Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2058: What is the purpose?

What is the purpose of Chapter 258?

After some heated discussions, the foreign enterprise alliance finally reached an agreement to completely release the blockade of Huaxia Electric Appliances.

For a time, all kinds of good news came, which made the electrical appliances companies in China happy.

Many people jumped up and down with joy and even opened drinks to celebrate.

Especially the overwhelmed electrical appliance business owners couldn't help but rejoice and couldn't sleep with excitement.

Some even shouted: "The cold winter of the electrical industry is finally over, and we have to usher in a new life."

For many electrical appliance companies, this is undoubtedly a help in the snow, and it really allows them to see the dawn of the dawn.

The price war had already pushed them into a corner, and coupled with the blockade of various chips and materials, their electrical appliances could not be sold at low prices, let alone profit.

It seems that everyone is in a state of waiting for death, and there is no way to solve this crisis, and the closure has become a matter of time.

Now, after these blockades are lifted, they have ready-made chips and ready-made materials to use, and the cost will be reduced a lot.

At that time, they can engage in various activities to attract customers with the lowest possible price and regain a part of the market.

I dare not say that it will be able to restore the profit level of the past, but at least some of them will make money, so that they will not be starved to death.

For them, as long as they can survive, it is enough.

In fact, the same is true for large local electrical appliance companies such as Hisense and Changhong.

Also because of their large demand, the price can be lower, and the profit is naturally higher.

Including Qiuhai Group as well.

Without these blockades, many things will be much easier.

Especially in the supply of chips, there is no need to patch things up like in the price war period, worrying that the supply will not be enough.

Therefore, after Yue Hongsheng got the news, he immediately went to Chen Jianghai's office and reported to him excitedly.

"Mr. Chen, good news, great news.

Those foreigners finally couldn't bear it anymore and lifted the blockade on the supply of our chips and other materials. "

"From now on, our Qiuhai Group will no longer have to worry about the shortage of chips and the inability to buy other accessories and materials."

Yue Hongsheng said that he was elated, but he quickly realized that something was wrong, because Chen Jianghai's face was always serious and there was no smile at all.

Although Chen Jianghai is usually calm like this, he rarely has strong mood swings when encountering big things, but this time is completely different.

It's for the opposite emotion.

What should have been happy, Chen Jianghai seemed extremely solemn.

So he put away that excited expression, looked carefully at Chen Jianghai and asked:

"Mr. Chen, is there something I said wrong?"

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Hongsheng, it's not your problem. Anyone who faces the current situation will react like you."

"Just have you thought about it?

Why did these foreign companies suddenly lift the blockade on our Huaxia electrical appliance industry, or this is essentially the blockade on our Qiuhai Group. "

Yue Hongsheng really didn't have time to think about this just now, he was just happy.

Now that I think about it, he really doesn't understand why for a while.

He frowned slightly, and just said with his own feeling: "According to the general logic, it should be beneficial for them to release the blockade now."

"That said, they couldn't hold on.

They also suffered a lot from our blockade, so after holding on for a while, they saw that the blockade had no real impact on us at all, and finally they decided to release the blockade. "

Hearing his answer, Chen Jianghai's face became more and more solemn, and he shook his head slightly and said, "You are right in the first half of the sentence. It will definitely benefit them to let go of the blockade, so they will do it."

"But it's not what you said. They suffered heavy losses and couldn't hold on anymore."

"When they decided to use the lockdown to their advantage, they had the consequences in mind."

"In the case of the fierce price war before, they still insisted on blocking us.

Now that the price war is over, for them, although the losses have continued, they are certainly not as big as before. "

"Besides, the blockade against us, although it has not achieved the expected effect, is still effective."

"Now that they suddenly unblock the policy and abandon the previous policy, isn't that a waste of previous efforts, and the benefits brought by the blockade are not wasted in vain?"

Yue Hongsheng thought about it for a while, and it was indeed the truth. He couldn't help but ask Chen Jianghai: "Then Mr. Chen, what is the purpose of their unblocking this time?"

"You also said that the first half of my sentence is right, which means that it is good for them to lift the blockade this time, it is good for them."

"But I haven't figured out what it's good for them."

Chen Jianghai thought that with Yue Hongsheng's character, he might not be able to think so deeply, so he shook his head helplessly, and explained to him patiently:

"The reason why they let go of the blockade is that they were actually frightened by the launch of our small electrical appliances this time.

Because they saw a very important advantage of our Qiuhai.

That is, the ability of independent research and development is constantly improving! This is what they cannot stand. "

"Once our independent research and development capabilities are developed, we will truly have the foundation to fight against them.

After all, they have been imitating and manufacturing their products, which will only carve up a certain market for them. The big deal is the entire domestic market, but it will not have much impact on the world market. "

"But if we have the ability of independent research and development, such as the small electrical appliance this time, it is the first, which represents our strength, and such strength will be recognized by people all over the world, which will also enhance our brand invisibly. force."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Jianghai said in high spirits: "Similarly, in the international market, we are also qualified to blaze a trail and **** their inherent market.

So they are in a hurry. "

"The reason why they chose to release the blockade in such a hurry is that they are actually trying to paralyze us."

"With ready-made chips and ready-made materials, you can make ready-made profits. This kind of money is easy to make and more, so naturally, you will gradually not engage in expensive and laborious independent research and development."

"Finally, when we completely lose our independent research and development capabilities, it's time for them to harvest the leeks.

At that time, we will not have any ability to resist.

Only at their mercy. "

Having said How could Yue Hongsheng still not understand the danger and the sinister intentions of the foreigner, his fists were tightly clenched together, and his body trembled slightly.

He was always polite and could not help but scolded: "Damn, I almost fell for these foreigners."

"These **** are too insidious to use such a vicious scheme.

No, I have to expose the ugly faces of these people and tell our local counterparts that they cannot follow their path. "

"Also, our Qiuhai Group has continued to purchase foreign chips and raw materials."

After speaking, Yue Hongsheng planned to turn around and leave.

But Chen Jianghai reached out and stopped him.

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