Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2028: 1 cool and edgy idea

Remember for a second【】

Andrew was actually a little conflicted about talking to Chen Jianghai.

After all, he and Chen Jianghai had never met, and there was an extremely subtle sense of strangeness.

In Andrew's first perception, Chen Jianghai was the boss who invested in him.

And in his subconscious, often such people can't talk to him.

Because the investors Andrew met basically only valued results.

As a technician, it takes a lot of time to develop.

To put it bluntly, Andrew is a pure engineer and programmer from head to toe.

He and these bosses are not the same people at all.

Unwilling to return, the next day, Andrew had the first call with Chen Jianghai, an unmasked boss.

What he did not expect at all was that the exchange meeting with Chen Jianghai went so smoothly.

At the beginning, Andrew was somewhat nervous because of some resistance in his heart.

However, after communicating with Chen Jianghai, I found out that this investor from the mysterious East is completely different from the bosses he knows.

Not only is the pattern very large, but also has a clear grasp of the technology market, and also has its own unique insights into the future development direction.

He feels that the other party has a very clear concept of many of the professional knowledge involved, which is absolutely impossible for ordinary investors to have.

Therefore, he also told Chen Jianghai the hesitation and struggle in his heart truthfully.

After Chen Jianghai listened to Andrew's concerns, he pondered for a while, and said calmly, "Andrew, I know you are very interested in robots. I asked someone to collect information about the robot you made at Microsoft. A great product."

"It's just that it has some problems, and there's still a long way to go to make it perfect."

"Boss, what do you think is wrong with it?" Andrew asked humbly.

Chen Jianghai replied directly: "First of all, the robot you built is just a stand-alone product, and you can only manually enter the code as an instruction."

"Then have you ever thought about it? Now is the Internet age, and you have begun to build a huge Internet in the United States, connecting the entire United States."

"What if this technology is added to the robot? In the future, will your robot be able to receive instructions remotely and learn knowledge and improve itself on the Internet?"

"What if the processing function of the computer is added to the robot? Would it be better? These can be the main directions of your research."

Before the call, Chen Jianghai had already thought about how to call the other party.

For Andrew's hint, it is not too obvious.

Otherwise, there will definitely be a butterfly effect, which might affect Andrew's future development and research.

What kind of consequences will be caused at that time, Chen Jianghai does not know.

It would be a huge loss if Andrew couldn't develop Android because of this.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai can only give appropriate prompts according to the development trajectory of Andrew's later generations, and let him go on the road of Android system research as much as possible.

In 1999, after Andrew left Microsoft, he rented a retail store in Silicon Valley as a laboratory. …

His main work in this laboratory is to study various robots.

At the same time, Andrew was also contemplating the possibility of developing various new products with his friends.

They were just starting out with a device the size of a chocolate bar that users could use to scan items, upload the images online, and discover information about those items on online platforms.

Without a doubt, this is a cool and avant-garde idea.

But it is a pity that no one invested in him at that time, so the product was shelved and not brought to the market in the first time.

But Andrew and his friends didn't give up.

Because in their hearts, this is a technology with great potential.

So after this, everyone overcame all kinds of difficulties and set up a company to further improve the original invention.

They added wireless receivers and converters to the device, turning it into an Internet-ready smartphone.

Around 2002, Andrew met the founder of Google by chance.

The two chatted very happily, and there was a feeling of seeing each other late.

Subsequently, the Google founder made a direct decision and acquired Andrew's company.

Then came the advent of the Android system.

Based on this information, Chen Jianghai can only prompt Andrew to continue to develop towards robots, and then appropriately introduce the concept of the Internet.

He believes that because of his intervention, Andrew will have a very specific research direction in the future.

Sure enough, after listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Andrew seemed to be at a loss and found his future research direction at once.

I just heard him say happily: "Wow, Chen, you are really an amazing boss. I have benefited a lot from talking with you, and I have learned a lot. I have now found the direction of my research!"

"As you just said, my robot needs to be further improved, and it also needs a stable and easy-to-use system to control it."

"At the same time, I must sincerely thank you for your investment here. But there is one point, I still want to make it clear to you, and I hope you can agree to this request."

^0^ One second to remember【】

Andrew's words contained a hint of prayer.

"No problem, you say." Chen Jianghai said very readily.

"It's very likely that what I'm researching will not bring you any benefits in the short term, and it even requires you to invest $50,000 to $100,000 a month unconditionally."

I have to say that even across the phone line, Chen Jianghai could feel that Andrew was a little nervous after saying these words.

In fact, if other people came over and said to Chen Jianghai like Chen Jianghai would definitely spit at him and see him as a liar.

However, this is the famous Andrew, the creator of the Android system.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai agreed to his request without thinking.

For him, Andrew's requirements are actually not high.

Once the Android system can come out and hold it firmly in hand, the wealth that can be brought is simply unimaginable.

Chen Jianghai has always been very generous about the projects he likes. He simply said: "Okay, I will give you a research fund of $100,000 every month. You can do research with confidence, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

"In short, if you have any needs, you can just tell me directly. It's not only about funding, but also about research!"

"Although I can't give you professional technical guidance, I'm always here with some more cutting-edge technologies, and I have a lot of ideas and insights, maybe I can help you."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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