the wedding banquet, which meets his Majesty's intention as soon as possible.

The eldest brother broke his heart when he married his brother's daughter-in-law.

Xie Xuan stole a few days of leisure, but he was unwilling to stay in the palace all day. In other words, he didn't come for leave, which made Xie Heng very angry.

On this day, for several days, Xie Heng, who had no time to accompany ah Jiu, was entangled by the trivia of the Imperial Hall. He hid in Yonghe palace. He was unwilling to go to the imperial study to write memorials overnight.

"Ah Jiu, if this brother wants to marry a daughter-in-law, he will ignore his eldest brother! I think this brother is terrible!" Xie Heng came quickly and walked in as he said.

Wen Jiu was sitting by the window drinking iced plum soup. He smiled at his appearance. "He hasn't had a good rest in three or five years. There are many things to be prepared for marriage right away. It's also right to take a few days off."

"Alas." Xie Heng sighed gently and pretended to be hurt, "I can see that my brother who is going to get married is the water poured out."

Wen Jiu looked at him, raised his eyes slightly, smiled and said, "fortunately, none of them are here. If you let them hear this, you have to say it to you."

On the side, a group of little maids bowed their heads and laughed.

If Lord Shoufu is here, he must be expressionless to reason with his majesty.

Royal guards, You must say it for a long time until your majesty takes it back.

As for the fifth childe and the seventh childe, they were really implicated in vain

"Anyway, they are not here." Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and smiled. He went to the side of Wenjiu, picked up the folding fan on the table with a "brush", gently shook it to fan her, and said with a smile: "ignore those ministers and court trifles today. Let's go out of the palace?"

"Those ministers can ignore it, but the memorials have been piled here. If you don't approve it now, you have to go out of the palace and approve it overnight after you come back." Wen Jiu raised his head and motioned Xie Heng to look at the table on the other side.

The latter looked at the mountain of folds and couldn't help changing his face. He couldn't help scolding: "these bastards!"

Usually at this time, his majesty asked his mother to soothe the students with a warm voice. The maids didn't dare to listen more and hurriedly stepped back.

Xie Heng was a little angry, and the fan in his hand shook faster. "Ah Yu has been idle for several days. They didn't even dare to say a word, but they came to pinch me."

Those people at the bottom dare not come to the empress's palace with Lord Shoufu to catch his majesty, so they secretly sent the memorial to Wenjiu earlier.

Anyway, wherever your majesty goes, he will always come back here.

Wenjiu smiled and raised the celadon bowl, fed the plum juice soup to Xie Heng's lips, and said with a smile, "well, have a sip of plum juice to eliminate the fire."

Xie Heng frowned unhappily, drank half a bowl of sour plum soup with a warm wine hand, took her and sat on the soft couch. Youyou said, "ah Jiu, let's think of a way to catch ah Yu back for some folding."

Wenjiu couldn't help laughing. He put the bowl on the table and said slowly, "don't grab it."

"Oh? ” Xie Heng smelled that his eyes brightened, and his lips also raised a smile, "what's your mother's good move?"

"It's not a good move." Wen Jiu raised his hand and ordered Xie Heng's eyebrows, "it's just that I asked Xiao Ye to enter the palace today to choose the style of clothes and jewelry. ”

She only said this half way, and Xie Heng understood.

With the third childe's sticky spirit of sticking to his daughter-in-law, when Xiaoye comes into the palace, he must come with him.

Xie Heng thought and smiled even more, "ah Jiu really hurts me."

Wenjiu especially wanted to say that she had asked Xiaoye to come here. She didn't think of this at all, just because Xiaoye showed people in men's clothes all the year round. There was no handkerchief to help Shenshen see clothes and jewelry. Old lady Xie and Mrs. Xie were also afraid that the selection preparation was not in line with Ye Zhiqiu's mind. After thinking about it again, they said it with Wenjiu.

But it's not convenient to warm wine out of the palace, so he simply called people to the palace. Anyway, in the palace Weaving and all kinds of famous shops in Dijing are basically her people.

However, when Wen Jiu saw Xie Heng's face that "if someone hurts, he won't be angry with them", he could only smile and say, "anyway, people will come. How to let him give you a discount is your business."

"OK." Xie Heng answered with a smile.

The two sat together again and said something. Not long after, the internal servant outside the hall came to the door and told him: "I inform your majesty, your mother, the first auxiliary Lord and the master of ink clothes have arrived."

Before the sound fell, those gold buildings and jade shops, as well as the shopkeepers of various clothing villages and the weaving people in the palace also arrived.

Xie Heng smiled and let everyone in.

In such a big palace, dozens of people immediately stood, saluted and said, "see your majesty and your mother!"

"Excuse me, flat body." Xie Heng raised his hand and motioned to the people to get up. His eyes fell on the third childe and opened his mouth and said, "Lord Shoufu came just in time. I have something pending here and I want to discuss with you."

Xie Xuan didn't know what his elder brother was thinking about. He frowned almost invisibly and looked up at Ye Zhiqiu.

The latter hasn't reacted yet.

"Xiao Ye comes." Wen Jiu smiled and asked Ye Zhiqiu to sit beside him. Wen Sheng said, "you should be picky when you come today. It takes two or three hours, or..."

Ye Zhiqiu walked slowly to warm the wine, turned to Xie Yu and said, "why don't you go to discuss business with your majesty first?"

She wanted to choose these clothes and jewelry by herself. It was also a pain for Xie to accompany her here. She might as well go to some business.

Xie Xuan looked at her for a long time. The latter was stunned and didn't understand his intention to accompany her here.

The third childe said helplessly and tired, "OK."

Ye Zhiqiu went to Wenjiu and sat down. His face was quite unnatural. He asked in a low voice, "can you finish it in two or three hours by calling so many people?"

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "you can't finish today. Come again tomorrow."

Ye Zhiqiu didn't say anything. Xie Xuan's eyes were dark first.

Seeing this, Xie Heng strode forward, stretched out his hand to hold Xie Xuan's shoulder, walked behind the gauze curtain, and said with a smile: "Lord Shoufu, I have many important things waiting for you."

Xie Yu was silent and said:

My eldest brother is shameless!

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