Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2015: Remember the past, don't forget the history

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Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai said cheerfully: "Okay, our two companies can join forces to clean up these commercial spies, and I even think other companies should be brought in together."

"I think they are also very happy. After all, cleaning up these spies is good for everyone. At the same time, it can also give a lesson and blow to those unruly guys, let them know how to restrain themselves and dare not use them easily in the future. vile tactics."

After Zhou Houjian heard this, he immediately echoed: "Okay, Mr. Chen, you have a big structure, and the bosses of the other companies will be contacted by me. I believe that if you join the Qiuhai Group, it will be much easier for me to persuade them. "

After the two finished talking on the phone, Zhou Houjian was busy contacting the bosses of various electrical appliance companies.

Chen Jianghai directly called Xu Chengzhou, the head of the legal department, and Zhao Changgui, the head of the discipline inspection department, and told them about the matter in detail.

Yue Hongsheng has other things to do here, and he is already busy enough.

Especially in the days when Chen Jianghai's secretary Yan Fei was away, he was also not at ease with the newly transferred person, so he also took up some of Yan Fei's work to a large extent.

Now Yue Hongsheng puts more energy into the company, and even spends very little time with his new wife.

Fortunately, the two of them spend a lot of time seeing each other at work and eating together, so they don't feel any pain in love.

Of course, Yue Hongsheng, who had a lot of affairs in the first place, couldn't take care of it, so he could only leave it to others to handle.

So Chen Jianghai simply chose Xu Chengzhou and Zhao Changgui. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

It was a rare exercise for both of them.

Moreover, their Qiuhai Group should not be as serious as other companies, and it will not cause people to panic.

However, Xu Chengzhou and Zhao Changgui took it seriously after hearing Chen Jianghai's arrangement.

The former said directly: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, we will definitely cooperate with other companies to dig out these guys inside us."

Zhao Changgui had a gloomy expression and said angrily, "It's just a jerk, our company's benefits are so good, there are still people willing to be the lackeys of foreign companies, we must catch them out and teach them a lesson!"

Chen Jianghai saw that both of them were full of righteous indignation, but he shook his head and said unhurriedly: "You don't need to be so emotional, just follow the normal process, and don't make trouble for the whole company. People are apprehensive.”

"Of course, the warnings that should be given should be given, and those who should be punished should not be tolerated. We must kill the chickens and show the monkeys."

"At the same time, you should pay attention to strengthening the education and publicity work of patriotic and loving enterprises. You must grasp both material civilization and spiritual civilization, and you must be **** both!"

Xu Chengzhong and Zhao Changgui nodded to show their understanding, and then planned to leave.

But as soon as they walked to the door, Chen Jianghai remembered something, stopped them and added:

"After finding out, the questions should be written clearly, and a textbook should be compiled."

"Since foreigners like to use these methods, let's repay them with the same way, and also use these methods to bribe their internal personnel and give them a counter-measure."

In fact, when doing business at this time, Huaxia people are relatively rule-abiding.

But what the foreigners sometimes do is really disgusting.

Chen Jianghai is not a gentleman.

Repaying grievances with virtue, why repaying justice!

He will not be polite to these unscrupulous guys.

Of course he will use the means that should be used.

These foreigners in later generations play more dirty, so there is no need to talk about etiquette and morality with them.

This work on commercial espionage has gradually spread from the beginning of several large enterprises to various enterprises throughout China.

No one thought of this.

Almost all the traitors who have been operating and investing in foreign companies for many years were caught out at once, which made the foreign companies who have already lost a lot of money even worse.

So much so that they gave the evaluation that China is the most challenging area for foreign companies to survive in the world.

Of course, these are all for later.

Two days later, Yue Hongsheng had already arranged everything for Chen Jianghai.

To be on the safe side, I didn't take a private jet for this trip, and I bought an air ticket.

As for the two staff members arranged for Chen Jianghai, they were also carefully selected.

These two people are potential stocks in the company, not only have outstanding business ability, but loyalty is no problem.

The person in charge of the translation was a twenty-five-year-old girl named Tian Xiaoyu.

The Japanese has basically reached the full level, and I have studied in the island country for three years.

The young man who accompanied him and provided relevant information was even younger, only twenty-three years old.

When he heard Yue Hongsheng's introduction, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but be stunned, looked at him questioningly and said, "Are you sure he can?"

Yue Hongsheng laughed and said without hesitation, "Mr. Chen, of course I'm sure! In fact, I was surprised when I first discovered this person."

"Obviously he is a young man, but his ability is so strong. Did you know? He graduated from college at the age of eighteen, and then went to study in an island country."

"He even set up a patriotic group there, fought against those right-wingers in the island country, and made a lot of inspiring remarks."

At the end of the day, the smile on Yue Hongsheng's face was obviously more cheerful.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "He remembers the past, not the history."

Chen Jianghai knows that many Chinese people do not have a good impression of the island country.

After all, during World War II, they did a lot of harming things and hurt countless people.

Over time, many people have gradually forgotten about this.

Even many young people have been brainwashed by foreign capital and have completely abandoned their old hatred.

Yue Hongsheng obviously had also learned about it, nodded and said, "This young man's grandfather died at the hands of the devil, so he has always been very angry with those right-wingers who confuse black and white."

"But he also knows that has limited personal ability, and it's fine to play small things, after all, he can't achieve great things, so he will go back to China to find a place that can help him realize his wish. In the end, he found our company. "

"In Tian Xiaoyu's perception, our company is the most powerful against foreign companies, and the previous price war has also confirmed this."

"So, he was very excited when he knew that I had arranged this task."

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "What's his name?"

Yue Hongsheng quickly replied, "His name is Lu Sari."

Hearing this name, Chen Jianghai could not help but frown slightly.

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