Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1517: A bit silly and bold

Chapter 1517 is a bit silly and bold

Looking at the local government in Tianjin, this is still good?

The products of the company's own site have been bought by other provinces with such great fanfare, but they have nothing to do!

Doesn't that seem like they don't support local businesses?


Under such circumstances, Jinmen quickly dispatched a delegation to take a good look at the great achievements of heaven and earth.

After reading it, the great cause of heaven and earth really gave them a deep shock.

Only then did they understand why the Pingshan government paid so much attention to it.

Dare to be at your feet, there is such a sophisticated technology company!

Subsequently, Tiandi Weiye received the second large order.

At this time, Tiandiweiye still has some orders from Pingshan.

Coupled with the orders from Jinmen, it has completely exceeded their previous production scale.

The support of the governments of the two places has made Tiandi Weiye known to more people.

After knowing this situation, when many people buy monitoring equipment, the first thing they think of is the great cause of heaven and earth.

In just a few months, orders flew in like snowflakes.

So far, Zhao Rongxin has shipped 100,000 monitoring devices.

Not only that, but also has orders for nearly 100,000 units.

If this trend continues, it is absolutely impossible for these orders to be delivered on time without expanding the scale of production.

Yue Hongsheng came this time to see what Chen Jianghai meant.

This company is affiliated to Chen Jianghai, but is not managed by Qiuhai.

At most, Yue Hongsheng could only help spread the news, but he could not make a decision.

The final decision still needs to be made by Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said directly: "Let Zhao Rongxin do it with confidence, funds are not a problem."

After getting this answer, Yue Hongsheng finally knew what to do with him, and nodded quickly: "Mr. Chen, is there anything else that needs to be explained to Rongxin?"

Chen Jianghai thought for a while, then said, "Let him call me, and I will talk to him about the future development direction of this company."

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Yue Hongsheng replied quickly.

From Chen Jianghai's point of view, as long as he is willing to make a point or two, the future of this company will definitely be bright.

Even if this company is not affiliated with Qiuhai Group, but with Chen Jianghai's own investment, Yue Hongsheng is still very happy.

Because at the moment, Qiuhai Group is still building its own supply channels. The rise of the great business of heaven and earth will definitely not require a small number of spare parts, and it can further promote the improvement of supply channels.

After finishing the accumulated work, Chen Jianghai called Mu Hongzhong.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Brother Mu, what are you doing recently?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Opposite Mu Hongzhong's slightly lowered voice, mysteriously said: "Jiang Hai, I found an interesting thing."

"What's up?"

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly and asked suspiciously.

Mu Hongzhong said word by word, "Jiang Hai, do you know Sotts?"

"I know, what's wrong?"

"Let me tell you, the financial turmoil in Siam and Java was caused by him. That guy is too cruel! He even swept the two countries with one person."

Hearing Mu Hongzhong say this, Chen Jianghai suddenly had a bad premonition and asked, "Brother Mu, what do you mean by that?"

Sure enough, the next moment Mu Hongzhong said: "Jiang Hai, Sauters is really too powerful and too bold, I also want to learn from him, find a country to try, lower its exchange rate, and earn a lot of votes. "

Hearing what Mu Hongzhong said, Chen Jianghai's expression froze, not knowing what to say.

This person, Mu Hongzhong, is really courageous.

Seeing Sotts do such a thing, he actually wanted to do it too.

But it is too blind.

A little silly and bold.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but ask, "Brother Mou, do you know how much money Sotts has raised to do this?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Mu Hongzhong suddenly lost his voice.

He has been learning about this recently, and naturally he has a general understanding.

In fact, no one knows how much money Sotts has in this fight.

Even Chen Jianghai only knew an approximate number.

But exactly how much, or because history has changed, it is hard to say whether there will be any changes.

But that doesn't stop everyone from guessing.

Mu Hongzhong also had his own guesses.

This time, Sotts brought at least tens of billions of US knives.

Of course, this amount of money is still not enough to disrupt a country's economy.

Those speculators who went up together have contributed at least tens of billions or even more funds.

At the same time, there are also those international financial predators who are looking for the smell of blood.

These funds add up to at least $50 billion.

Such a huge amount of money can shake a country's monetary system.

After all, one attacking and one defending, and at the same time calculating with no intention, these speculators will still have a considerable advantage once they are tied together.

As for Mu Hongzhong, he is considered a wealthy business owner in China.

But if it is placed internationally, his assets are really not enough.

And if it is all turned into cash, it will be greatly discounted.

It's okay to fool the common people with the things he did in the country.

In the eyes of some discerning people, some are not enough to see.

If you really go abroad, you must be despised.

Mu Hongzhong himself was probably well aware of this.

A simple question from Chen Jianghai directly dispelled Mu Hongzhong's follow-up thoughts.

He also woke up now.

It is not as simple as one thinks to try to shake up a country's economy by one's strength alone.

"Jiang Hai, I took it for granted."

Mu Hongzhong said with some embarrassment.

Chen Jianghai didn't answer the topic, but said with a smile, "Brother Mu, do you have time recently?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Mu Hongzhong asked with some doubts.

Chen Jianghai followed: "You can't learn Sotts, but you can snipe him with me."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Mu Hongzhong's eyes suddenly lit up.

That's Soros!

My own brother actually said that he wanted to snipe Soros.

The idea seems crazier than dealing with a country.

But these words came from Chen Jianghai's mouth, and he had to take it seriously.

Mu Hongzhong quickly asked, "Jiang Hai, what do you mean?"

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "What do you mean, don't worry about it, just bring the money and come with me when the time comes. I can assure you that it will definitely be very exciting."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Mu Hongzhong immediately became interested, and couldn't wait to ask: "Jiang Hai, tell me about At this time, Chen Jianghai will naturally not tell Mu Hongzhong the real situation. .

Mu Hongzhong's mouth is somewhat unreliable.

Maybe if I told him in advance, I would take it out and publicize it everywhere, and it would soon become known to everyone.

For such an important matter, be cautious and wait until the two of them are on their way to Xiangjiang!

After contacting Mu Hongzhong, Chen Jianghai contacted many people.

These people are all well-known figures on the domestic rich list.

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