Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2039: It's a wonderful feeling

Remember for a second【】

With the passage of time, there have also been some changes in Chen Jianghai.

The appearance and appearance have not changed much, but I have to say that Chen Jianghai's aura is getting stronger and stronger.

So it's understandable that some people didn't recognize him right away.

But soon, they were able to connect with the legendary Chinese businessman from the Fortune 500, and they all cast their admiring glances.

After that, a lot of people came in next to Chen Jianghai, all of whom were big businessmen invited by CCTV.

They all acted as representatives of the corporate world and were assigned to the front area.

Among them, many people from the business world are very familiar with Chen Jianghai. Now that they meet on such an occasion, they naturally want to come over to say hello.

When others saw it, they were even more convinced of Chen Jianghai's identity.

In particular, Changhong's CEO Zhou Houjian also came. After seeing Chen Jianghai, he seemed especially enthusiastic.

Abandoning his companions, he walked forward quickly, shook hands with Chen Jianghai with a smile on his face, and chatted with him for a few minutes.

In fact, Chen Jianghai, unconsciously, has become the most focused existence in the entire venue.

Many people who were acquainted with him came forward to say hello, and then chat a few words.

It was not until the Spring Festival Gala started that everyone's attention shifted from him to the show.

The opening is naturally Zhao Gaoxiang and Ni Ping, the most classic golden partner among the CCTV hosts.

As soon as the two of them came on stage, they immediately aroused the cheers and applause of the audience, and the whole venue of the Spring Festival Gala immediately entered a small climax.

Lin Wanqiu and her four elders, Huanhuan and Lele, and Xiaoxiao also applauded frequently.

I have to say that Zhao Gaoxiang is still very good at doing things.

He had already noticed Chen Jianghai at the round table directly opposite.

After seeing Lin Wanqiu sitting beside Chen Jianghai and the others applauding, Zhao Gaoxiang deliberately glanced here and nodded slightly in greeting.

This made Chen Jianghai's family even more excited.

For them, taking it out is something that can last a lifetime.

Chen Jianghai was relatively fine, but smiled politely.

This also allowed Zhao Gaoxiang to see Chen Jianghai's aura for the first time, and he couldn't help but sigh.

He really deserves to be a big boss in the business world. He is young but very calm.

The opening was a song and dance show, and Chen Jianghai was really not interested in this.

However, the audience's response was good.

And I have to say that watching the program of the Spring Festival Gala live and watching it on TV is completely different.

Watching the scene, you can feel the magnificent and magnificent momentum even more.

When Sun Yue and Xie Xiaodong sang "Happy Chinese New Year", Chen Jianghai couldn't help humming along.

For a time, memories flooded in like a tide.

It's a wonderful feeling.

The collision of old and new memories, I am afraid that Chen Jianghai is the only person in the world who feels this way!

The next program is getting more and more exciting. All kinds of songs and cross talk sketches are performed after you sing and I will appear.

There are many programs that Chen Jianghai still remembers clearly, such as several songs that are highly sung.

Xiao Qi's "The Girl Opposite", Chen Hong's "Come Home Often", Song Yuying's "Hot Girl", Dong Wanhua's "The Fifteenth Moon" and so on.

The sketches include "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" by Xiao Cui, Lao Zhao and Song Dan.

In short, many programs of this year's Spring Festival Gala are classics.

For several hours in a row, Lin Wanqiu and the others did not feel tired. Instead, they were full of energy. They watched them with relish, and their hands were a little numb from clapping.

The "Song of Seven Sons" in the last period pushed the party directly to a climax.

And because Chen Jianghai is sitting in a particularly good position, the camera will scan him from time to time.

Therefore, many people who knew Chen Jianghai were shocked when they saw him appearing in the Spring Festival Gala.

For example, many of his employees.

Yue Hongsheng's family watched the Spring Festival Gala while eating.

When the camera swept to Chen Jianghai, Yue Hongsheng's wife Song Tingting recognized it at first sight, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Lao Yue, look at you, look at it, is that Mr. Chen on TV?!"

Yue Hongsheng's enthusiasm for the Spring Festival Gala was not too high, and he was still thinking about other things. At the moment, he was eating with his head down and responded casually: "Which President Chen?"

He didn't react at all, his wife was referring to his own boss, Chen Jianghai.

Song Tingting frowned and glanced at Yue Hongsheng, who didn't even want to lift his head, and suddenly felt a little angry.

She simply put down the chopsticks in her hand, and deliberately made a crisp sound on the table.

Yue Hongsheng was nervous for no reason.

Don't look at his wife Song Tingting, who is gentle and capable in normal times, but when she is at home, she occasionally acts like a tigress.

Because Yue Hongsheng cherishes Song Tingting, who is much younger than himself, at home, as long as Song Tingting gets angry, he will immediately become docile like a cat.

This belongs to the fun between husband and wife, at least Yue Hongsheng is enjoying it.

^0^ One second to remember【】

He quickly raised his head to look at his wife. Just as he was about to ask something more, Song Tingting, who knew her husband's character well, gave him a stern look and said angrily:

"Which President Chen could it be? Of course, it's President Chen from Qiuhai."

Yue Hongsheng didn't fully react until this moment, and subconsciously replied: "Isn't this the Spring Festival Gala? Why is Mr. Chen on it?"

While saying this, his eyes were already on the TV.

Of course, the more reason was that he did not dare to face the sharp eyes of his wife at the moment.

He felt as if he was being stared at by a tigress, which made him tremble.

It doesn't matter if you don't watch it, at a glance, Yue Hongsheng finds that Chen Jianghai is really on the TV.

President Chen actually went to the scene to watch the Spring Festival Gala? !

This is too bullshit!

Seeing her husband said just stared at the TV screen with wide eyes, Song Tingting felt a little speechless.

"Hongsheng, what's wrong? Are you dumbfounded?"

When Yue Hongsheng heard his wife's words, he turned his head and said to her: "Mr. Chen is really amazing. There are tickets for the Spring Festival Gala, and everyone went!"

Song Tingting couldn't help but sighed at this time: "Yes, not only did he get so many votes, but you look at his position, he is actually in the middle, this face is really big enough!"

Yue Hongsheng nodded in agreement, and then suddenly said to Song Tingting, "Otherwise, I will ask President Chen for some tickets next year. Let's go to the Spring Festival Gala to experience it!"

As soon as Yue Hongsheng said this, Song Tingting was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up and she nodded again and again.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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