Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1512: The big guy in the gas market

Chapter 1512 The big guy in the gas market

For a long time, Sotts felt that the Dragon Fund was also a greedy speculator, treating it as a partner.

As everyone knows, Chen Jianghai is ready to find an opportunity at any time to stab Sutters in the back and let him spit out what he ate.

Companion is just Sotts' wishful thinking, Chen Jianghai has never thought of it this way.

Everyone's position is different, Sotts harvests the wealth of other countries, that's all.

But if he wants to do something to Xiangjiang, Chen Jianghai will definitely not stand by.

Moreover, even without Chen Jianghai's dragon, Sotts would not have succeeded.

Since such a large amount of wealth is destined to disappear, Chen Jianghai certainly doesn't mind taking as much of it as possible.

For the follow-up work, Chen Jianghai will all be handed over to Fang Aiguo.

After a little preparation, he plans to return to Xijiang tomorrow.

Just when Chen Jianghai finished the phone call and was about to leave, Huo Jiaxiang came to the hotel in person.

As Huo Jiaxiang, there is no need to do so.

Even if something happens, just make a phone call.

He is here in person now, and the purpose is very simple, just to express his importance to Chen Jianghai.

"Elder Huo, why are you here?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

"Jiang Hai, I'm here to thank you this time."

Huo Jiaxiang said excitedly.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "Elder Huo, you are too polite, we are partners.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Huo Jiaxiang was even more grateful to him.

You know, this is billions of dollars in profit!

"Jiang Hai, don't be humble. Without you, I wouldn't be able to catch this train."

Huo Jiaxiang waved his hand and said sincerely.

Indeed, without Chen Jianghai's words, Huo Jiaxiang would definitely not make such a big gamble.

The most important thing is that Huo Jiaxiang won the bet.

Ninety percent of the credit for this incident belongs to Chen Jianghai.

Huo Jiaxiang's success is to believe in Chen Jianghai, and then raise a large amount of money to give the money to the other party, and let him have full control.

Regarding this matter, Chen Jianghai did not want to say anything.

If he wanted Huo Jiaxiang's thanks, he would not have agreed to Huo Jiaxiang so easily.

The reason why he took the initiative to tell Huo Jiaxiang the news was his recognition and affirmation of Huo Jiaxiang.

"Elder Huo, what's the matter with you coming to see me today?"

Chen Jianghai simply changed the subject.

Huo Jiaxiang immediately sent an invitation: "Jiang Hai, today I set up a dinner party of the highest standard at home, I hope you can enjoy it."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Elder Huo, I've got my mind, so I don't need to eat."

"No, you must get it, we'll just say it!"

Huo Jiaxiang's attitude is very firm.

Chen Jianghai wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Huo Jiaxiang's next words.

"Jiang Hai, this time I invited a few old friends, and they all want to get to know you.

You won't make me lose face as an old man, will you? "

Well, the words have come to this point, Chen Jianghai can only agree.

Besides, he is on the plane tomorrow, so it is true that there is not much delay.

The banquet that Huo Jiaxiang mentioned was actually a private banquet.

Not many people came today, Huo Jiaxiang gave a brief introduction to Chen Jianghai one by one.

After listening to the introduction, Chen Jianghai also understood Huo Jiaxiang's intention.

In the final analysis, I just want to use this dinner to let Chen Jianghai expand his circle.

As for what I said before about others wanting to know me, it can only be regarded as an excuse, and it is also to take care of my own face.

Of course, these old gentlemen are still very curious about Chen Jianghai.

After all, in their impressions, although Huaxia has developed well in recent years, it is still a little behind.

But now, there is an outlier like Chen Jianghai, and it is impossible to say that he is not curious.

Everyone also wants to get to know Chen Jianghai, a young talent from the mainland of the motherland.

After all, it is a miracle to be able to bring a company to the top 500 in the world in just a few years.

Especially seeing Chen Jianghai so young, everyone's heart is full of admiration for him.

Chen Jianghai was somewhat surprised by today's banquet.

Here, Chen Jianghai met another rich man in Xiangjiang: Li Mingnan.

Huo Jiaxiang and Li Mingnan can be said to be very good friends and have formed a deep friendship in their early years.

The two people have a deep relationship, share a common philosophy, and often stand on the same front to advance and retreat together.

As early as 1978, Huo Jiaxiang took a delegation to the mainland, and Li Mingnan was also one of the entourage.

Later, Huo Jiaxiang took a delegation of Hong Kong entrepreneurs to Lingnan Province.

After the inspection, Huo Jiaxiang decided to invest in the White Swan Hotel in Lingnan to help Lingnan develop its economy.

Li Mingnan decided to invest in Huaxia Hotel.

The two of them can be said to echo each other, and both are showing their support for Huaxia in their own way.

At that time, the three best hotels in Lingnan were all invested and built by entrepreneurs from Xiangjiang.

The three hotels are White Swan, Huaxia Hotel and Garden Hotel.

In fact, there is one more thing that can show that the relationship between the two is very good.

In 2002, Huo Rishan married Guo Xinxin. There was a detail at that time that many people did not notice.

On top of this century wedding, Li Mingnan not only attended the wedding, but also sat at the officiating table.

In other words, the Huo family regarded Li Mingnan as the elder of their own family.

At that time, the top tycoons and dignitaries in Hong Kong went there.

Except for a few bigwigs in the political arena, only Li Mingnan in the business world has such treatment.

From these details, it can be seen that the relationship between Li Mingnan and Huo Yingdong is definitely not simple.

Speaking of Li Mingnan, most people may not know him

In other words, not many people really know him.

In fact, Li Mingnan's personality is similar to that of Huo Jiaxiang.

This can be seen from the business he does.

At its most prosperous time in later generations, Xiangjiang was a city with a population of seven million.

At that time, Hong Kong was definitely the most economically developed city in the world.

Li Mingnan controlled the entire gas market in Xiangjiang at that time.

Such a large market, UU reading www. How much money can make a year, many people can't imagine.

Under such circumstances, Li Mingnan, who is in an absolute monopoly position, did not use any means to make money.

On the contrary, Li Mingnan took the initiative to reduce the gas cost of Xiangjiang seven times in a row.

Later, according to the statistics of the authoritative department, Li Mingnan kept reducing the gas cost for Xiangjiang, so that he made more than 10 billion less.

From this point alone, we can see what Li Mingnan is like.

It is definitely not comparable to the kind of businessman who is simply greedy, but belongs to the kind of conscientious entrepreneur.

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