Seeing Wang Xiuying coming in, Fang Mei looked up at Wang Xiuying disdainfully and muttered something in her mouth, but her voice was too low for anyone to hear.

Her deskmate Chen Qinglin has basically ignored each other since she quarreled with her last time. At this time, Fang Mei whispered. Although she knew that she was dissatisfied with Wang Xiuying stepping into the classroom, she had to give up because she didn't hear what Fang Mei said clearly.

Sun Hongxing, sitting behind Wang Xiuying, was about to talk to Wang Xiuying. Just at this time, teacher Mei stepped into the classroom. Sun Hongxing had to take back her hand.

The evening self-study in No. 1 middle school does not have any new classes. It only allows students to study by themselves, or do their homework or read books. The teacher sits on the podium, corrects their homework, prepares lessons and answers questions to the students.

Wang Xiuying put the cloth bag given to her by Wang Jianguo in the drawer of her desk. After listening to the teacher, she took out her homework and began to write.

Usually at this time, Wang Xiuying has almost finished her homework. Because she didn't go back to the classroom after class this afternoon, she has just started writing her homework today.

Although Wang Xiuying wanted to take out the new investment invitation instructions and study them carefully, she finally restrained her impulse and finished her homework first.

When the first class of evening self-study was over, Wang Xiuying finally finished all her homework today.

Taking advantage of the rest time, she went to class 3 to talk to Lin Jingya, mainly to avoid Lin Jingya worrying about her. After all, the time before the evening self-study was too short, and she really couldn't talk to Lin Jingya more.

Return to the classroom, speed up the daily review and preview, and finally finish all the homework 20 minutes before the end of the evening self-study.

Seeing that the teacher was answering questions for her classmates, Wang Xiuying quietly took out the investment promotion instructions of Chuping farmers' market and looked at them carefully.

This investment invitation statement is quite detailed, absorbing most of the suggestions put forward by Wang Xiuying and combining the actual situation of Y county.

The investment promotion plan shows that 60% of the stalls in Chuping market will be sold to the public, and the sale method is pre-sale.

The pre-sale starts on November 1. The pre-sale time is three days. During the pre-sale, a deposit of 200 yuan will be charged for each position.

After the pre-sale, the pre-sale situation will be announced, and then the number of rental stalls will be determined according to the pre-sale situation.

There are two types of rented stalls. One is long-term rental. The lease term of this kind of stall is two years. The rent is tentatively set at 10 yuan per month and paid every six months. After the lease term expires, the promoters with good transaction reputation can give priority to renewal.

There are also short-term rental stalls. The rental period of this kind of stall is one day, the rent is 50 cents each time, and the rent is paid and the stall is taken.

Wang Xiuying was seeing the rise when someone took the investment invitation manual away from her hand.

Wang Xiuying was surprised and looked up, but she saw teacher Mei, the head teacher, standing in front of her with a deep face, and the investment invitation explanation was in the teacher's hand.

Looking at the investment instructions and Wang Xiuying, teacher Mei shook her hand for a long time and said, "classmate Wang Xiuying, you came to the evening self-study to see this kind of thing?"

Wang Xiuying's face turned red. She really didn't expect the teacher to come down and check. Isn't miss Mei sitting on the podium?

But now is not the time to worry about why Miss Mei stepped down from the podium. What we should face is how to calm down Miss Mei and take back the investment invitation instructions.

Wang Xiuying turned her eyes slightly, lowered her head and said honestly, "teacher, my homework has been done, I have reviewed the content I have done today, and I have also previewed the content to be done tomorrow. That's why I, I've just left..."

Speaking, the voice naturally became lower and lower. The last words went down directly to the bottom of her throat. As soon as she admitted her mistake, Miss Mei was very sad and laughing.

Wang Xiuying is the most gifted and serious student among the students she teaches. Fang Mei just reported to her that Wang Xiuying was not reading but looking at something else on the grounds of answering questions.

However, as a head teacher, when a student reported it, she had to go down and verify it. What he didn't expect was that Wang Xiuying really didn't read a book, but the investment promotion instructions from nowhere.

The girl in front of her is less than 14 years old. She is the youngest of the students, but she has the best grades. She is also the one who is most likely to win glory for the school, herself and even the whole education circle of Y county.

How can such a good student get into the eye of money?

Of course, Wang Xiuying's family situation, as a head teacher, Miss Mei, is naturally clear.

She can understand Wang Xiuying's idea of making money in her heart, but she can't understand how she thinks about making money in the classroom when she is studying.

"Classmate Wang Xiuying, I hope you won't watch such things in the classroom in the future. There are still many people in our country who can't enter the classroom and go to school. You should cherish them!" teacher Mei said without saying anything more. She even returned the investment invitation instructions to Wang Xiuying and shook her head back to the podium.

Wang Xiuying put away the investment instructions, put them in her schoolbag and took out her textbooks again, but she couldn't read a word.

She has understood why teacher Mei walked off the platform today from Fang Mei's bad eyes and Lin Qiaoying's sign from her deskmate. She can't help sighing. Is it difficult to have this kind of entangled relationship with Fang Mei in this life?

Fortunately, class soon ended. Wang Xiuying finally didn't need to force herself to read.

With a long sigh, Wang Xiuying packed up the things to take back to the dormitory. Wang Xiuying was ready to leave the classroom with better sun Hongxing and Lin Qiaoying, but Fang Mei blocked her way first.

Fang Mei's behavior of informing the teacher today was despised by sun Hongxing and Lin Qiaoying.

Wang Xiuying looked at other things. First, it didn't affect her study, and second, it didn't hinder the study of other students. Fang Mei was going to be an informer. It was really annoying!

Wang Xiuying didn't find Fang Mei's trouble. Fang Mei reluctantly found Wang Xiuying, which made sun Hongxing and Lin Qiaoying even more unhappy.

Lin Qiaoying, who was more straightforward, pushed Fang Mei and said, "Fang Mei, are you finished? Even miss Mei didn't say anything about Xiuying. Xiuying didn't blame you for making a small report to the teacher. How can you find something else?"

"Yes, I know to make a small report and treat myself as a primary school student!" Sun Hongxing made up a knife in time, which made Fang Mei's face more uncomfortable, which had been said by Lin Qiaoying.

"You, you know how to protect her!" Fang Mei glared at Sun Hongxing and Lin Qiaoying, then pointed to Wang Xiuying and said, "I tell you, Wang Xiuying, as long as I see you doing other things and looking at other things in the classroom, I'll sue the teacher! If you don't believe it, try it!"

After hearing Fang Mei's words, Lin Qiaoying was very angry. She was about to get angry with Fang Mei, but Wang Xiuying pulled her.

Wang Xiuying calmly looked at some angry Fang Mei and said with a faint smile: "whatever you want! But do you think I'm stupid and will give you a chance?"

After that, he took Lin Qiaoying and sun Hongxing, bypassed Fang Mei and left the classroom to meet Lin Jingya who had been waiting outside the classroom. The four girls went to the dormitory with a smile.

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