After lunch, it is natural to arrange for everyone to have a rest. Wang Xiuying has more specific arrangements for Wang Xiucheng and Zhang Jiaming, who are only seven or eight years old.

First, they were asked to spend two rounds in the backyard, then they entered Wang Xiucheng's small room and ordered them to take a lunch break in Wang Xiucheng's small bed.

This lunch break is a real lunch break, rather than letting them talk and fart in bed. Wang Xiuying has been watching in front of the bed until she heard that their breathing seemed long. She gently withdrew from the room and carefully closed the door to avoid being awakened by others talking in the main room.

As for several big ones, Wang Xiuying couldn't arrange them. Although there was a fire pot in the main room, it was not warm in the end. It wouldn't work if you were lying on the table for a nap, so she simply went to chat with everyone everywhere.

In the afternoon, in addition to explaining and correcting the problems done in the morning, Wang Xiuying did not make other specific arrangements. You may do your winter vacation homework or discuss the problems done in the morning.

In order to ensure the learning efficiency and quality of the learning group, the exercises in the morning are naturally divided into grades. Of course, they are interspersed.

I don't know whether she is not used to this way of learning, or because of other reasons, Fang Mei's practice performance in the morning is not ideal, and there are some wrong mistakes, which surprised Wang Xiuying and depressed Fang Mei.

Even Zhao Ming did the right thing. She actually made a mistake, which made the competitive and arrogant Fang Mei how to bear. Her face was cloudy all afternoon, and there was no pride on the table at all.

Lin Jingya tried to bury Fang Mei several times, but Wang Xiuying stopped her every time.

When Fang Jinsong picked up Fang Mei on her motorcycle, Lin Jingya pushed Wang Xiuying angrily and complained, "why don't you let me say Fang Mei? She didn't concentrate on doing the wrong problem. Is it someone else's fault? Hang up a wanniang face to show who!"

Hearing Lin Jingya even say the words "wanniang face", Wang Xiuying couldn't help laughing. Thinking about Fang Mei's face in the afternoon, she said that wanniang face was not too much.

However, Wang Xiuying still didn't want Lin Jingya to continue complaining. She angrily glanced at Lin Jingya and said, "all right, you, if you've been concentrating on your homework, you won't care about other people's faces!"

When Wang Xiuying said this, Lin Jing Yadun, who had to complain a few more words, was squinted.

Wang Xiuying is right. If Lin Jingya concentrates on her homework, where will she notice Fang Mei's face?

December 22 of the lunar calendar is the big day for Wang Xiuying to move to her new home. Naturally, the study group has a day off.

When it comes to moving, there are not many things that need to be moved. The things that should be moved have been moved into the new house a few days ago. On the day of moving, all they need to move is small things, such as pots and pans, clothes and bedding.

Tables, chairs and benches Wang Xiuying didn't intend to move there. The new house was all ready-made, which was specially made by Lin Haisheng and his son for Wang Xiuying's sister and brother.

Early that morning, the Lin family who lived in the mountains came to Wang Xiuying's house, including their elderly grandparents, except for those who wanted to go to the Chuping market to see their stalls and do business.

Until this day, the Wang family knew that Wang Xiuying's so-called house change was true, and it had been decided as early as informing them.

"Doesn't this house belong to Zhang Baosheng's family?" this is a little uninformed villager. He asked the people around him with a puzzled face.

"Who said that? You don't know! I tell you, although it was the house built by Zhang Baosheng's family, it was the house built by Xiuying's uncle. Do you say it was built by Xiuying or Zhangjia!" the person who answered next to him was naturally the person who participated in the house building at the beginning.

"But this land was originally approved by Zhang Baosheng's family for Zhang Qingyang and Zhang qingfan!" another unknowing person retorted.

"That's true. It's said that she did change with Zhang Jia, but Zhang Jia can't eat such a large piece of land as Xiuying's house. She can't let Zhang Jia live a hard life in the past in order to change a house. So later, Qingxi farm got up. After discussing with Zhang Jia, Xiuying priced the old house and the backyard into shares, and gave money to Zhang Jia to approve the land again. Look Over there, that's the new house built by Zhang Jia. "This should be an insider, and almost all the inside information has been exposed.

Of course, there are still some differences with the facts, but where will people outside know the real inside story? It's really good to cover it up!

The villagers watched Wang Xiuying's family become more and more prosperous and live in such a magnificent new house. In addition, everyone in the village was jealous of having shares in Qingxi farm. Sitting at home, they could get money. More and more people were envious and jealous, and naturally many people spoke sour words. No, there was one!

A woman in her forties, dressed in patched clothes and holding a baby with a runny nose, said with envy: "Unexpectedly, Xiuying, a little girl, can make her life more prosperous without her parents. You say Xingshi and Yujuan are capable in our village. Now it seems that Xiuying is far less capable than Xiuying. Xiuying is really a blessing in disguise!"

As soon as she said this, all the people around her immediately flashed aside. How stupid should she be to say such words as blessing in disguise?

A man of about the same age and dress around him blushed and glared at the woman and scolded, "dead woman, shut up if you can't speak!"

The woman didn't think she had said anything wrong. She put her neck on the man and shouted, "dead old man, what did I say wrong? You know you're cruel to me. If you have the ability to make money and build a new house!"

After saying that, he also raised his foot and kicked the man. He was so angry that the man waved and wanted to hit her. Wang Xingshun, who found the abnormal situation here, glared and yelled: "what are you going to quarrel in front of someone else's house?"

"Yes, Xiuying's move is a happy event. It's too pale!"

"Well, it's a blessing in disguise. Who is still complacent without their parents?! thanks to her!"


Wang Xiuying doesn't want to pay much attention to the lawsuit between the lively villagers in front of the door. Wang Xiuying knows what kind of person the sour talking woman is. After all, she listens to the woman's words and won't argue with an ignorant woman. Besides, today is a happy day for her and Wang Xiucheng to move.

According to custom, on the day of moving, Wang Xiuying, as the head of household, should be the first to enter the new house. However, Wang Xiuying feels that she is just a nominal head of household. The real head of household is Wang Xiucheng, the male of the family.

Her idea is in line with the rural custom. No matter how capable a woman is in rural areas, she can only be horizontal at home. She still needs to give men face in front of outsiders. It is also because of this custom that Yu Zhumei finally decided Wang Houtu in her many confrontations with Wang Xiuying.

Living in the countryside and growing up in the countryside, Wang Xiuying naturally would not be independent in such things. Therefore, when the party came to the new house, Wang Xiuying, who had originally carried the luggage bag with his clothes, gave Wang Xiucheng the first place.

Wang Xiucheng took out the key that had long been hung around his neck, solemnly opened the door of his new house in bursts of firecrackers, and took the lead in entering the new house.

Wang Xiuying stood in front of the new house and let the guests who helped them move and congratulated them into the house one by one.

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