Bai Wei's self-talk made Feng Yue and the others immediately pay attention to her.

"Do you know who did it?" Facing

the staring gazes of several people, Bai Wei took a deep breath before slowly opening her mouth to explain.

"If I'm not mistaken, the word Aster on this ground represents the Aster Villa in Tianwu City. Hearing

this, the three of Tie Zhu suddenly looked shocked, Ziyuan Villa, that is really a top mansion that everyone in Tianwu City knows about.

Feng Yue groaned for a moment and remembered. Ziyuan Villa, before the end of the world, Tianwu City was the highest grade and the strongest villa area.

The people who can live there are either rich or expensive, and it is not a place where ordinary people can come and go at will.

Moreover, in the memory of the previous life, the Ziyuan Villa area was still the largest gathering place and safe place in the Tianwu City region at the beginning of the last days.

And the ruler there was called "King Sheng" by the survivors of the outlying gathering place of the Aster Villa area.

King Shion, an awakened person with the ability to read minds, later died in a struggle for power with other lands for safety.

If it was really their people who took the supplies from their camp, it was really their people.

I'm afraid that with my current strength, I really can't do anything.

Let's not talk about how many survivors he can use the supplies he gets from him to collect them.

Just with the energy crystal nuclei that he and Bai Wei were taken away, it was enough for him to cultivate a powerful team.

It's really like what Tie Zhu said, he has been busy for more than a month!

Not only did he make a wedding dress for him, but he also pasted his old book into it.

actually snatched food from his own hands, this revenge must be avenged!

Just when Feng Yue was in deep thought, Tie Zhu also asked Bai Wei with amazement in his eyes.

"Eldest sister, what do you mean...... Is it the person who lives in the Ziyuan Villa area who robbed us of our supplies and killed the butcher

?" "Eldest sister, do you know anything about Ziyuan Villa? Shouldn't you live there?" Bai

Wei didn't pay attention to the three of them, just frowned and looked at Feng Yue.

"Do you remember Fan Yixiu? His house is in the Aster Villa.

"If I'm not mistaken, it is estimated that the person who came to our camp today may be his father Fan Hongsheng......"

After listening to her, Tie Zhu and the others were also dumbfounded.

If the situation is really as Bai Wei said, then it is estimated that the plan of these people to recapture the materials will be in vain.

There are many people on the other side, and even if Brother Feng can fight on his side, all of them can be added together, and there are only five people.


just as several people were all staring at Feng Yue, waiting for him to make a decision.

Suddenly there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground in the courtyard.

Before a few people could see what it was, there was already a zombie roar in their ears.

The few people who reacted to the "roaring ......"

suddenly changed color.

"It's not good, it's those zombies in the pit who ran in!"

Glancing at the butcher's corpse on the ground, Feng Yue had to endure the pain and said: "You go and kill the zombies first, and I will bury the butcher first." Seeing

Bai Wei leading the three of them, they attacked the zombies who broke into the camp.

Feng Yue also played an earth-based ability, and after making a deep pit, he moved the butcher's body into it.

With a flick of his fingers, the flames flashed.

"Fire Sacrifice!"

The butcher has been killed, and if his body is not disposed of as soon as possible, once infected by those zombies, he will soon become a new zombie.


In the raging flames, the butcher's body quickly shrunk.

After Feng Yue disposed of the butcher's corpse, the zombie that entered the courtyard had been dealt with by Bai Wei and the four of them.

Looking at the zombies whose eyeballs had changed, he looked up at Feng Yue in the night sky, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The zombie's eyeballs were no longer white dead fish eyes, but a trace of blood red.

There was no doubt that they had already begun to enter the second order of strength.

"Solve the zombies outside first, over there in Ziyuan Villa, don't go over first.

Hearing him say this, the three iron pillars who were already a little worried in their hearts immediately nodded yes.

"Brother Feng is right, it's not a wise move to go to those people now, wait until our strength is strong, and then go to them to settle accounts after the autumn!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Isn't there an old saying that says! A gentleman takes revenge, it's not too late for ten years......"

Feng Yue glanced at a few people, and didn't say anything. Just urge a few people to speed up and deal with the zombies outside, and then collect crystal nuclei.

In this situation, those who say "a gentleman takes revenge, ten years is not too late" must be able to live for ten years.

The other party has already discovered this place, even if they don't go to them, they won't let go of their people.

From what Bai Wei said, the attacker may be the previous Fan Yixiu Laozi who swallowed nine crystal nuclei at one time because of greed, resulting in self-explosion and death.

Feng Yue understood one thing, the relationship between his people and the Ziyuan Villa District was either them dying or his own people dying.

There are still a lot of zombies imprisoned under the pit.

All that came out of it was a pothole with a destroyed fence.

The zombies in the other pits were still struggling in vain, screaming, trying to get out of the pit that trapped them.

But in the face of Feng Yue, they have obviously lost the opportunity to leave.

It took a few people some time to solve all the zombies that ran out, and then they began to clean up the zombies in the lower layer of the pit.

For a few people now, killing zombies is no longer a difficult thing.

Most of the time was wasted looking for energy crystal nuclei.

Counting the corpses that were killed by everyone before, they waited until dawn, and no one cleaned up all the zombies inside and outside the camp.

Looking at the crystal nuclei handed over by several people, Feng Yue asked them to make a classification.

After counting, a total of fifty-seven energy crystal nuclei were obtained.

Among them, there are five second-order crystal nuclei, twenty first-order crystal nuclei, and the remaining thirty-two crystal nuclei, all of which are ordinary crystal nuclei.

The number of crystal nuclei is a lot, but in fact, after being packed in a bag, it is only the size of a fist.

This time, Feng Yue did not make the distribution.

Previously, on the side of the abandoned grain depot, he had already swallowed a second-order crystal nucleus.

With these five second-order crystal nuclei in his hand, he could completely step into the ranks of second-order awakened people in half a day.

This is his only chance to fight against the side of the Ziyuan Villa District, as long as he becomes a second-order awakened person before them.

"It's not safe anymore, so find a place to rest for the day. "

Tonight, I'm going to the Aster Villa area to get back the supplies that belong to us. "

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