Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2070: 1 more active?

Chapter 270 Be more proactive?

But then Chen Jianghai's voice came from outside the door.

"Shu Yao, are you alright?

I seemed to hear you calling just now. "

To Chen Shuyao, this voice was like the sound of nature.

Not caring about her fear, she jumped out of bed and opened the door. After confirming that it was Chen Jianghai, the next moment she choked up, and said with anxiety: "Jiang Hai, you scared me to death just now."

With Wen Xiangnuanyu in his arms, Chen Jianghai was a little embarrassed, and he didn't know where to put his hands for a while.

Although the two have a good impression of each other, and Chen Shuyao is beautiful enough and has an active attitude, Chen Jianghai is unwilling to take advantage of others' danger and stick to his final bottom line.

Hesitating again and again, he just stretched out his hand and patted Chen Shuyao's back, comforting softly:

"Okay, don't cry, I'm here! It's raining heavily outside, let's go in and talk!"

Chen Shuyao, who was raining with pear flowers, then remembered that she was only wearing one pajamas at the moment, and there was a vacuum inside.

Although the pajamas are thicker, you can't see anything, but holding Chen Jianghai so tightly, Chen Jianghai can always feel something.

After reacting, Chen Shuyao's face suddenly flushed to the root of her neck, she just felt hot, her heart was pounding, and her breathing became extraordinarily heavy.

However, she gritted her teeth and insisted not to let go of Chen Jianghai.

This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime, and it may not come again in the future.

So Chen Shuyao simply pretended to be stupid and said: "Jiang Hai, but I'm still scared, can I hug you for a while?"

Chen Jianghai is a normal man, he can't sit still like a saint.

Especially at this moment, Chen Shuyao gave him a great temptation.

How could he not feel Chen Shuyao's beautiful figure and the faint body fragrance coming from her body.

Although Chen Jianghai still maintains his inherent rationality, at the same time he has no way to refuse Chen Shuyao's request.

He could also feel that Chen Shuyao was really scared, not pretending to be on purpose, or even trying to lure him over.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally he could only choose to compromise, holding Chen Shuyao into the room first.

Under such circumstances, he really couldn't refuse Chen Shuyao's request and left her here alone.

It would be cruel to do that.

After letting Chen Shuyao relax in his arms for a while, Chen Jianghai broke the ambiguous silence in the room with the calmest tone possible.

"I didn't expect someone your age to be afraid of thunder."

In Chen Jianghai's impression, Chen Shuyao has always been very strong, very strong, very capable, and a woman who will not admit defeat.

Many men may not be able to compare these qualities of her, and she is definitely a woman who is not allowed to be a man.

But who would have thought that there was such a little girl side in her.

Of course, this did not make Chen Jianghai feel anything wrong, but instead made Chen Shuyao add a pity and down-to-earth image in his heart.

Chen Shuyao still hugged Chen Jianghai tightly, and her emotions gradually stabilized.

It was rare this time that she didn't hate Chen Jianghai, she just held him quietly, feeling the body temperature of Chen Jianghai, and she could hear his gentle breathing in her ears.

Chen Shuyao bit her lip silently.

She was thinking, does this man really have no feelings for him at all?

If it were another man, I am afraid that he would have been unable to hold it, and he would have rushed forward like a wolf like a tiger!

Chen Shuyao actually has considerable confidence in her appearance and figure.

She has never lacked suitors by her side.

Especially in the past few years, with the rise of Jiamei, there should not be too many suitors of all kinds, which made her a little annoying.

But in her heart, there is always only one person, that is Chen Jianghai in front of her.

She also tried to forget the man, but found that she couldn't do it at all.

The more I wanted to forget, the more that figure lingered, and the more I loved it.

This kind of love has been carved into her bones, deep into her soul


The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, as if falling from the sky.

The idiom of pouring rain is not enough to describe it.

Coupled with the wind, lightning and thunder, it was like the end of the world.

Chen Shuyao felt so at ease for the first time.

With Chen Jianghai by her side, or in Chen Jianghai's arms, for some reason, she was not afraid at all.

For Chen Shuyao at this moment, it doesn't matter if the sky falls.

Suddenly, Chen Jianghai's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes looked out the window.

Chen Shuyao was still enjoying this rare feeling, and feeling his big reaction, her heart skipped a beat.

Is it...

Unfortunately, after waiting for ten seconds, he found that Chen Jianghai didn't respond at all.

what happened?

Could it be that I should be more proactive?

She bit her lip, ready to kiss.

But when Chen Shuyao raised her head, she suddenly stopped.

She noticed that Chen Jianghai's eyes looked out the window, and his expression became very serious.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Shuyao couldn't help but ask.

Chen Jianghai frowned and replied: "I am afraid that such a heavy rain is going to cause an accident, let's go to Master Jia!"

Chen Shuyao couldn't react at all for a while, and couldn't help but ask suspiciously:

"What happened?

Isn't this all good?

Are you afraid that our house will be washed away by the rain? "

"Although you can rest assured that our winery uses the best materials, there will be no problem in quality, and the drainage facilities are also well done."

"So, even if the rain lasted for three days and three nights, it would not have collapsed."

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "Of course I'm not worried about our winery, but Chenjia Village."

"Although the village has developed well in the past few years, many people have changed to new houses, but some old people still live in relatively dilapidated old houses, and I don't know if they will be able to bear it!"

Chen Shuyao finally understood after hearing what Chen Jianghai said.

She got nervous all of a sudden.

After all, Chenjia Village is where they grew up, and here is their roots.

Although Chen Shuyao herself doesn't have much affection for this, because of this man in front of her, she has already changed a lot of her mind.

Therefore, when she learned that Chen Jianghai was going to build a new winery in Chenjiacun, she would leave her work behind and come here to recommend herself and take over the matter.

Whether it is Chen Jianghai or Chen Shuyao, I naturally hope that everyone in Chenjia Village is well.

A happier life awaits them in the future.

Chen Shuyao said quickly: "Then let's go to Master Jia first and see what his opinion is."

Chen Jianghai nodded, and then the two went out and walked towards the house of Master Jia.


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