Under Feng Yue's command, the three of them moved out the bedding and other things in the psychiatric hospital, everything that could be burned.

To be on the safe side, Feng Yue also found a hose, connected the gas in the kitchen, and made a simple flamethrower.


Listening to the movements outside the courtyard wall, Fan Yixiu's teeth chattered.

"Brother, what the hell is something out there? "

Bug!" Fan

Yixiu, who received the response, suddenly looked relieved.

I thought it was some kind of powerful monster, but it turned out to be just some bugs.

Looking at Bai Wei standing on the side, Fan Yixiu was proud in his heart.

"Xiaowei, you don't have to be afraid, now I also have the power of the energy crystal nucleus, which can protect you. "

Ever since I came to this psychiatric hospital, I've been watching Feng Yue, a neuropath, perform, and it's my turn to be in the limelight.

Fear comes from the unknown.

Knowing that there is movement outside, it is just some insects, and there is naturally no fear in his heart.

Seeing him confidently walking towards the guard room with a steel drill, Bai Wei's brows also instantly furrowed.

Seeing that Feng Yue didn't stop him, he had to explain to him uneasily.

"Be careful.

For her kind reminder, Fan Yixiu is still full of confidence.

"Don't worry, it's just some bugs. For

his behavior, Feng Yue did not stop it. Some people belong to the kind of people who don't cry when they don't see the coffin.

If he doesn't let him see the power of those bugs, he won't be honest and obedient at all.

Only survivors who have experienced the end of the world will understand that the power of the Zerg is far above those zombies.

Even in the previous life, those awakened people with powerful abilities. I'd rather face a bunch of zombies than a bug.

The characteristics of the Zerg are destined to be in groups once they appear.

Wherever there is a Zerg, there is absolutely no grass. Everywhere he passed, there were no bones.

Fortunately, it's only the early days of the apocalypse, and the insects outside are not as dangerous as those zombies.

Otherwise, Feng Yue would definitely flee here as soon as he found the Zerg.


There was a sound of steel brazing falling to the ground, and Fan Yixiu, who went to the door to investigate the situation, ran back with a pale face and a frightened expression.

Looking at Feng Yue who was standing in place, Fan Yixiu was also angry in his heart.

"Neurotic, did you do it on purpose?Are those things bugs? It's fucking bigger than a dog, and there are so many ......"

Facing his questioning, Feng Yue suddenly raised his head.

"If you don't want to die, shut up for me!" Looking

at Feng Yue's undisguised killing intent, Fan Yi was stunned.

"Brother, don't be angry, I'm just whining, whining.

Seeing Fan Yixiu like this, Bai Wei was also a little surprised.

Xiang Fan Yixiu, who is pretentious, would even apologize?

I don't understand why he is so afraid of Bai Wei who is Feng Yue, just because he was frightened by the insects outside just now.

There was no danger of waiting until dawn, and Feng Yue put away the gas pipe.

Without waiting for Bai Wei and Fan Yixiu to speak, he made arrangements.

"Bring something to eat, we're getting out of here.

Hearing him say this, Bai Wei and Fan Yixiu were also deeply surprised.

"Isn't it safe here?" Bai

Wei frowned, a little reluctant to go out and take risks.

"This place has been discovered by the Zerg, and now they can still eat the zombie corpses outside, and when the outside is finished, they will attack us. "

Those zergs still retain the Xi of day and night. They didn't attack a few people last night because there was enough food outside for them.

If you stay here, it won't have to be.

"Yes, Xiaowei, you didn't see how terrible those bugs were last night. I think we should listen to Brother Feng, and it would be better to leave here early. Different

from Bai Wei's reaction, Fan Yixiu had already wanted to leave here.

Hearing Feng Yue's initiative, it was naturally ten thousand approvals.

If you continue to stay here, you will only become his subordinate.

Once you return to the city, it is equivalent to returning to your home turf.

At that time, no matter how powerful he is, he has to listen to himself obediently.

For his careful thinking, Feng Yue didn't know. It was rare to give him an appreciative look and made the final decision.

Now there are still six days before those zombies advance. I must take advantage of this time to let Bai Wei grow up.

As long as she is able to awaken the ability, not only will she increase the safety of her team, but she will also be able to merge with her abilities.

About two kilometers from the psychiatric hospital, several people found a small shopping supermarket.

Looking at the zombies trapped in the supermarket, several people suddenly became interested.

After tasting the benefits brought by the energy crystal nucleus, Bai Wei and Fan Yixiu were no longer as afraid as they were a few days ago.

Looking at the zombies wandering around the supermarket like puppets, Fan Yixiu's eyes were shining.

"Brother, there are a lot of zombies here, we should be able to get a lot of energy crystal nuclei, right?"

Feng Yue glanced at him and quickly made arrangements.

"Seal the door first, and then do the old thing. The

sound of the roller shutter quickly attracted the attention of the zombies in the supermarket.


" "Hiss......"

looked at the group of corpses that had been relatively quiet, and suddenly became irritable.

Bai Wei and Fan Yixiu were so frightened that they swallowed their saliva.

The blockade of the turnstile made those zombies who didn't even know how to distort their legs crowd into the cashier counter of the supermarket.

Looking at these zombies in front of them, their eyes were white, they were covered in wounds and blood, and they were still roaring.

Feng Yue immediately made a decision, and beckoned him with an axe.


Seeing that the zombie in front was killed by him, Bai Wei and Fan Yixiu on the side hurriedly moved the dead zombie out.

But just as Bai Wei was about to turn around, her hair was accidentally choked by one of the zombies.


"Wooden thorn!" A

wooden thorn appeared out of thin air, instantly piercing the zombie that grabbed Bai Wei's hair, and then stringed all the zombies huddled together behind it like a sugar gourd.

"Be careful. With

a word to the frightened Bai Wei, Feng Yue shot again.

Now that the strength has been exposed, there is no need to keep your hands on.

Endless vines suddenly appeared, binding the corpses in front of them.

The wooden thorns stabbed into the heads of the zombies one by one as if they had eyes.

After a while, none of the corpses in front of the three of them could move.

Fan Yixiu, who saw this scene, was stunned.

I thought that I had swallowed the energy crystal nucleus, but the gap between me and Feng Yue was no longer obvious.

Only then did he understand.

Feng Yue is completely beyond the scope of what he can deal with.

But soon, the shock in his eyes turned into surprise.

The reason why Feng Yue is strong must be because he has swallowed more energy crystals than himself.

As long as he swallows enough energy crystal nuclei, he will definitely become as powerful as him.

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