Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1564: Destruction is always easier than creation

Chapter 1564 Destruction is always easier than creation

It is generally believed that if there is no such strong and powerful retrograde Chen Jianghai, who has given Xiangjiang enough courage and support, maybe Xiangjiang will not be able to support the mainland.

In fact, the citizens of Xiangjiang think this way, completely exaggerating the role of Chen Jianghai.

If Chen Jianghai did not appear, Xiangjiang would only ask the mainland for help in advance, instead of watching Xiangjiang fall under Sotts' iron hoof.

Of course, the longer it drags on, the more Sotts will lose.

As more money is poured in, Sauters and his group of speculators must have more money **** in the land.

At this time, Xiangjiang is like a sea of ​​joy. Countless people took to the streets and started the celebration mode.

Sotts, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, could only frantically vent his anger at the newly bought things in the office.

He seemed to want to tear down the entire house.

In the last two days of battle, Sotts can be said to have lost completely.

In this battle, Xiangjiang has won a great victory.

On the Sotts side, most of the people suffered heavy losses.

Only a small number of people who noticed something was wrong in advance bought a lot of long futures contracts as a hedge before the decisive battle, and they managed to recover a lot of losses.

A stubborn person like Sotts who is full of confidence and fully invested in shorting Xiangjiang is undoubtedly the one who loses the most.

Because of the arrival of Chen Jianghai, Sotts in this life lost a lot more than the previous life when he was smashed into the sand in Xiangjiang. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

The newly purchased items in the office were once again smashed by Sotts.

Looking at the debris all over the ground, the anger on Sotts' face still hadn't disappeared.

At this moment, his cheeks were flushed, the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, his chest heaved violently, and his whole body was trembling.

Sotts never imagined that he would eventually lose to the Dragon Fund, which is regarded as a like-minded partner.

Chen Jianghai and the Dragon Fund he led suddenly announced their support for Xiangjiang, which made all of Sotts' abacus fail.

At this time, Chen Jianghai was regarded by Sotts as the culprit of his failure, and he kept cursing him and gnashing his teeth in hatred.

Without Chen Jianghai, Sotts thinks he has already defeated Xiang Jiang.

The secretary outside the office felt frightened when he heard Souters' voice inside.

She had never seen Sotts so furious before, those bloodshot eyes were like those of a beast, as if they were about to kill.

After a long time, the door of the office was opened with a click.

Seeing Sotts, the secretary couldn't believe his eyes.

At this time, Sotts seemed to be ten years older all of a sudden.

He is no longer the famous financial giant, but more like an old man without any support.

The secretary hurried up to meet him, waiting for Souters' instructions.

Sotts' voice was a little hoarse, and he uttered two words with extreme difficulty: "Close the position!"

Hearing this order, the secretary frowned slightly and couldn't help but say, "Boss, if we close the position, we will lose a lot."

Salters smiled wryly and shook his head with a sigh.

How could he not understand such a simple truth?

In the current Xiangjiang, with the help of Chen Jianghai and the mainland, he is powerless.

If you want to transfer the position, the cost is too high, it is better to close the position directly, and the loss is a little less.

If you continue to put money in Xiangjiang now, you will continue to lose money, or you will be completely trapped and lose your money.

If you take out this money, you can go to other countries to find opportunities, and maybe you can make up for some losses.

Anyway, this trip to Southeast Asia, he still made a lot of money.

Although it encountered the strongest resistance here in Xiangjiang, and finally fell into the sand, it was not a complete defeat on the whole.

"Do as I want!"

Salters waved his hand weakly, looking very tired.

Of course, the secretary knew of Sotts' uncompromising character. Seeing him say this, he didn't dare to speak any more, so he quickly nodded his head and went about it.

Souters looked at the disappearing back of the secretary, his body staggered suddenly, and he held the door frame to avoid falling.

He then sighed heavily, slowly closed the door, turned back to the room and sat down.

He was very unwilling in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

The current Xiangjiang is completely impossible to beat.

What Sotts can do is to withdraw as soon as possible to maximize the return of funds.

Otherwise, the money will be lost for one more day in Hong Kong.

Instead of this, it is better to break the arm early to survive, maybe go to other countries to find better opportunities.

If it really doesn't work, just end this trip to Southeast Asia.

Anyway, it has swept the five countries and completed the amazing feat, which can be regarded as a huge success.

Sotts is planning his future, while Chen Jianghai and the whole Xiangjiang are enjoying the fruits of their victory.

Xiangjiang's newspapers are hyping the good news of Xiangjiang's successful victory over Sotts.

After nearly three months of hard work, Sotts and the others lost their blood, and the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate was finally defended.

After this battle, Sotus and the others would not dare to come back to Xiangjiang to be presumptuous.

Otherwise, they will be greeted by the counterattack of all the citizens of Hong Kong.

In fact, if everyone in the entire Xiangjiang can be twisted into a single rope at the beginning, standing on the front line of confronting Sotts, even without the need for the mainland government or Chen Jianghai to take action, he can keep Sotts at bay. .

Of course, human nature is selfish.

In addition, Sotts has accumulated enough power along the way, and no one dares to compete with him.

Therefore, when his goal is set in Hong Kong, everyone naturally wants to avoid risks and dare not put money into the exchange rate market to fight against it.

As soon as the news spread, all the citizens of Hong Kong were very happy.

This means that Xiangjiang will not be like the countries of Siam, which will become depressing and depressed.

Before that, the Hang Seng Index of Hong Kong had exceeded 10,000 points.

Compared with that time, the Hang Seng Index is still down a lot.

There is no way, the period of time Sotts attacked Xiangjiang, more or less caused some impact.

Many people in this battle, assets have depreciated, and the stock market has been caught.

However, they are not to the extent that they cannot live, which is already a very fortunate thing.

At this time, Fang Aiguo and Yan Fei were excitedly taking stock.

They want to know how much money Chen Jianghai made in this battle.

Soon, the total was counted, and there were only more than eight billion dollars.

Seeing this number, Fang Aiguo was surprised.

Not that this number is too much, but too little.

You must know that when Chen Jianghai followed Sotts to short Siam and the others, the $5 billion became $20 billion in a blink of an eye.

Later, he made tens of billions of dollars in succession.

The capital in hand has become nearly 60 billion US dollars.

This time, Chen Jianghai spent so much time and energy on At the same time, he also invested the most, but he only earned less than ten billion dollars.

This makes Fang patriotic and cannot understand at all.

Fang Aiguo was not embarrassed, and asked Chen Jianghai this question directly.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, and suddenly asked: "I wonder if you have heard a word?"


Fang Aiguo looked curious.

Chen Jianghai said lightly: "Destruction is always easier than creation."

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