Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1469: brutal reality

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-nine chapters cruel reality

It is completely different from what outsiders see. In fact, Jinshan today is in a very embarrassing situation.

Jinshan was established by Qiu Wangshan in 1988, and it has a history of nearly ten years.

At this time, the young Lei Dajun was about to become the general manager of Jinshan.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a young man is successful.

From the very beginning, Kingsoft has been doing office software.

It can be regarded as the earliest software development company in China, and it is a technology company in the true sense.

Unlike today's Lenovo, it is purely selling dog meat.

When it comes to Kingsoft's most famous product, it must be inseparable from WPS.

Overall, the development of Kingsoft in recent years is quite good.

In the future, Jinshan Kuaipan, Jinshan Guardian, Jinshan Duba, etc. under its hands are all relatively well-known products.

However, when it comes to Jinshan's products, WPS is definitely inescapable.

One drawback of WPS is that it is completely developed according to Microsoft's system.

Just in this period of time, Microsoft's update speed is very fast.

In fact, Kingsoft has developed the latest WPS as early as the end of 1996.

However, Microsoft's rapid update, so that WPS can only be postponed.

It was not until September 1997 that 97WPS came out.

This nearly one year period was definitely the most difficult year for Jinshan.

Now that Lei Dajun came to seek help, it must be because Jinshan's funds went wrong.

Afterwards, Lei Dajun introduced the history and development of Jinshan to Chen Jianghai.

In these narrations of Lei Dajun, Jinshan was almost praised as the No. 1 software development company in China.

Chen Jianghai was also sighed when he heard it.

Lei Dajun's ability to fool people should be innate.

If he didn't know the true development of Kingsoft Software, he could be fooled and lame by the other party.

"Mr. Chen, Jinshan is developing very well now. If you can invest in us at this time, there will definitely be a great return in the future."

Lei Dajun finally concluded.

For Lei Dajun's remarks, Chen Jianghai just smiled.

If Jinshan really developed well, he would not come to him for help.

At this stage, Jinshan is controlled by Qiu Wangshan, and the speed of development is not particularly ideal.

The reason is that this man is too artistic, too emotional, and has a little perfectionist spirit.

As an investor, this kind of person will definitely be favored by all kinds of entrepreneurs.

However, as a manager of an enterprise, such a way of life will suffer a lot.

This has been proved extremely profoundly in him.

The reason why Jinshan has encountered financial problems at this stage is also very simple, that is, Qiu Wangshan is too serious and wants to pursue the ultimate and perfection.

Originally, the WPS software was designed and developed and passed the test, and it can be launched and used. As a result, Qiu Wangshan wanted to keep improving, various upgrades and optimizations, so it dragged on for a year.

The reason is very simple, what Qiu Wangshan requires is a perfect and flawless WPS.

In order to achieve a satisfactory version, enough to beat all the peers and become a benchmark, Qiu Wangshan asked his people to change more than a dozen versions of the software.

Under this circumstance, the company has not made any profit, and the investment in research and development is quite large.

If things go on like this, the entire company will face the situation of making ends meet and running out of funds.

Lei Dajun came to Chen Jianghai for help now, but he was also helpless.

Before that, Lei Dajun had gone to other people and wanted to seek help with his incorruptible tongue.

The other party's condition is very simple, that is, it needs Jinshan's shares, and it is the kind of lion's big mouth.

This is naturally unacceptable to a perfectionist like Qiu Wangshan.

What he hopes is that Jinshan shares can be firmly controlled in his own hands, and then continue to develop according to his ideas.

What he wants to do is not to make a profit, but to design and manufacture the perfect product as possible, so that more people can recognize Jinshan.

Just when Lei Dajun saw no hope, his friend Ge Wenming gave him an idea.

Go to Chen Jianghai and try, maybe there will be a turning point.

When Lei Dajun heard it, he also felt that this was indeed a good suggestion.

Chen Jianghai has money and attaches great importance to technological innovation. The most important thing is that he has a strong feeling for national enterprises and is willing to lend a helping hand.

There is no doubt that asking such a person to help is the best choice for Jinshan at the moment.

With this thought in mind, Lei Dajun came directly to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai did not rush to answer Lei Dajun's question.

"Mr. Lei, do you think Jinshan's future will be bright?"

Chen Jianghai asked such a question.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Lei Dajun was obviously stunned.

However, as smart as he was, he quickly reacted.

This may be a test for Chen Jianghai.

If his answer is not good enough, Chen Jianghai naturally has reason to refuse his request.

After frowning slightly and pondering for a while, Lei Dajun started his performance.

For this kind of thing, the eloquent Lei Dajun has long been familiar with it.

However, the person facing him now is Chen Jianghai, not only his idol, but also Jinshan's only life-saving straw. He still seems extremely cautious.

Back then, when Jinshan developed, Lei Dajun had done a lot of homework in order to seek financial assistance.

With the development of Jinshan and the change of his own position, he has not done this kind of thing for a long time.

Now that Chen Jianghai wants to take him for postgraduate entrance examination, he doesn't mind making a cameo appearance in his previous position.

"Mr. Chen, with the increase in the number of computers in China, the demand for software will continue to rise."

"This is definitely a good development opportunity for Jinshan."

"You know, there are still a few really powerful software companies in China, but Jinshan is enough to rank in the top few."

"With this kind of strength, in line with the current development environment, Jinshan's future road will definitely be very bright."

As soon as he came up, Lei Dajun made an overview of Jinshan's future.

Chen Jianghai also agrees with Lei Dajun's generalization.

It must be admitted that these software companies obviously have in-depth research and understanding of the development of the personal computer market in China in the next few years.

In fact, around the millennium, the number of computers in China will explode.

This part of the computer is basically used for office work, so the requirements for office software are naturally greatly increased.

In this day and age, a genuine office software costs hundreds of dollars.

This is obviously a bit expensive for China's national conditions.

Kingsoft launched 97WPS, in this case, there is a very good market.

At least in terms of price, this WPS is more than half cheaper than the genuine software.

This is a completely acceptable figure for domestic enterprises

Of course, what Chen Jianghai recognizes is the computer software market.

As for the company Kingsoft, Chen Jianghai does not think its future is very good.

At least the future results tell Chen Jianghai that the development of Kingsoft is not as good as Lei Dajun said.

Or what Lei Dajun said just now can only be regarded as the wishful thinking of Kingsoft.

Various factors in the future have turned these beautiful imaginations into cruel reality.

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