Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1531: It's a bit illusory

Soon, several academicians with white hair and spirits got off the yellow Coster minibus and came to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai took the management of Qiuhai and hurriedly greeted him.

"Welcome to all the scholars to come to Qiuhai to guide the work!"

Director Zhao Changming of the National Academy of Sciences, headed by him, seemed very cordial. He stretched out his hand and said, "You are Mr. Chen Jianghai, right? You are more handsome than the newspapers. You Qiuhai can enter the world's top 500, which is very good!"

Chen Jianghai quickly stretched out his hands to shake hands with the other party and said, "Thank you, Director Zhao, for your praise."

Zhao Changming smiled slightly: "You can do so many things for our country and the people, it's not easy."

At this, Chen Jianghai smiled and did not answer the question.

Afterwards, Chen Jianghai took Zhao Changming and his party to the Qiuhai Building.

Zhao Changming's first request was very simple. He wanted to visit the Qiuhai Building first.

Today's Qiuhai Building can be said to be a landmark building in Pingshan.

The height of the twenty-seventh floor can be said to be the top of the mountain.

Not to mention Xijiang Province, it is quite famous all over the country.

Zhao Changming and others are here this time, and naturally they also want to visit this place.

Of course, they can't look at it layer by layer.

Chen Jianghai just picked up a few important floors and took the research team to visit.

Looking at the various modern interior facilities of Qiuhai Building, Zhao Changming and others nodded frequently.

At the request of Chen Jianghai, the internal structure of Qiuhai Building is quite different from that of general office buildings.

This can be seen from the use of the second and third floors of Qiuhai Building.

On these two floors, Chen Jianghai built the canteen and the living room.

Zhao Changming was a little surprised when he saw this structure. He raised his hand and asked, "Mr. Chen, do all your company's employees eat here?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and replied, "Yes."

"How many people can be accommodated at that time?" Zhao Changming asked again.

Before he came, he also knew some information about Qiuhai, and knew that there were many employees in Qiuhai.

Chen Jianghai quickly replied: "We eat in batches, and it can accommodate more than 300 people at a time."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Zhao Changming nodded with satisfaction.

"Then we will eat here at noon, is there any problem?" Zhao Changming suddenly turned his head and said.

For this question, Chen Jianghai was obviously not prepared.

"President Zhao, why don't you just eat in the conference room, and it won't affect your listening to the report?" Chen Jianghai said quickly.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, the provincial leaders secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If you really want to let this group of patriots eat here, I don't know what will happen.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Zhao Changming also responded with kindness: "Alright."

After the tour, Chen Jianghai led everyone to the high-level conference room.

Today, Zhao Changming came to visit them, but it was not just a visit.

Yue Hongsheng had prepared the materials in advance, ready to show them to Zhao Changming and others.

This initial information is naturally all about Qiuhai's situation.

The first part is about the current situation of Qiuhai.

The important part is about the future of Qiuhai.

Yue Hongsheng was a lot calmer at this time, and there was no mistake in the introduction.

Just when Yue Hongsheng was halfway through speaking, Zhao Changming raised his hand to signal him to stop.

"Mr. Chen, I would like to hear your opinion on Qiuhai's future." Zhao Changming looked at Chen Jianghai and said with a smile.

Facing this sudden test, Chen Jianghai did not panic.

"Okay, I'll just tell you a little bit."

Afterwards, Chen Jianghai stood up directly and motioned for Yue Hongsheng to return to his seat.

Yue Hongsheng nodded quickly, and then Chen Jianghai began to tell.

"As for the future of Qiuhai, I have said on many occasions that it will make it the world's No. 1 home appliance company."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's goal, Zhao Changming nodded with satisfaction.

As a young man, you should have this vigor and self-confidence.

Chen Jianghai continued: "However, what is the future direction of the home appliance industry, I think many people are very vague."

"I think the future direction of the home appliance industry is intelligence."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Yue Hongsheng and the others were surprised.

Regarding this concept, Chen Jianghai had never mentioned it before them.

At this time, Zhao Changming was also curious. He really wanted to know what Chen Jianghai meant by this intelligence.

Chen Jianghai explained: "The so-called intelligent electrical appliances means that users can control the use and switch of these appliances through voice."

Smart home appliances, everyone in 2020 must be very clear.

Hearing this, everyone felt incredible.

Isn't this what's virtualized on TV?

When Yue Hongsheng and the others heard Chen Jianghai say this, they couldn't help worrying secretly.

If Chen Jianghai told people in his company, they would think there was no problem at all.

Wouldn't it be a bit too rash to say this in front of an expert like Zhao Changming?

The provincial leaders heard Chen Jianghai say this,

^0^ His face suddenly became a little ugly.

If it wasn't for Chen Jianghai's identity, they would have stood up against him long ago.

They didn't expect that Chen Jianghai would suddenly say these words.

In their view, intelligence is a bit illusory.

You know, the concept of intelligence came from abroad.

At this time, China's economic development speed is completely unable to keep up with foreign countries.

Most of Huaxia's enterprises have not even realized automation, let alone intelligence.

What is even more outrageous is that Chen Jianghai is talking about the intelligence of electrical appliances.

This makes them even more incredible.

When Zhao Changming heard Chen Jianghai's words, he was a little surprised at first, and then he was appreciative.

It is very courageous to be able to speak this point of view boldly in front of so many people.

Chen Jianghai's remarks successfully aroused Zhao Changming's curiosity.

"Then tell us in detail."

Zhao Changming said, with some expectation on his face.

He is very curious now, what will Chen Jianghai say next?

Chen Jianghai nodded and then continued.

"Actually, the smart home appliances I said are not as exaggerated as the ones on TV."

"For example, automatic sweepers, automatic dishwashers, etc., can represent the intelligence of a home appliance."

"If you want to realize these intelligences, the most critical thing is actually the Internet."

"With the rapid development of the Internet in the future, chip computing has reached a certain level. To achieve such intelligence, I don't think it is too difficult."

Chen Jianghai's words silenced everyone present.

They thought that Chen Jianghai was nonsense before, but they didn't expect Chen Jianghai to have a basis.

Relying on the Internet to realize the intelligence of electrical appliances?

None of them had heard of such an idea.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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