"Big brother, when our village put forward the contract scheme at the beginning, people from other villages should not be allowed to contract. I wonder if Xiushui village and Shangxi village have similar regulations. What can I do if people from other villages are not allowed to contract?" Lin Haiping immediately got up and asked with great interest.

"It's hard to say at present, but Xiushui village doesn't have a big problem. Even if you only contract to the villagers and ask the old uncle to help pack it. Shangxi village will have more trouble. After all, you don't have your own relatives. I'm afraid there will be trouble after you find someone else to pack it." this walk in the evening gave Lin Haisheng confidence and confidence "Besides, even without the bamboo mountain in Shangxi village, with our own three mountains and two mountains in Xiushui village, there is no problem with bamboo to complete the order."

When it comes to Zhushan's problem, it's almost the same. Just wait until brother Lin Haisheng goes to Xiushui village and Shangxi village in person tomorrow to discuss the contract price and contract period with the cadres of the two villages according to the specific situation.

Wang Xiuying has nothing to say about the contract price. For the contract period, Wang Xiuying specially reminded: "Uncle, when you talk about this contract, the longer the term, the better. After talking about the term of the first contract, you must finally state that you have the priority to contract after the expiration. Unless we give up the contract, the other party shall not change hands to others. In addition, you must remember that the legal responsibilities of both parties cannot be reduced in the contract."

Lin Haisheng went through the whole process of signing the contract between Wang Xiuying and Wu Dechuan today. When Wang Xiuying proposed to specify the relevant legal responsibilities in the contract, he still felt that he had gone too far, for fear that Wu Dechuan would be unhappy and yellow the business.

Unexpectedly, Wu Dechuan gave Wang Xiuying a thumbs up and praised him repeatedly. Later, Lin Haisheng learned about the formal contract and should bring this sentence, otherwise there will be a quarrel in case of breach of contract.

"Don't worry, after watching the whole process of signing the contract with manager Wu today, it's really a long knowledge. In the future, we're afraid that our business will grow bigger and bigger, so we need to learn more about the law, especially Xuannan. You young generation, learn more from your cousin!" Lin Haisheng began to teach his son a lesson, and secretly sighed that Wang Xiuying is not the Lin family's children and grandchildren.

"Dad, don't worry, I'll study hard. My cousin has a good head and melon seeds. I have to mention more about my stupid cousin in the future." Lin Xuannan felt his head somewhat embarrassed and sincerely asked Wang Xiuying for lessons.

In this way, Wang Xiuying felt embarrassed: "I just read more newspapers and magazines when I read what my cousin said. As long as my cousin has a heart, it's really not very difficult."

"By the way, brother, bamboo is available now, but can we make so many floors in our own family?" Lin Haiping asked the question again.

It's not that Lin Haiping is afraid of hard work, but their brother and Lin Xuannan are the only ones who can go up the mountain to cut bamboo at present. It's easy to drag bamboo back one by one. It's definitely a hard job. Only the three of them are afraid that they can't cut enough bamboo for 100 square meters.

The foreigner narrowed his eyes, smoked a mouthful of smoke, looked at Lin Haisheng and said, "it's not only a matter of manpower, but also the expansion of the drying room."

Lin Haisheng considered this problem and had a preliminary discussion with Wang Xiuying. Facing the problem of Lin Haiping and his old father, he said something: "the drying room must be expanded. I've thought about it. Now don't plant vegetables in the vegetable field next to the drying room. Say hello to the village and build two more drying rooms with that land."

Lin Haisheng first answered his old father's question. After that, he looked at his old father and then at Lin Haiping. They agreed.

Lin Haisheng was very satisfied. He took a sip of water in front of him and moistened his voice. He continued: "the problem of manpower can be solved. Our village has many mountains and little land. We can't be busy when we are busy, let alone when we are free. We pay them to work. Of course, we have to do the work that needs technology and the key work ourselves!"

Hire labor? Before you earn any money, hire labor. Is that ok?

Wang Xiuying immediately saw such an expression on the faces of Lin Haiping and Lin Xuannan. She couldn't help smiling. At this time, she wasn't in a hurry to interrupt. Let's see how Lin Haisheng dealt with this big man.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one actually raised an objection to Lin Haisheng's request for labor, which surprised Wang Xiuying. Did he read Lin Haiping and Lin Xuannan's expressions wrong?

No, just now the two of them clearly expressed a strong doubt. They figured it out in the blink of an eye?

When Wang Xiuying was wondering, Lin Haiping had said: "big brother has a point. As long as we have the strength to cut bamboo and carry bamboo, we can do it. However, we all pay attention to selecting bamboo, opening bamboo pieces, pressing bamboo pieces, and finally baking the floor. We can't be careless. We have to finish it by ourselves."

"Second uncle, I'm afraid we can't do so many things just the three of us." Chen Xuannan interposed.

Lin Haiping thought for a moment. He had to choose one person to go up the mountain and open the bamboo pieces. Pressing the bamboo pieces had to be completed by two or even three people together. Baking the floor was even more inseparable from people.

However, the intensity of baking bamboo chips is not strong. It can be done as long as you are careful. Women at home can do this kind of work, but women have women's work at home, and people can't leave the thick flat market

Alas, if two boys and three boys didn't join the army, they would be much richer!

"What about that?" usually, the master and eldest brother Lin Haisheng are the masters of the Lin family. There is not much time for Lin Haiping to make up his mind, so Lin Haiping is a little lazy and not easy to think.

"Naturally, we have to find two or three trustworthy people. I think Xuandong's uncle is good. He is honest but not stupid. He also likes to use his brain. Do you think we can let the second younger brother and sister take the time to go back and ask? As long as he is willing to come, he will not be ill treated in terms of salary."

Lin Haisheng tried to ask Lin Haiping in a deliberative tone.

Lin Haiping's eyes lit up. His mother-in-law and sister-in-law were just two brothers and sisters. His brother-in-law's house was in the deeper mountains, and his life was more bitter than the Lin family, ha ha.

In the past, my wife paid some in private, and the family all paid one eye and closed one eye. It would be a great thing if I could ask my brother-in-law to help.

It seems unreasonable to invite his brother-in-law instead of his sister-in-law's brother.

Although the life of sister-in-law's mother's family is better than that of his brother-in-law, it's not much better. It's just that there are several brothers in sister-in-law's mother's family. It seems bad to invite this or not, but the character of sister-in-law's brother is really not very good.

Thinking of this, Lin Haiping didn't promise immediately. He just looked at Lin Haisheng and didn't speak.

Lin Haisheng smiled calmly: "you just let your second brother and sister take the time to go back and ask. If your brother-in-law is willing to come, even if he is one, let his brother-in-law and sister decide with him, and come to work after 15."

Seeing Lin Haisheng's certainty, Lin Haiping nodded happily and agreed. That night, she told her mother-in-law and brought Wang Xiuying's second aunt to tears.

She has only one brother. Before her parents died, the most worrying thing is the old son of her parents. She has always hoped to help her brother. Unfortunately, she has been living a hard life. Ha ha, even if she gives some private subsidies, she only gives some food occasionally.

Now that I can finally help my brother, how can I not make her cry with joy?

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