"Emperor, I have some information about this guy in my inheritance memory! This is a descendant of the old god, whose name is Cyra! "Giant Tortoise Emperor Daushira

? Why don't I still pull thin! Lu Feng began to complain in his heart!

"Well, what do you say this guy should do?" Lu Feng looked at the guy who was imprisoned by him

, "I suggest getting rid of it immediately, otherwise it will call more of the same kind!"

Lu Feng thought for a moment, and then a purple laser shot at this Sidora.

It's a pity that there are no bursts of energy crystals!

"In order to prevent accidents, this emperor will continue to squat for a few days! Tell the humans of this fortress when it's completely safe! Lu Feng said to the Giant Tortoise Emperor

, "Yes, Emperor!"

In the following days, the fortress slowly came back to life, and there was no trace of mysterious creatures, and the sense of despair gradually disappeared from the bottom of people's hearts.

After watching the return to normal, Lu Feng received the reward of 1,000 bottles of "Fine Spirit Rain" and returned to the No. 1 fortress in the north.

His energy points skyrocketed by another 10 million, and the total number of energy points reached 35.3 million!

At this moment, his energy point was one step closer to the 40 million mark.

Upon returning to Fort 1 in the north, he noticed some peculiar changes in the fort.

Several teams of evolutionaries in the fortress are wearing blue armor, the armor is not made of metal but the defense ability is very strong, and the combat effectiveness of these people is obviously much stronger than the evolutionaries of the same rank, this armor is not a product of the fortress at first glance!

He immediately transmitted a message to Zhang Xiaoya and asked, "What happened to those people in blue armor in the fortress?"

"Emperor, you're back! That's great! The ones you're talking about are the metal armor of life, obtained from that ruins to the west. Zhang Xiaoya explained

, "Oh?! What else was found besides the armor?

"Heehee, thank the emperor for his guidance this time, otherwise we wouldn't have obtained so much black technology!"

Zhang Xiaoya immediately opened the door of a secret laboratory, which stored a dozen special items.

"Great Emperor, this is a quantum laser sword and energy gun, with great lethality! This is the metal armor of life, with strong defense, not only automatically regeneration, but also condensation energy shield. Zhang Xiaoya introduced

them one by one, and after a period of introduction, Lu Feng understood that these special things were obtained from that ruin.

And they only raided 30% of the ruins, and two-thirds did not.

Looking at Zhang Xiaoya's extremely excited expression, Lu Feng didn't ask more.

This ancient relic seems to be the product of alien technology or other civilizations, and at this time, it appeared along with the second revival of Reiki.

He is now more and more unable to understand this planet, originally thinking that the revival of Aura will only make the animals and plants on the planet evolve, but he knows that it has now exceeded his estimate.

"Alas~! Why do you care so much, as long as you don't come to provoke the little master! Lu Feng said in his heart that

his first goal now was to evolve to the 7th level, and as for other things, he didn't care much about it.

With each passing day, the Northern No. 1 Fortress is developing at an alarming rate, but human beings around the world are suffering multiple persecutions.

They not only have to face the powerful beast emperor, but also face the terrifying weirdness, and some people find ancient ruins that are not friendly, and they may be deadly traps or more terrifying things in them.

In just one week, the number of Blue Star humans decreased again, from more than 4 billion to less than 2 billion.

Some large countries such as the Lighthouse Country and the Mao Bear Country originally had more than a dozen bases, but with the recovery of Blue Star this time, they had to gather the remaining people together.

There are many countries that have existed in name only, and these countries have basically found no one anymore.

Just like the cherry blossom country in the east of the Dragon Country, the country is not large and has a small population, plus this Blue Star Recovery has given the only remaining base to Huo Huo.

Now there are less than 100,000 people alive in Sakura Country!

These living people heard that the Dragon Kingdom was relatively safe, and they all rushed towards the Dragon Country.

However, they had to pass through the sea or the sky, and they encountered some attacks from evolutionary beasts, and finally there were less than 50,000 people who arrived in the Dragon Kingdom.

These 50,000 Sakura people rushed towards the No. 1 fortress in the north, and although the people of the Dragon Country did not look at the Sakura people well, they still took them in for humanitarian reasons.

Just as Lu Feng comfortably absorbed energy every day, a system prompt came.

【Ding! Blue Star humans will face the elimination of evolutionary beasts, ask the host to assist the northern No. 1 fortress to defend against the beast tide after 3 days, this time the scale of the beast tide is huge, if the fortress is occupied, the mission will be judged to fail! Defense Success Rewards "Bloodline Enhancement Potion" 1 bottle]

"This Tongzi has released a mission again?" Lu Feng muttered: Evolutionary

beasts to eliminate humans? Kind of interesting!

It seems that the evolutionary beast has received a huge boost in this aura revival and is ready to launch a general attack on humans.

He then informed several high-ranking officials in the fortress about the incident and prepared them for defense.

Several high-level people broke out in a cold sweat after listening to it, they did not have any doubts about Lu Feng's words, this is the evolutionary beast's intention to make all human beings extinct.

Soon the news spread to bases around the world.

This makes all human beings feel a sense of oppression that is about to come, and if this human failure is lightly withdrawn from the historical stage, the race will perish.

The two human guardian beasts in the Dragon Kingdom, the Giant Tortoise Emperor and the Colorful Ox Emperor, also received the other Beast Emperor's thoughts the next day.

It means to let the two of them withdraw from the human camp, don't toast or eat and punish wine!

The Colorful Bull Emperor directly went back: Who are you? Dare to threaten your Uncle Niu? How far to roll and how far to go!

This made the Beast Emperor who transmitted it jump like thunder, and said things like let the Ox Emperor wait for death.

And the giant tortoise king did not reply at the first time, it took the initiative to reach a cooperation agreement with humans, and took a lot of benefits from humans!

If it betrays its promises now, then its reputation in the future will be bad, and it will inevitably be ridiculed by all the beasts.

But if it insists on standing on the side of humanity, then the chances of its fall will be great.

After thinking about it, it still stood with the human being, and if it really couldn't stand it by then, it would run to Lu Feng's side.

Lu Feng's strength to suppress these beast emperors is not sprinkling water~!

Soon the time came to the third day, and a large number of marine evolutionary beasts from all over the world landed on land.

There are also land evolutionary beasts and flying evolutionary beasts, which rush towards the gathering place of human beings in three directions.

Basically, each human base is besieged by several beast emperors and dozens of hundreds of beast kings, and the No. 1 fortress in the north of the Dragon Kingdom is also surrounded by tens of millions of beast tides at this time.

There are 3 beast kings and 122 beast kings who command this group of beast tides!

At this time, a 500-meter-long white giant snake said: "Ox Emperor, you guy is a little calm, but unfortunately you will definitely die today!" The

Three-Eyed White Snake Emperor looked at the Colorful Ox Emperor playfully, and it was it who had been intimidating with the Ox Emperor before.

"Cut! Niu Ye, I haven't eaten snake bile for a long time, and it looks like I can open the meat today! "

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