"Brother Fang Mei, please wait first. Aunt Fang, you go to Xiucheng and ask him to sell you 200 yuan." Fang Jinsong starts the car and is ready to start, but Wang Xiuying stops him.

"Don't waste time. I have it in my pocket. Put it on first." Fang Jinsong didn't stop. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out.

Wang Xiuying opened her mouth and finally chose to shut up and spend her life with him. Fang Jinsong still understands his temperament. What he decides is what ordinary people can persuade. It's better to save some energy to resist the pain.

After about five or six minutes, the second aunt, who had been concentrating on grooming Wang Xiuying and cleaning up the dust on her body, suddenly looked up and found that the car was about to leave Qingxi Town. She hurriedly asked, "Comrade Fang, where are you going?"

"Go to the county people's hospital." Fang Jinsong answered as he stepped up the accelerator.

Two aunts, look at me and I look at you. They thought they were just going to the commune hospital. Why are they going to the county hospital?

At ordinary times, they don't watch people fight less. They don't bleed at all. They can go to the barefoot doctor in the village to get some medicinal wine and go home to knead. They don't even have to go to the commune hospital. Will it make a mountain out of a molehill to go to the county hospital?

He glanced at the serious soldier in front of him, and then looked at Wang Xiuying, who was frowning, pale and obviously very painful. The two aunts couldn't help sighing at the same time.

The Wang family are all bad things, and their niece can be so cruel.

Fang Jinsong's car is fast and stable. Usually, the rural bus takes half an hour, and it takes only a quarter of an hour to arrive.

Fang Jinsong stopped the car in front of the hospital gate. First, he told Wang Xiuying's two aunts to carefully help Wang Xiuying get off the bus. He locked the car himself, turned and ran quickly into the hospital hall.

"Hey..." seeing that Fang Jinsong only asked them to help Wang Xiuying get off the bus, the two aunts who had never come to the county hospital to see a doctor seemed at a loss.

Fortunately, Fang Jinsong soon appeared in front of everyone. It turned out that he went in, called a nurse and pushed a bed out.

In this way, Wang Xiuying was sent to the examination room like a wooden man. After some examination, although many soft tissue injuries, fortunately, there were no internal injuries, fractures and fractures.

Fang Jinsong still seems a little worried and suggests that Wang Xiuying observe in the county hospital for one night and return to Qingxi Town tomorrow.

Naturally, Wang Xiuying could not agree: "no, since everything has been checked and no major problem has been found, it must be no problem.

There are still so many people at home today, especially grandparents. They are old. If I stay in the hospital and don't go back, even if I tell them that I just want to stay in the hospital for observation, I'm afraid they will be worried that they can't sleep all night.

And Xiucheng, he must be scared today. I have to go back quickly.

Brother Fang Mei, I'm really fine, really. There's really no problem except that there's some pain in the place where I was beaten. "

More than an hour after being beaten, Wang Xiuying was completely relieved. She not only looked much better, but also recovered her original intelligence.

Although Wang Xiuying knew in her heart that staying in the hospital for observation had many benefits for people like her who were beaten, she had too many worries, so she could only decline Fang Jinsong's kindness.

Of course, Wang Xiuying is not a hard supporter. She knows her body best.

Although the three men were ferocious when they beat her, Wang Xiuying hugged her head and tired her body the first time Wang Xingju knocked her down, and well protected important parts. Therefore, her head, face, chest and abdomen were not hurt.

The reason why she didn't object to going to the hospital for examination just now was that the person was beaten and felt pain everywhere for a time. She went to the hospital for a thorough examination to reassure her grandparents.

The second is to create an illusion to scare the people of the Wang family. It's best to scrape a layer of skin off the people of the Wang family. They will stop only if they really hurt them.

Seeing that Wang Xiuying insisted on not staying in the hospital, according to the film, it is basically certain that Wang Xiuying is not a big problem. Fang Jinsong agreed that Wang Xiuying should go home.

When the party returned to Wang Xiuying's new house, director Lin and captain Zhao had basically sorted out the matter. They only waited for Wang Xiuying to come back and give specific treatment according to the injury report of the hospital.

Hearing the brake sound of the car outside the yard, Wang Xiucheng was the first to rush out.

Before Wang Xiuying got off the bus, Wang Xiucheng had rushed to the door of the car and looked at Wang Xiuying in the car. Although he didn't cry, his eyes were red: "sister, what did the doctor say, are you better, still painful?"

A series of questions blurted out, obviously worried.

Wang Xiuying reached out from the car and rubbed Wang Xiucheng's forehead. A soothing smile appeared on her face. Then she stepped out of the car and turned around: "you see, my sister is fine. Really, I didn't lie to you!"

Although it's all right, those people kicked her several feet on her leg. It's still reluctantly for Wang Xiuying to turn around like this. The pain on her leg almost broke Wang Xiuying's work.

Fortunately, in the end, Wang Xiuying held back and didn't let Wang Xiucheng find anything unusual. She just thought Wang Xiuying really didn't have anything.

With this experience, when seeing other people who cared about her again, Wang Xiuying didn't dare to turn around carelessly. She only calmly answered everyone's greetings, what tests she had done, the doctor's diagnosis, and what drugs she had prescribed.

Knowing that Wang Xiuying was not a big deal, the Wang family were relieved. During the hour when Wang Xiuying went to the hospital, director Lin and captain Zhao sang a white face and a red face, which frightened the Wang family.

Especially the three people who directly participated in kicking and beating Wang Xiuying have been reading amitabha in their hearts.

The new house of Wang Xiuying's family, the Wang family did not dare to stay any longer at the moment, just looking forward to leaving the yard quickly.

Seeing that it was already two or three o'clock in the afternoon, they not only had empty stomachs, but had not even drunk hot water. Instead, they drank all the cold wind in the cold yard, and their noses were cold.

Look at me, I look at you. There are still many small movements of young and old, but no one dares to be the first bird. Finally, Wang Houtu thrust out his old face with a flattering smile and bent over to ask director Lin: "well, director Lin, now Xiuying is back, there's nothing wrong, so can we go back?"

"Oh, I say old man Wang, you are really relaxed. Your son, daughter-in-law and daughter beat Xiuying like this. If it's all right, raise your legs and leave? Then why do you need the national law?" Captain Zhao will not easily let go of the Wang family. He has to scrape a layer of skin off the Wang family, just as Wang Xiuying thinks in his heart.

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