Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1239: Don't you have any points?

Chapter 1239 Don't you have any points?

Taking a deep breath, Liu Mingzhi organized the language and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Chen, in fact, the two Lenovo Beijing and Hong Kong will be merged soon."

"What does that mean, I think you should know very well?"

At this time, Chen Jianghai's acting skills can be developed in Hollywood.

I saw that he was surprised at first, then his eyes widened in amazement, and then he turned into a surprise.

He laughed loudly: "Mr. Liu, I knew you wouldn't let me down! I made a lot of money by mistake!"

"How about it, by the way, do you want to raise investment when you merge?

Why don't you sell me some stock.

How about I authorize you to hold shares for me? "

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Liu Mingzhi felt another strange feeling in his heart.

But he knew he couldn't waste time now, he had to strike while the iron was hot.

So he continued: "Mr. Chen, do you know what you mean by raising the stock price now?"

"If I set the stock price too high, Lenovo's merger will attract investors' attention and increase everyone's investment confidence."

Chen Jianghai blinked and expressed his opinion.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but glanced at Chen Jianghai in surprise.

Do you really not understand or do you not understand?

It's a pity that at this moment, Liu Mingzhi is no longer in the mood to distinguish the true from the false, and quickly said the words that he had already thought up.

He persuaded bitterly, "Mr. Chen, your idea is so wrong!"

"Lenovo's share price is too high now. If Beijing and Hong Kong merge rashly, it will definitely dilute the state-owned shares and cause a large loss of state-owned assets."

"So, in order to protect the interests of the country, I hope to cooperate with you, President Chen."

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's high-sounding words, Chen Jianghai sneered in his heart.

Who wants to covet national assets, don't you have any points?

Such words can only be said by someone like Liu Mingming.

You know, Liu Mingming did this in order to turn state-owned property into private property, put it in his own pocket completely, and become the biggest beneficiary.

Now, in front of Chen Jianghai, to actually say so confidently, it's a big joke in the world.

Chen Jianghai sneered in his heart, but he would not expose Liu Mingzhi in person.

This play has reached this level, and it is close to the climax and tide, and of course it will continue to sing.

It would not be possible without the cooperation of the main character Liu Mingzhi.

"Mr. Liu, how do you want me to cooperate with you?

In order to maximize the protection of state-owned assets from loss, Chen Mou is bound to! "

Chen Jianghai also put away his smile at this time, his expression became very serious, and asked directly.

Seeing Chen Jianghai's attitude, Liu Mingzhi didn't suspect him, and immediately said, "It's actually very simple, as long as President Chen cooperates with us to suppress the stock price, that's all."

"Press back Sanmao?"

Chen Jianghai frowned and asked with a puzzled look.

Liu Mingzhi quickly nodded and replied, "Yes, the lower the better."

"and then?"

Chen Jianghai suddenly said another sentence.

Such a change almost didn't make Liu Mingzhi wince.

But then he was relieved.

He almost forgot that the man in front of him was still a businessman after all.

Don't look at the slogans shouting sky-high, but in the face of interests, they will never be soft-hearted.

Of course, Liu Mingzhi had already corrected his attitude.

If you want Chen Jianghai to cooperate with this kind of thing, it is not good if there is no benefit.

In fact, for the sake of this, Chen Jianghai wouldn't believe it if he didn't want any benefits.

Anyway, the business is negotiated, and the bustling is for profit.

"We can give you 2.5 percent of the shares, and the price per share is about 40 cents."

Liu Mingzhi directly stated his conditions.

As long as Chen Jianghai can cooperate, it is acceptable to pay a little price.

Otherwise, with Chen Jianghai's energy, it will really disrupt the situation, and it will definitely be a chicken-and-egg fight.

Chen Jianghai then asked a very crucial question: "Did you give it to you or the Hong Kong city?"

"Naturally, it's the people from the port city."

Liu Mingzhi replied as a matter of course.

The current Liu Mingzhi does not have much Lenovo shares in his hands.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but smile: "Can they agree?"

Liu Mingzhi quickly replied: "This matter has a lot of interest to them, and they are naturally very willing."

The reason why he is so confident is naturally because Hong Kong businessmen are all debt holders.

When Lenovo went public, they had no funds at all.

It was Liu Mingming who borrowed money from Lenovo and let them buy Lenovo's stock.

Now, as long as Liu Mingming forces them to pay back the money, they have nothing to do.

They have always been debt holdings and have no liquidity at all.

Even if they sold all the shares in their hands, it would not be much money.

At this time, the share price of Hong Kong City Lenovo has fallen too much.

If they don't pay the money, it means they have to return the shares.

In this case, Beijing Lenovo can completely buy back their shares forcibly.

It's just that if this step is reached, it means that Lenovo is completely nationalized.

This is the result that those Hong Kong businessmen and Liu Mingzhi absolutely do not want to see.

Therefore, if Hong Kong businessmen do not want to draw water from a bamboo basket, they must agree to Liu Mingzhi's request.

Chen Jianghai shook his head slightly, and said lightly: "It's too little, give it to me at 4.9 percent!"

Hearing this request, Liu Mingzhi's expression changed slightly.

"Mr. Chen, your appetite is a little too big!"

Liu Mingzhi looked straight at Chen Jianghai, his voice a little cold.

Chen Jianghai calmly met Liu Mingzhi's gaze and said unhurriedly, "Mr. Liu, you can call now and ask how many Lenovo shares I have today."

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, his face changed greatly.

Yesterday, he wanted Chen Jianghai to stop acquiring the shares of Gangcheng Land.

Chen Jianghai did not agree at that time.

However, Liu Mingzhi didn't take it to heart, thinking that Chen Jianghai was putting pressure on him, and even if he continued to buy it, there would not be much action.

This is also the reason why Liu Mingzhi came here to negotiate with Chen Jianghai the next day.

He was really afraid that the longer the time dragged on, the other party would make big moves in the stock market.

Negotiations will become more difficult as Chen Jianghai's stock holdings increase.

It is of course the best to be able to achieve cooperation with Chen Jianghai for as little cost as possible.

But what Liu Mingzhi never expected was that Chen Jianghai was not joking, he was still buying shares of Lenovo.

And look like this, UU reading www.uukanshu. com today's efforts should be very large.

Is this guy too cunning?

"Mr. Chen, how many shares of Hong Kong City Lenovo do you have now?"

Liu Mingzhi calmed down and asked through gritted teeth.

Chen Jianghai smiled, raised his hand and gestured: "It's almost seven percent."

Hearing this number, Liu Mingzhi's face changed greatly, and he couldn't hold back.

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