Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1501: Where does this money come from?

Chapter 1501 Where did the money come from?

The Huo family's industries are all over Southeast Asia, and they also have some excellent friends.

If you can make accurate judgments and prepare in advance, you can naturally minimize losses.

Otherwise, it will be too late to think of a way until Souters takes action.

Siam is the best example.

Chen Jianghai said without hesitation: "According to my inference about Sotts's style, he has tasted the sweetness and will definitely continue to do it with a routine."

"As for who the next target is, it's not difficult to speculate as long as you observe carefully."

Hearing this, Huo Jiaxiang thought seriously.

If this is the case, he can take advantage of the current time to make some arrangements.

At that time, if Sotts really dared to do it, the Huo family would not only be able to reduce losses, but also benefit from it.

The most critical question now is whether to trust Chen Jianghai's judgment?

After Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he did not continue to speak.

He knew that Huo Jiaxiang was making difficult choices now.

As the old saying goes, the truth is always in the hands of a few.

It's really hard for ordinary people to believe that this kind of thing doesn't really happen.

Chen Jianghai also dared to tell Huo Jiaxiang like this because he knew what happened in the future.

For Huo Jiaxiang and the others, the risk here is simply too great.

As long as there is a little accident, it is not good news for the Huo family.

The reason why Chen Jianghai is willing to tell Huo Jiaxiang this news is because Huo Jiaxiang is really good to him.

More importantly, the old man has always had a deep affection for Huaxia.

When Xiangjiang returned, Huo Jiaxiang also fully supported the group of people who ran from all sides.

In the previous life, this old gentleman was a mythical existence.

Since they met in this life and had an intersection, the other party also valued him very much. Of course, Chen Jianghai had to show enough respect for this old senior.

Now that he has such an opportunity, Chen Jianghai is naturally very willing to share this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with him.

Moreover, on the battlefield of Xiangjiang in the future, Chen Jianghai will definitely contribute his own strength together with the patriotic businessmen represented by Mr. Huo.

Of course, the status of the Huo family in Xiangjiang cannot be ignored.

If it can benefit from this financial turmoil, it will definitely be able to completely stabilize its position and become the first giant in the true sense in order to play a more solid role.

You know, after the return of Hong Kong, the two systems were implemented, the SAR government was established, and Hong Kong people ruled Hong Kong.

If the Huo family is a patriotic businessman who firmly stands on the side of Huaxia, if they can go to the next level, Huaxia's control of Xiangjiang will be more stable.

Chen Jianghai is naturally happy to do things that are beneficial to China.

After a long time, Huo Jiaxiang looked at Chen Jianghai with bright eyes, and said slowly, "Jiang Hai, should I trust you?"

At this time, Huo Jiaxiang was caught in a dilemma and was very entangled.

His reason has been reminding himself that such words cannot be easily believed.

After all, what Chen Jianghai said was really unrealistic.

Most people don't even dare to think about it.

Especially the elderly like them are more willing to seek stability.

Things that are too risky, even if they are quite sure, may not be easy to take risks.

But this time, for some unknown reason, Huo Jiaxiang subconsciously believed Chen Jianghai's words.

Otherwise, he would never have asked this question.

Chen Jianghai could probably guess Huo Jiaxiang's state of mind at the moment, and at the same time expressed his understanding.

He just smiled slightly, and then said sincerely: "Elder Huo, in the next period of time, the money I earn will continue to be invested in this matter."

Speaking of which, it's enough to show Chen Jianghai's attitude.

Huo Jiaxiang was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

This really made him a little unacceptable.

Can an individual really have such a big impact on a country's economy?

In fact, in the current world, people like Sotts, if they are fully prepared, can of course have an impact on the country.

Not to mention a country like Siam, even Great Britain in the early days also suffered from his sniping.

There are many loopholes and imperfections in the financial market of this era.

As long as they find these loopholes and call in a group of speculators, they can do this in a country like Siam.

And the same means can be replicated.

This is the scariest place.

Of course, with the continuous development of society and the improvement of various rules, the probability of this happening is very small.

Therefore, this era is the last feast for these speculators.

Later, Huo Jiaxiang thought of Chen Jianghai's earnings this time.

According to Chen Jianghai's previous statement, a principal can be doubled after this incident.

That is to say, Chen Jianghai invested 5 billion dollars before, but after the Siam incident, it directly turned into 10 billion dollars!

In theory, if Chen Jianghai continues to follow Sotts to the next country, the money will double again.

If the four little tigers in Asia come in turn once, it is entirely possible for Chen Jianghai to achieve a ten-fold increase in the five billion dollars!

Five billion dollars...

Thinking of this terrifying number, Huo Jiaxiang's heartbeat also accelerated a lot.

You must know that Huo Jiaxiang has struggled all his life in Xiangjiang, and his total net worth is about 10 billion US dollars.

According to Chen Jianghai's current practice, in just a few days, his assets will exceed his own.

Maybe after some time, the world's richest man does not seem impossible.

The point is that these money are profits obtained in the foreign exchange stock market, which is much easier than that in the industry.

Thinking of this, Huo Jiaxiang no longer dared to treat Chen Jianghai as a junior.

At this time, Chen Jianghai was fully qualified to be on an equal footing with him.

Even, even surpassing him is a normal thing.

More importantly, Qiuhai was not included in these assets.

The money in the stock market belongs to fast money, while the autumn sea is a long stream.

Huo Jiaxiang looked at Chen Jianghai with a hint of awe in his eyes.

So young, so capable, so scheming, this young man is really terrible.

Why is there such a monster?

He really didn't think that could create so much wealth for Chen Jianghai just relying on the foreign exchange market.

Chen Jianghai made money, but where did the money come from?

It's very simple, that is, cut leeks.

Thinking of this, Huo Jiaxiang suddenly became very worried.

Will such a thing happen to Xiangjiang?

Huo Jiaxiang was a little shocked when he thought of such a possibility.

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