Remember for a second【】

???? After speaking, Mamu Ryosen shook his head helplessly.

???? Yamamoto Ichiro frowned when he heard what he said.

???? Damn, I don't want to let Chen Jianghai succeed!

???? Yamamoto Ichiro quickly made up his mind, clenched his fists subconsciously, gritted his teeth and said: "Zhenwu-kun, since we are friends, and I happen to have a holiday with that guy again, I will help you stop this matter. , will never make him happy."

???? "In this way, you go back and tell the shareholders of your company who are against it, say that our Panasonic Group is also optimistic about this technology and decided to invest in joint research and development with you!"

???? "Then we will send specialized technical personnel to participate in it. Please don't tell them how much to invest. I need to go back and negotiate with the group before we can have a specific plan."

???? "If they still don't agree, you can tell them that our Panasonic Group will completely terminate the cooperation with you."

???? "At the same time, because you sold this technology to Huaxia people, we will sanction you next and block your company."

???? "I think they should know that our Panasonic Group has the ability to do this, and they will never dare to mess around."

???? Although I knew that Ichiro Yamamoto was just to scare the opposition, but even so, after hearing this, Mamu Ryomori was still nervous for no reason.

???? Panasonic Group is indeed a giant in the island country, with far-reaching influence.

???? If you want to block companies like them, you can do it.

???? Mamu Ryosen took a deep breath, calmed down, then nodded heavily and said:

???? "With the support of your Panasonic Group, I will definitely be able to stop their acquisition."

???? Compared to this technology, they are naturally more willing to maintain a good relationship with Panasonic.

???? That night, nttdoo convened an internal board of directors urgently.

???? The opposition group led by Shi Gongxin has attacked Zhenwu Liangsen, so that he must agree to this once-in-a-lifetime acquisition transaction tomorrow.

???? As a result, Masamune Ryosen was extremely strong and moved out of the Panasonic Group directly, thus forcibly suppressing the voice of the opposition.

???? After all, the Panasonic Group is the top conglomerate in the island country, a big company, with a very terrifying energy, which is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

???? In fact, many small companies rely on the cooperation with Panasonic Group to survive.

???? Once they lose the protection of Panasonic Group and are blocked at the same time, these small companies are likely to declare bankruptcy in a short period of time.

????nttdoo company has not reached that level, but also has a deep cooperation with Panasonic.

???? The most important thing is that they don't want to fall out with Panasonic Group because of this, it will definitely be a huge disaster.

???? Therefore, even if Ishinomiya Shinichi is in a hurry to get angry, there is nothing he can do.

???? In the end, the opposition represented by Shinichi Ishinomiya can only do it according to the will of Shinmu Ryosen, completely rejecting the acquisition of color screen technology.

???? Chen Jianghai never thought of such a change.

???? Ishinomiya Shinichi did not inform them either.

???? After all, the so-called friendships are fake and built on money. …

???? Now, since he has no hope of getting the $500,000 thank-you fee that Chen Jianghai promised before, he will naturally not take the initiative to make good friends with Chen Jianghai.

???? Otherwise, once this incident, it is easy to provoke a show.

????Chen Jianghai and his group drove to nttdoo with full confidence the next day, intending to win the color screen technology in one go.

???? It was only when Chen Jianghai got out of the car that he realized something was wrong.

???? Shi Gong Shinichi that old boy did not come out to greet them.

???? This made him have a bad feeling in his heart.

???? Chen Jianghai, who still had some ambitions to win, couldn't help but speculate in his heart whether something had changed in this matter...

???? Because even if Shi Gong Xinyi was out of a cautious attitude to avoid suspicion, there is no need to do this at all.

???? There is a saying called too much.

???? If the force is too strong, it is easy for people to see that something is wrong, which will lead to unnecessary trouble.

???? Besides, things have progressed to such an extent that Ishigami Shinichi doesn't have to be so cautious at all.

???? When he came to the conference room yesterday, Chen Jianghai was even more sure of this.

???? Because he doesn't have Shinichi Ishinomiya's figure at all.

???? Board members like Ishinomiya Shinichi have considerable energy in this company.

???? In such an important negotiation, he was not present, and there was a sinister nature in it.

???? Not to mention that Chen Jianghai had met with the other party, and they talked very happily, and they had already reached a tacit understanding.

???? did not appear at the critical time, can only say that something must have gone wrong here.

???? Subsequent negotiations really confirmed this.

???? Compared with yesterday, today's Matake Ryosen is on

^0^ One second to remember【】

It seems quite firm.

???? He directly told Chen Jianghai and his party that they decided not to sell this technology.

???? This made Lu Sa Ri, who was originally determined to win and thought there was no suspense, immediately became anxious.

???? You know, this is the first time he has followed President Chen to do things, and he really wants to express himself from the bottom of his heart, so as to get Chen Jianghai's approval.

In a hurry, he even quarreled with Shinmu Ryosen on the spot, accusing the other party of being insincere.

???? Chen Jianghai did not mean to stop it.

???? He also wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

???? Everything that needs to be said has been said, and Chen Jianghai also expressed his willingness to pay more for the price.

???? After fighting for a long time, the other party is not willing to let go.

???? Just when the negotiations between the two sides reached a deadlock, Ichiro Yamamoto appeared.

???? He walked in with a sinister smile, looked at Chen Jianghai with provocative eyes and said, "Mr. Chen, didn't you expect it? You will fall into my hands one day."

???? "Why, you Qiuhai want this technology? Go dream!"

"We Panasonic Group took a fancy to this technology and decided to cooperate with nttdoo to develop it. How about it, Mr. Chen, are you angry when you hear this news?"

???? "I think this must have ruined a big plan of yours, a big layout. Hahaha, when I think of your disappointed expression, it's really enjoyable!"

???? When Chen Jianghai saw Ichiro Yamamoto, he had already guessed the reason for the rejection.

???? I never thought that would take every precaution, but still could not prevent the accident.

???? Came here in a low-key manner, but met his old rival, Ichiro Yamamoto.

???? Because of the fight in China, this guy naturally hates himself to the core, and he must find ways to sabotage this acquisition.

???? As for how the other party discovered him, Chen Jianghai didn't want to know.

???? Because he is very clear in his heart, even if he knows it, it doesn't make any sense.

???? In short, luck was not on his side this time.

???? With such a strong intervention of Ichiro Yamamoto, it is impossible to complete the acquisition of color screen technology today.

????"let's go."

???? Chen Jianghai didn't bother with Ichiro Yamamoto, this kind of scolding was meaningless, so he directly greeted his men to leave.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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