Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1514: Is this really possible?

Chapter 1514 Is this really okay?

Li Mingnan was afraid that Chen Jianghai had misunderstood what he meant, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, that's not what I meant. It's just that this opportunity to make money is gone, which makes me a little disappointed."

From Li Mingnan's tone, he could tell that he was joking.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Actually, it's not too late, there are never fewer opportunities to make money."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Huo Jiaxiang's heart suddenly moved.

Could it be that Chen Jianghai wanted to tell Li Mingnan about this and make a fortune with him?

However, he did not take the initiative to speak, but looked at Chen Jianghai meaningfully.

Li Mingnan thought of other aspects, nodded and said, "It's not too late, we can cooperate in China, and we will definitely make money."

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said, "Mr. Li, in fact, there is still an opportunity to make a fortune right now. I wonder if you would like to join in?"


tell me the story. "

Li Mingnan was very curious and looked at Chen Jianghai with some anticipation.

After all, it is definitely a huge business opportunity for a young man like Chen Jianghai to say such words.

After all, he heard clearly just now that Chen Jianghai was not talking about making a fortune, but making a fortune.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, but did not hide it, and directly told Li Mingnan of the next plan in a concise and comprehensive manner.

Huo Jiaxiang next to him admired Chen Jianghai more and more.

Chen Jianghai's ability to do this is really beyond Huo Jiaxiang's imagination.

This kind of thing will definitely be hidden by most people, and will not be easily told to others.

Who would be like Chen Jianghai, just bring himself, but he told Li Mingnan generously.

Just because he interrupted this dinner, he showed his friendship with him?

This is really too face to face.

Huo Jiaxiang couldn't help but ask, "Jiang Hai, aren't you afraid that we will leak this news?"

Chen Jianghai said very readily: "With the character of your two seniors, I believe that this kind of thing should not happen."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Huo Jiaxiang and Li Mingnan were both very happy.

Chen Jianghai's answer made them feel a great trust.

Li Mingnan asked directly: "Jiang Hai, if I end now, will I still have a chance to make money?"

Chen Jianghai responded simply: "This is natural, and there is no problem at all."

Afterwards, Chen Jianghai told all about Sotts' next goal.

Not only the four little tigers, but also the four little dragons, these goals really frightened Li Mingnan.

Even Huo Jiaxiang, who was beside him, had a very solemn expression at this time.

If it is really as Chen Jianghai said, then Xiangjiang will not be the target of Sotts' attack.

Most of their foundations are in this place. Once Xiangjiang suffers the same fate, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Seeing the faces of the two, Chen Jianghai knew what they were worried about.

"You can rest assured here in Xiangjiang, Sotts will not succeed."

When Chen Jianghai said this, he looked confident.

Huo Jiaxiang couldn't help but ask, "Jiang Hai, are you sure?"

"Old Huo, don't forget, Xiangjiang will return in July."

Chen Jianghai pointed to the outside.

Hearing this, the two exchanged glances quickly, also relieved.

They were so worried that they almost ignored this important matter.

If Xiangjiang returns, Huaxia will definitely not stand idly by in any turmoil.

With the strong backing of the motherland, there is really no need to worry too much about Sotts.

Hearing this, Li Mingnan nodded somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Jiang Hai is right, we people are just too worried.

No young man like Jiang Hai can think through it! "

Huo Jiaxiang also nodded in agreement, agreeing: "Jiang Hai's vision is more long-term than our two bad old men!"

Chen Jianghai quickly waved his hand and said modestly, "Don't praise me, Mr. Huo, let's talk about making money!"

Seeing how the two of them were singing together, Chen Jianghai quickly changed the subject.

Seeing this situation, Li Mingnan said directly: "Then I will follow you to the end, otherwise, Lao Huo's assets will soon surpass mine, and I will have no confidence to chat with him in the future."

"You hold the entire Xiangjiang gas market. As long as you don't cut prices, I'm unlikely to surpass yours."

Huo Jiaxiang joked with a little sarcasm.

Hearing this, Li Mingnan shook his head slightly, obviously disapproving of it.

"Most of the people in Xiangjiang don't have much money now. As long as it is possible, I think the gas bill will be reduced by a further drop."

Hearing Li Mingnan say this, Chen Jianghai nodded secretly in his heart.

Entrepreneurs who care about the public are very few.

"You two, if you don't mind, why don't the three of us work together?"

Chen Jianghai followed with open hands and suggested.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's proposal, Huo Jiaxiang naturally had no opinion at all.

Previous collaborations have demonstrated Chen Jianghai's extraordinary judgment and control.

In short, among the people he knew, or even heard of, he was absolutely unparalleled.

Li Mingnan was also very excited.

He doesn't know much about financial markets.

If there is no one to guide the way, Li Mingnan's heart is really uncertain.

Now Chen Jianghai has offered to cooperate, which is naturally a good thing for him.

Being able to increase revenue through other channels, he can naturally implement his plan to cut gas prices again in advance.

Moreover, the range can be appropriately increased to further reduce the living pressure of the majority of Hong Kong citizens.

"Jiang Hai, is this really okay?"

Li Mingnan asked carefully.

In his opinion, he obviously took too much advantage.

Now as long as he takes out the money, Chen Jianghai can help make money.

Such a great deed is a bit incredible in Li Mingnan's view.

In today's society, the worship of money is becoming more and more fanatical.

When it comes to money, blood relatives can turn against each other.

Under such circumstances, Chen Jianghai, who met for the first time, was able to be so generous, which surprised Li Mingnan very much.

It is hard to imagine that the young Chen Jianghai has such a big pattern.

Before Chen Jianghai could answer, Huo Jiaxiang on the side said directly: "Old Li, you just think too much.

Jiang Hai is not an ordinary person, you can just give him the money with confidence. "

"Anyway, this money is not worth it! Instead of letting those black-hearted guys take it, it's better to keep it in our hands and do something more meaningful."

Hearing Huo Jiaxiang say this, Li Mingnan was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Old Huo, did you do this a long time ago?"

Huo Jiaxiang laughed proudly: "Haha! You guessed right.

When Sotts attacked Java, I had already given the money to Jiang Hai. "

Hearing this, Li Mingnan also suddenly realized.

"I just said that some time Why did you suddenly sell a lot of assets."

"At that time, I thought that something had changed on your side, but you didn't say anything and I didn't ask much.

After a long time of trouble, it turned out to be for this matter! "

Huo Jiaxiang explained a little apologetically: "Old man, it's a big deal, I have to keep it a secret, so I didn't tell you the truth before."

"Then how much did you put in?"

Li Mingnan didn't have the heart to blame Huo Jiaxiang, but quickly asked.

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