Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1752: algorithm found

Chapter 1752 The algorithm has been found

After the public recognized the problem, heated discussions began.

There are those who support this view, and there are those who oppose it.

They believe that China is relatively backward in all aspects, and it is not realistic to want to develop in an all-round way.

Only by concentrating on vigorously developing the urban economy, and then after the urban economy develops, it will drive the rural economy in turn.

In fact, this view that the rich first drives the rich later was very correct in the 1980s and 1990s.

Even Chen Jianghai thinks there is nothing wrong with this view.

But China's economy has developed to this point, and it can be said that some achievements have been made.

Under such circumstances, comprehensive development is the most important issue for China's economy.

But looking at the situation in rural areas today, it is really bad.

The gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider, and rural areas simply do not enjoy the benefits brought about by urban development.

On the contrary, it has contributed a lot of human and material resources to urban construction, which is extremely unfair to the countryside.

Therefore, this view of Chen Jianghai can be said to be very suitable for the current situation in China.

After the documentary aired, it caused widespread debate across the country.

However, this debate quickly ended.

On the news broadcast on the third night, the slogan raised by Chen Jianghai in the documentary was directly uttered by the senior management.

This time, no one dared to question this view.

The upper levels agree with Chen Jianghai's concept, which is already convincing enough.

If the country wants to implement this policy, it shows that Chen Jianghai's view is correct.

There is no point in arguing anymore.

In this case, this matter can be considered to come to an end.

At this time, those who supported Chen Jianghai admired Chen Jianghai very much.

Before that, they believed that Chen Jianghai was just a businessman with a vision and sense of smell that surpassed ordinary people, and could see things that others could not see.

But now it seems that Chen Jianghai's vision is not only in business, even in national affairs, Chen Jianghai is beyond ordinary people.

For a while, China is going to revive, and the countryside is going to revitalize. These words instantly resounded throughout China.

In this way, it also brought enough fame to Chen Jianghai.

For this, Chen Jianghai himself did not think of it.

When he agreed to participate in this show, he just wanted to help Chen Congjun develop Chenjia Village well.

Unexpectedly, CCTV sent Li Shuangyu over, the main purpose was to interview Chen Jianghai.

Under the circumstances, Chen Jianghai said such a sentence.

In fact, many people have heard this sentence in the previous life, and it can be said to be familiar.

This is the strategy set by the country back then. Chen Jianghai has heard it too many times, so when it comes to rural development, he can't help but say it.

The urban economic development of that year can be said to have reached a saturation stage.

Under such circumstances, the country began to pay attention to the development of rural areas.

What Chen Jianghai is doing now is just picking up people's teeth.

The only difference is that the time Chen Jianghai proposed was a little earlier.

At this stage, the eyes of many people in China are only on the city.

As everyone knows, in the whole of China, rural areas and farmers are the majority.

If this huge group is not prosperous, Huaxia will talk about rejuvenation!

For a time, many rural areas in China instantly had a good impression of Chen Jianghai.

For such a result, Chen Jianghai was also a bit blundered.

In his previous life, he had read a lot of such words and slogans, and he would only say it under those circumstances.

Although this sentence sounds simple, I don't know how many people's wisdom has been accumulated.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai can only say sorry to the experts and scholars who made this suggestion in his previous life.

Just when people all over the country were talking about Chen Jianghai's words, Ma Tian, ​​who had not heard from him for a long time, suddenly called.

Chen Jianghai explained the search algorithm he was looking for, and Ma Tian had already found it.

Hearing this news, Chen Jianghai did not hesitate and let Ma Tian buy it directly.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's attitude, Ma Tian said helplessly: "Mr. Chen, I have talked to them once, and they are only willing to authorize now."

In response to this answer, Chen Jianghai frowned and said, "What price did you offer?"

"Twenty thousand dollars."

Ma Tian said directly.

Hearing this price, Chen Jianghai immediately knew why the business couldn't be negotiated.

This algorithm was sold in Silicon Valley, and the asking price was 1.6 million.

Although it means that it is a bit overwhelming, but it is far worse than the $200,000 knife offered by Ma Tian.

After thinking for a while, Chen Jianghai said directly: "In this way, you can talk to them again and bid two million dollars directly."

Hearing this number, Ma Tian was taken aback.

He even thought he had heard it wrong.

This price is directly ten times higher than what he paid before!

Ma Tian quickly said: "Mr. Chen, will this fee be too high?

Besides, is their algorithm really so valuable? "

In Ma Tian's view, this is really outrageous.

You must know that his current annual fee in the United States is about two million dollars in full.

Even so, he already felt quite extravagant.

But this is also Chen Jianghai's request.

According to Chen Jianghai's daughter's request to buy horse bones, Ma Tian gave those people under his command extremely high treatment, so of course it was relatively extravagant in terms of spending.

But now buying an algorithm will cost two million, which in his opinion is really incomprehensible.

What algorithm can be so valuable?


You must know that this algorithm is just made by two college students who have not yet graduated using their spare time.

Why is this thing they made in their spare time worth so much money?


"Mr. Chen, will this price be too high?"

Seeing that Chen Jianghai didn't speak, Ma Tian hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask tentatively.

Within the entire Qiuhai, only Yue Hongsheng dared to question Chen Jianghai's decision.

Ma Tian is not a Qiuhai person. He is also a very thoughtful and assertive person. Therefore, if he has doubts about Chen Jianghai's decision, he will definitely raise it.

Chen Jianghai didn't mind Ma Tian's attitude, he just smiled and asked, "Do you think two million is too much?"

After hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Ma Tian told Chen Jianghai his thoughts.

After listening, Chen Jianghai nodded, and then patiently said to him: "At this stage, naturally, you can't see how powerful this algorithm is, but after you use it, you will find that this algorithm is absolutely worth the money."

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