Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2018: 1 twisted soul

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When Xu Chengzhou heard Yue Hongsheng's analysis, he felt that it was quite reasonable, and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Besides, this was explained by Chen Jianghai early in the morning, so it would be no problem.

They have considerable trust in the head of Qiuhai.

Since it is his account, it is enough to strictly follow the requirements.

After Xu Chengzhou left, Yue Hongsheng's face suddenly sank, his fists were tightly clenched, and his eyes were murderous.

Most of the inner ghosts caught by Qiuhai Group this time are small characters, all grass-roots staff, and even security guards, and the information they can provide is very limited.

At most, it is some daily information of Qiuhai Group, and it does not involve core information at all.

In fact, even if those foreign companies try to inquire about it, most of the news can be inquired, and there is no need to send these ghosts to investigate.

Therefore, their existence is for Qiuhai.

In this regard, it has to be said that Chen Jianghai had foresight and established a sound welfare system early in the morning.

In the case of good treatment, few people will risk their lives for this benefit.

Therefore, the losses caused by these inner ghosts to the Qiuhai Group are very limited.

But even so, Yue Hongsheng was still very angry.

Just because one of these people has an unusual relationship with him.

It can even be said that the reason why that person was able to enter the Qiuhai Group was because of his help from Yue Hongsheng.

Yue Haiyang, and he have the same surname and belong to a family.

Of course, it's actually the kind of distant relative who has a relationship.

Looking deeper, the other party will call him uncle according to his seniority.

At that time, Yue Haiyang's parents brought him to ask him, hoping that Yue Hongsheng could find a way to arrange a job for him.

Although Yue Hongsheng was reluctant to take up this matter, his parents were really asking for various things, their words were sincere, and they said that as long as they could enter the autumn sea, they would be willing to do any dirty work.

And Yuehai has made the same guarantee.

In the end, Yue Hongsheng had no choice but to agree reluctantly.

It was the only time he gave relatives the green light.

Speaking of which, he is also the most well-developed among his relatives.

People are eager to come to the door, and all the good things have been said.

Besides, their parents didn't ask for a good job, as long as the salary was guaranteed.

Yue Hongsheng thought that Qiuhai Group was also recruiting people, so he said hello and let him join Qiuhai Group to become an ordinary electrical appliance delivery person.

This job is actually a little more tiring than other types of work, because it has to move electrical appliances, but it also earns a lot, and it is not a bad deal to the family.

The Qiuhai Group has always treated these workers who are actually doing hard work very well.

Overall, Yue Haiyang's monthly salary is definitely generous.

But Yue Hongsheng never expected that such a person would actually betray the Qiuhai Group and betray him.

This simply makes Yue Hongsheng feel that he has lost all face, and it is difficult to face the employees of Chen Jianghai and Qiuhai.

That is to say, Chen Jianghai is big enough and has great wisdom. He didn't care about him or have any opinions because of this matter, but just let him deal with it according to normal procedures.

If you want to change to another boss, you may have to doubt whether there is any problem with his vice president.

The more he thought about Yue Hongsheng, the more angry he felt.

Therefore, he personally found Yue Haiyang.

He would have to personally ask this little **** why he would do this kind of shit? !

In a room belonging to the Ministry of Security, Yue Hongsheng and Yue Haiyang sat face to face.

The little Housheng from the relative's family who had a respectful look to him in the past was gone, and now he has completely turned into a glib ruffian.

It wasn't until now that Yue Hongsheng understood that this was the true face of Yue Haiyang.

The nephew of the family who treated him respectfully and looked diligent before was a master at acting.

Under the simple and honest mask, there is actually a twisted soul.

Yue Hongsheng breathed a little heavy, stared at Yue Haiyang with cold eyes, and asked in a very low voice:

"Yue Haiyang, I really want to know, I, Yue Hongsheng, are not good enough for you? Or, where did our Qiuhai Group treat you badly?"

"But, is there any?! Why are you being a traitor? Do you know that this is called ungratefulness, and revenge for kindness! It's not as good as a pig or a dog."

"Aren't you afraid of losing the face of your parents and family by doing this?! How many people want to become Qiuhai's employees but don't have the opportunity. Not only do you not cherish it, but you also hurt Qiuhai."

"I still remember when you came on the first day, I personally sent you to the factory to arrange for you, and even bought you daily necessities out of my own pocket."

"Even in the assigned dormitory, the logistics department has assigned you a double room for my sake."

"Yue Haiyang, even if you are a bastard, you should know what a gift of gratitude is!"

"Why on earth? Why did you do this?! Why did you sell Qiuhai's interests, why did you betray Qiuhai!"

Yue Hongsheng became more and more excited, his cheeks swelled red, and the blue veins on his forehead were exposed.

At the end, he clenched his fists tightly with both hands, stood up and let out an almost hysterical growl.

After so many years, the always steady Yue Hongsheng can often control his emotions well even if he is really angry.

He seldom had this kind of emotional out-of-control performance, that is, he still had the last trace of reason, otherwise he would definitely have to beat people.

One can imagine how much Yue Haiyang's actions this time hurt him.

Hearing this, Yue Haiyang still looked indifferent, as if he didn't take it seriously.

He nodded unhurriedly, looked at his distant uncle, smiled and said shamelessly:

"Mr. You're right, I'm just revenge! Let's just put it this way, you are really good to me, even more than my uncle."

"Actually, the Qiuhai Group is also very good to me. My monthly salary is more than that of my classmates who went to college. They have a system and eat royal food."

"In the past, these classmates were high and high in front of me, Yue Haiyang, and they were quite complacent. They had an inexplicable sense of superiority, and they didn't take me seriously at all."

"However, since they knew that I was an official employee of Qiuhai and received a salary that was definitely not low, they had to look at me with admiration and respect a lot."

When he heard this, Yue Hongsheng's face was full of doubts and anger.

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