Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2023: 1 set before the person, 1 set after the person

The second thousand and twenty-three chapters are one set before and one set after

When Chen Jianghai said this, he immediately picked up the teacup, without giving the other party any room for further negotiation, and put on a gesture of serving tea to send guests off.

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Shi Gong Xinyi's eyes suddenly brightened.

Because he heard the topic he was most interested in, he secretly restrained his excitement and hurriedly said:

"I have received your friendship, Mr. Chen, and I am very willing to accept this friendship.

Although the price does not meet the company's requirements, but for this friendship, I will definitely go to actively communicate with the company. "

"I believe that the company will also understand Mr. Chen's sincerity, so please wait patiently for a while. I need to go back and have a good discussion with the company."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Chen, that I will do my best to facilitate this transaction."

Ishinomiya Shinichi said with an oath.

When Lu Sari heard these words, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he was indeed a snobby.

Chen Jianghai glared at the other party when he saw his expression.

After all, now that Ishigami Shinichi is still here, even if he is full of contempt for his behavior, he cannot be too straightforward.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Ishigiya Shinichi has also eaten and drank, so he plans to leave.

Chen Jianghai also got up and sent him out, shook hands and said, "Then please ask Mr. Shi Gong Xinyi to pay more attention to this matter, and I will put the 500,000-meter knife on your account."

Before, he had asked for Shi Gong Xinyi's account number.

Shi Gong Xinyi nodded again and again, and the smile on his face never stopped.

And it's a smile from the heart.

Patiently sending Shigong Xinyi away, Chen Jianghai returned to his residence, and Lu Sari couldn't help but sneered as soon as he entered the door.

"Hmph, I thought the top management of the big company in the island country was very powerful, but it turned out to be a greedy guy."

Tian Xiaoyu also said with a look of disdain on his face: "What do you think, these little devils are all in front of others and behind others."

"Looking at them, they seem to be in high positions. For example, this Ishinomiya Shinichi is not low in NTT, but in fact, the salary they can get is not as much as imagined."

"The 500,000 meters of gold given by President Chen, converted into the island's national currency, is more than 70 million. It is not a small amount for him. How can he not be moved?"

"It's still Mr. Chen's greatness, he got stuck in the other party's veins all of a sudden!"

Saying that, Tian Xiaoyu looked at Chen Jianghai, and continued with a look of admiration in her eyes, "Mr. Chen is very careful about the weakness of the little devil. The half a million dollars seems to be given away in vain, but In fact, the reward is far more than that.”

"And Mr. Chen, you didn't directly give the money to Shi Gong Xinyi, but just asked for an account, which is like hanging a bone in front of a dog.

Let him smell the fragrance but not get it, and he will try his best to chase it. "

"At the same time, this is also an approach that can be attacked and retreated. If Shi Gong Xinyi facilitates this transaction, we will give him the money. If he can't do it, the money will naturally be impossible to get."


Lu Sa Ri nodded wildly, agreeing very much with what Tian Xiaoyu said.

At first, he hadn't seen it through, but now that he thinks about it, he feels that Chen Jianghai's response was just too appropriate.

Facing the flattery of the two, Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said very indifferently: "Okay, you two should rest early, we still have a tough battle to fight, ntt is not Shi Gongxin Yiyi It's up to the individual."

Lu Sari and Tian Xiaoyu nodded to show their understanding.

The group returned to the hotel and went back to their rooms to rest.

To Chen Jianghai's surprise, Shi Gong Xinyi contacted them early the next morning.

After receiving the call, Lu Sari hurried over and knocked on the door to report excitedly: "Mr. Chen, that Shigong just contacted me, saying that things are almost done, let's go directly to NTT to negotiate."

"Mr. Chen, I really didn't expect this old boy to fight for the half a million dollars, and the efficiency is so high."

Chen Jianghai nodded, although he was also happy about it, but it was not so obvious, because he knew that there might be accidents before the last minute of the acquisition plan.

He took his clothes, raised his hand and said, "Let's go, let's negotiate with them and see what's going on?"

"Before the dust settles, don't be too happy, we still have to take a 12-point serious attitude towards it."

"These little devils are not good people. They often like to play the trick of going back and forth. You must be careful."

After hearing this, Lu Sari's face immediately became serious: "It's President Chen, I understand."

Following Chen Jianghai's side, Lu Sari gradually learned to restrain his sharpness.

Right now, he is completing the most important transformation in his life. Once he can grow up, his future achievements will definitely not be low.

Then Chen Jianghai took Lu Sari and Tian Xiaoyu to the NTT headquarters.

In order to show their strength, Chen Jianghai asked Lu Sari to rent a few luxury cars early in the morning, as a tool for them to go out these days.

The effect is also very obvious. When they drove to the NTT headquarters, no one dared to underestimate them. They drove the car directly to the bottom of the NTT office. The guards did not dare to stop them, and even took the initiative to drive up Door.

Shi Gong Xinyi also stood downstairs to greet him in advance, and when he saw the vehicle Chen Jianghai was riding, he also had a bright smile on his face.

The more powerful Chen Jianghai is, the easier the acquisition will be, and he will be able to get the reward of 500,000 meters.

"Mr. Chen, welcome to our ntt, please come with me."

Shi Gong Xinyi quickly walked up to him and said.

Chen Jianghai straightened his clothes and followed him into the half-new building in front of him.

Compared with China, little devils are really good at calculating. The decoration of NTT's headquarters is not so luxurious, but Chen Jianghai quite likes this pragmatic and low-key style of doing things.

Although little devils are not good things, but in some aspects of the values ​​​​can still be learned.

Shi Gong Xinyi brought everyone to a conference room, which was not large and could only accommodate twenty people.

However, the people who can come in should be the heavyweights of There are a total of five people waiting for them in the conference room.

The faces of these five people are not very good, and from the position of the station, these five people are two factions, and they should be the supporters and opponents of color screen technology within NTT.

After Shi Gong Xinyi came in, his face immediately became serious, and then he introduced the five people to Chen Jianghai.

From the order of introduction, Chen Jianghai can see which ones are the opposition and which ones are supporters with Shi Gongxin.

And from the attitude of these people towards him, this is even more certain.

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